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Everything posted by Naanomi

  1. Re: Does this work in 6e? Make it 'sticky' so that if he hits something while being knocked back, it gets knocked back too! Bowling! Dominoes!
  2. Re: Senses as Superluminal Speeds Active Tachyon 'Sonar' is what I was thinking... or some sort of 'Fine Gravity Detection' Or I guess I could go the Dune route and have... precognitive danger sense or something.
  3. A) can you link a surface Area of Effect to make a Barrier dangerous to touch? IE: wall of thorns, block of super-heated rock, etc? can you link Telekinesis to a mobile Barrier to allow it to have 'force'? (Crushing things with your space ship's shield, a rolling boulder, etc)
  4. What kind of sense would a character need to navigate while using FTL travel? Sight wouldn't work, since you move faster than the light you'd use to see... and space doesn't have a lot of light anyways. It would have to be very very rapid and have a huge amount of Megascale to be of any use... no good sensing stuff as you fly into it! Thoughts?
  5. Re: Your hero the villian The Economaster has worked with villains before, so it would be a believable fit... if there was a good reason for it, she'd happily face-turn-heel and become a temporary villain. Expect her to try to milk the villains she works with for any financial information they will divulge, so she can do more damage to their wallet on the way out. Golem would refuse. The world (and himself) already sees him as a monster, he wouldn't work to further that image.
  6. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers... There is some sort of 'disability services' equivalent for people with difficult super powers... if you suddenly need to eat Radon every day to survive, the Dept. of Superpowers is there with financial support. Oh, and trademark disputes over costume details... only Mr. Awesome's cape has 4 stars in a cross on it, you can't have it too without infringing on his image!
  7. Re: Colaborative Build: Miss Fortune (5th Ed) She needs a Drain VS Luck (the Power) and a Suppress VS Luck/Fate Effects
  8. Re: Haymaker a PRE attack? How about on the 'dramatic intimidating entrance' of monsters? Most monsters appear, do some roaring, eat a bystander or knock over a building.... before attacking the heros. That sounds like a Haymaker'ed PRE attack to me.
  9. If I have a character who is Desolid and has a damage shield (lets just say... a spiky ghost for arguments sake), and someone with an affects desolid punch came up and punched him... Would the damage shield need 'affects the physical' in order to hurt the puncher? Or does the fact that his 'affects desolid' attack initiated the effect enough?
  10. Re: Hunted -- Everyone Change it to Mildly Punish, and name it 'The Mark of Cain'?
  11. Re: Alchemist In addition to potions, I would suggest a Multipower with: Detect: Chemical/Alchemical substances with Analytical Transform: Anything into Anything Dispel: Alchemical/Chemical SFX All with a 5 minute activation time and some OAF Alchemical tools. Helps round out the 'on the fly' application of the art.
  12. Re: Presence and Classes of Mind So a snarling wolf doesn't scare people? Terminator doesn't scare people? Or animals? Cthuluh only scares other Cthuluhs? PRE as Intimidation should have 'affects all classes of mind' to some degree... although Machine class minds generally don't have and are not affected by PRE under current rules.
  13. Re: Open Followup to Steve Long's answer about being sleep deprived Just for the record, I think I am going with... Curse of Insomnia: Drain REC, INT, AGI, SPD 1 1/2d6, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Life Support (No Sleep); All Or Nothing; +0), Damage Over Time (32 damage increments, damage occurs every 1 Day, +0), Expanded Effect (x4 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (+1 1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Week; +2 1/2) (75 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Skill roll: Oneiromancy; -1/2)
  14. I was building a dream based character, and was looking for the rules on sleep deprivation for 'inspiration' as to what might happen to someone who doesn't sleep for a long time (without the appropriate Life Support). Unfortunately, I can't locate any such rules. What does happen to someone who does not sleep for an excessive period of time in HERO system?
  15. Re: The Zodiac Group 2.0 Is there a secret 'Ophiuchus' member working behind the scenes? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiuchus
  16. Re: Champions 6th version Actually, RJ, I think that EGO has nothing to do with Presence Attacks any more... unless I am reading that wrong.
  17. Re: Your favorite character type I like *magic*... not 'Dr. Strange I can do anything the writers feel like I can do' magic, but a defined system. Magic often doesn't bring up the thoughts of 'realism' that other power sources might, so I am more free just to have fun with it.
  18. Re: The SUPER Act By modern law, it probably would be... at least in the education and medicare world. Ongoing condition that affects your learning: Special Education covers that... there is a whole branch of Special Ed that deals with 'talented and gifted' kids right now, and it falls right into the continuum of other SpED services. Those services largely disappear when a kid turns 21, but are available from birth until then. Medicare largely defines a disability as 'any ongoing mental or physical condition which creates additional cost to accommodate it'... being a huge rock man has additional costs to accommodate (big chairs, whatever). Disability law covers 'being different' not only 'being worse'.
  19. Re: The SUPER Act I agree, but Super *services* being offered under the Americans with Disabilities act (and related statues) still seem viable to me... help controlling powers, help repressing them if you want. Help paying for the expensive Radon your new biology requires you to eat.
  20. Re: The SUPER Act As someone who deals regularly with trying to get paperwork from other districts, I can tell you that there is no central database of disabilities out there... most documentation exists on some teacher's or specialist's computer, and in some districts only in paper IEP forms in a drawer somewhere. In any case, kids are identified by a disability code... super powered kids would probably be 'other health impairment', though some might fall under 'physical impairment' or some other category. Kids without major learning needs for their powers might need special services and be categorized as 'talented and gifted' in the current system. In any case, it would require a great deal of digging through files just to find a list of kids with Cerebral Palsy in a district, let alone nationally. Though, admittedly, in comic book worlds hackers seem to have the superpower of gathering any information they want, regardless of if someone would put it on a computer or not.
  21. Re: The SUPER Act Children with Superpowers fall under Section 504 of the Americans with Disability Act, and thus are guaranteed an education supplied by the federal government. Children with dangerous or self-destructive powers fall under IDEA special education laws. Special schools are set up to educate children with Super Powers (offered from birth to 21, as per current Special Education Law), though some districts choose to 'main-stream' some or all of the children into normal school (possibly with special pull-out classes during the day).
  22. Re: The Mosquito Needs to be a female character... Needs a blood-related 'transfer' of Body or Stun... A triggered, delayed, NND disease attack keyed off of the transfer? Maybe a desolid form or some other way to represent a 'swarm' of mosquitoes?
  23. Re: Superheores with Disabilites, a thought experiememnt Well, discounting the normal mental illness that is rife in the super-community... There are a few Autistic superheros out there (Pathway from Alpha Flight, part of 'M' from Generation X, some incarnations of Mr. Fantastic), and that disability has possibilities as an impaired hero... even a realistic version of Savantism has possibilities for a wizard savant or gadgeteer savant. Some brick type characters are arguably Mentally Retarded to some degree or another... Elektra's OCD is played differently than the regular 'insane' archetype
  24. Re: "Super" Doctor skill set CuK The Medical Community
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