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Super Squirrel

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Everything posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Don't worry yourself over it. I appreciate you doing that. It isn't your fault my computer sucks. I blame lawn gnomes.
  2. Re: That way lies only madness... IPE makes a particular sense unpercievable. Invisible to Sight, you might hear where it came from. Invisibile to Hearing, you might see where it came from. Invisible to both Sight and Hearing, you might make a Forensic Medicine check can determine angle of impact.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER If your posting wallpaper sized pictures, it would be appreciated. That was the only time I have encountered that here.
  4. Re: How to Write (or run) a Pulp Story I thought that website had familiar information. So it was one of the people in the Pulp Hero section. There was another one that Steve Long has included in the latest book that I felt covered the matter much better. But I'm pretty sure I don't have the PDF anymore to look it up.
  5. Re: That way lies only madness... Another thing to take into consideration is that IPE does not necessarily mask where the attack came from. You would need to have IPE and Indirect in order to make it fully IPE.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Dr. Anomaly's pictures in the 52 weeks of wallpaper thread killed my virtual memory.
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'm glad you make more than me. Your job lets you have overtime.
  8. Re: Chickens! Why did it have to be chickens? The Island of Dr. Moreau which is, fortunately, not in this compaign world.
  9. Re: RANT: Astral Projection This is how I see it: Duplication: When you go into the astral plane you leave behind your base body. Because your base is still vulnerable, this makes sense. So when using Duplicate, you can have the power built with Side Effects(Unconscious when active). Duplicate allows your powers to be different so that can be used to make the "astral" version of your self. Grade: B+ Multiform: Complete change of body is easies to represent. However, Multiform does not leave behind anything, it is just your body has switched forms. And when you change forms, all of your gear changes with you. So if you put a limit on their, it doesn't work nice and rules neatly like I'd prefer. Grade: D However, for me, I think the best approach is: Extra-Dimensional Movement with Side Effects (Creates and Leaves Identical, Unconscious Duplicate at Point of Power Activation; -2). I would also give it the limitation, Can Only Return by coming contaction location of Duplicate Location in Physical World. This would be a -1/4 because it is rare that it would change position and can be used to the player's advantage at times. Then the rules for the Astral Plane are left up to the preferences of the GM.
  10. Re: Combo Attacks? But Aid won't always do the trick. Merle can heal a single target. Chrono can do a spin attack. Together, they can do a group heal.
  11. Re: Powered Armor Auto Pilot I'd Cheat. The beautiful thing about building villains, you don't need to worry about total point cost. Multiform(Autopilot Suit) Trigger (When Character is Knocked Out) Make sure the second form has more BODY than the main form to represent the system covering the main villains BODY and then some. Make the second form nearly identical just with different Disadvantages and limited skills.
  12. Re: Modelling Disadvantages which bestow negative Die Roll modifiers? It is mostly covered by Physical Limitation. If it isn't a major thing, a 5 point Phys Lim should cover it. I try to keep them all clumped together under one disadvantage to make things simpler.
  13. Re: Hardcover Heroes I'm more interested in the hardcover version than the decoder ring. I might try to get the Hard Cover if they don't all sell at GenCon. However, let this be known to all company types that see this. Genre Books in Hardcover HIGHLY appeal to me and are worth the extra $20.00. At this point in time, the only core genre book I don't own is Pulp Hero.
  14. Re: Why no heavy cavalry? You could probably make it that the only horses good for heavy cavalry are wild horses and the cost of capturing and training them make them too expensive for any normal army to find worth while.
  15. Re: Campaign Setting Ramp Up Oh, the maps above were made by RPMiller on Campaign Cartographer.
  16. Re: Campaign Setting Ramp Up The Western Half of the continent is controlled by King Aetus XXVII. The Kingdom of Aetus, as it is called, consists of an undefined number of Duchies (I believe five or six should cover everything). All cities have an appointed Baron from the Duke of that Region. There are hidden Elven cities on the western side of the continent as well as dwarven cities (some hidden, some not). I have not decided anything regarding the Eastern continent at this time.
  17. Okay, here is the situation. I'm trying to expand a campaign world outward and at the same time, take the areas I have already designed and give them more details. I have an official webpage for this campaign setting but because I've got a bit more work before I'm willing to publicly share it, I'm probing about for people who will assist getting some initial world improvements in place. I'll make a post after my lunch to give a general background for the world. If you have an interest, I'll send you a PM on how to contribute in a bit. And if you are just interested in the campaign in general, keep an eye on this thread or look out for a new thread from me when I reach the point to share the address publicly. I think you will appreciate the wait. World Map: http://aldaric.org/easthaven/maps/Easthaven1.png (large size) Region Map: http://aldaric.org/easthaven/maps/EasthavenRegion1.PNG Cities Not Shown on Region Map: Dohmr Caern and Ardrian Dohmr Caern is a Dwarven City hidden along the Mountain Pass. Ardrian is South and then West of Easthaven (around the river spike on map)
  18. Re: Naked Power Advantage Complications [PG13+] Thus the PG13+ flag on there.
  19. Re: monsters I'd indent or non-breaking space the lists so that they stand out. For example, in the Where and the Feeding section.
  20. Re: High Fantasy HERO Site Update My only complaint is aesthetics. I hate underline hyperlinks.
  21. Re: How can you feed this many people? Funny story here. Some of my roleplaying buddies like to tell about the time they were using the 1st Edition AD&D Random map and monster generater to do a game. They are exploring room by room and open up a door. Inside the door is a 10x10 room with a Ancient Wyrm inside. His eye is pressed up against the door and his lips pressed up to the door frame. The dragon sees the party and says, "Pweese hwlp mw!" The party shuts the door and walks away.
  22. Re: Random "Stuff" generation tables I don't know about the random stuff generator, but I like your webpage a lot. Now I have a "model" to outdo. Muhahahaha.
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