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Everything posted by aylwin13

  1. Q: What is the battlecry of Dark Tick? A: I have no idea. They never did that before.
  2. Q: We're stuck in a giant trash compactor. Can you believe this? A: No, you'll be fine. The swelling will go down in a few days.
  3. Q: Can you name one of the shows rejected by the Cartoon Network? A: No, it doesn't come in chartreuse.
  4. Q: I don't like cockroaches. Do I have to eat it? A: Ants, peanut butter and a toothbrush.
  5. Q: What were the props used in J-Lo's last music video? A: Yes, but the frog and the rabbit wait outside.
  6. I'm glad everyone likes SCEPTRE. He's one of my favorite characters. There was some influence from Constrictor, I always liked his costume (and his powers, for that matter). SCEPTRE's staff came from Cardiac, a Spidey villian who shot energy blasts, could do a TK/tractor beam, and could even levitate up or down by shooting the beam straight down at the ground. 'Cat: I'm honored that you want to use him. Do you want his writeup, or are you designing someone to fit the pic? And thanks, everyone for the assist on the image insert. As you can see above, I figured it out. Finally.
  7. OK guys, a little help here. How do I get the picture to show in the post?
  8. OK, here goes. I've been steali... *ahem* borrowing pics from you folks for months, so I thought it was about time I post one of mine. It's not much, I started with a template that Al Deschesne did a decade or so ago. That took care of the hard part. Anyway, he an agent-cum superhero SCEPTRE. Solar-Charged, Energy-Projecting, Titanium-mesh Reinforced Exo-skeleton. It's a light battlesuit with an energy-projecting staff.
  9. Re: help? This site has tons o' avatars. I'm sure that you can find something that will work for ya'.
  10. Re: Re: hi again? Actually, GK, all you really have to do is jump up and down and up and down and make yourself known. Welcome aboard.
  11. Thanks 'Cat. I liked these ones, especially Coda. Might just be an NPC hero in my game, somewhere down the road. So, where are everyone else's pics?
  12. There ya go. If it works for Clark...
  13. *bump* Where are all the new pics?
  14. Glad I could offer something she liked. I just have one question: Doesn't Talia sound an awful lot like Metalia? Won't everyone be able to put 2 and 2 together, and figure out who she is? Oh, that's right, this is the comics. NO one will ever guess. Enjoy the gaming.
  15. The character idea is certainly more conducive to “male†sounding names, but here are a couple of ideas, some serious, some not (although you may use one of those anyway): 1. Drop the “c†and make it Metallia 2. Another liquid metal is gallium. You could do the Legion of Superheroes thing and call her Gallium Girl or Gal. 3. Metalmorph (if she has any changing powers) 4. Alloy 5. Flux v. To become fluid; To flow; stream. I hope these ideas will help.
  16. The "best" thing to do with all of the characters that you design is just what you've done here: post them for us free-time challenged GM's who barely have time to plan an adventure, let alone build all kinds of new characters. They are all most appreciated, so PLEASE, keep on postin'!
  17. Hey 'Cat, I think that this might be the thread your looking for. The link to the pics is about half way done page 1. aylwin "The ever-helpful one" 13
  18. Co-Master X, of course the Doctor will win; but please don't call us "Shirley". ::grins sheepishly:: (I couldn't help myself. It had to be said).
  19. 'Shrike, I like were-raven idea a lot. I'm might need to "borrow" her for my game... Would it be possible for you to post the .hdc file?
  20. We have an alien character in our game that has the ability to taunt, belittle and totally “cow†another character (a 5d6 PRE Drain, at range). The Drain requires a Full Phase to use. My question is whether a PRE “attackâ€, which requires 0 Phases to perform, can be used with the Drain in a Multiple-power attack. Since the PRE “attack†doesn’t require an attack roll it doesn’t violate the “both attacks must have the same type of roll†rule. Would it be legal to do the Drain and have the taunting be a PRE attack at the same time; to Drain the target’s PRE and make the character’s PRE roll in one attack?
  21. Re: How is HERO Selling? I..... read..... them...., every.... word.... < I end up only being able to read one word between each bounce. >
  22. ROFLMAO This is the mirror image of an incident that one of my ,then, brand-new players had. He was a shadow/darkness type and 2 of his powers were full invisibility and total silence (on himself). He was trailing a normal whom he was supposed to covertly keep safe. Therefore he followed behind the doctor (invisible and silent). The doctor was walking down a city street, in a seedy part of town, heading to a secret meeting. The villian who was after the doc had set up an ambush. Our hero was too far behind the doc to stop him from walking around the corner and into the killing zone. He tried yelling and waving, but of course the doc couldn't see or hear him. Needless to say the doc was turned into swiss cheese by the agents' blasters. It was a tough lesson, but a humorous one none the less.
  23. Good idea: A katana-wielding ninja villian named Hari-kari. Bad idea: A baseball game-announcing villian named Harry Caray. (No offense to any Cubs or baseball fans intended.)
  24. Good idea: An adventure character based on Jules Verne's Capt. Nemo. Bad idea: An adventure charcter based on Disney's fish Nemo.
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