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Everything posted by aylwin13

  1. All you need to do is open up the Language Skill, and add in a Custom Modifier for minus the number of points needed to bring it to 0. Problem solved. By the way, great character. I think I might need to "borrow" her (or at least some aspects, anyway) for a villian group I'm putting together.
  2. Good idea: To allow a player to have a wire-wielding Martial Artist named Cableguy. Bad idea: To allow a player to have a character based on Jim Carrey's Cable Guy.
  3. I too would have to give it a thumbs up. The background is interesting, and offers a number of hooks for the GM. His powers are "bricky" , but the flight and MA's make him a little bit more than the average. There is also a sufficient mix of non-combat skills to make him usable outside of battles. I think you have a great character here. Now, if you'd just post the .hdc for him so that I (I mean we) could (steal) I mean borrow him.......
  4. Co-Master X, you should sue for copyright infringement on the name!
  5. Re: hi there Hey there, Welcome aboard (only a little pun intended). How are things on the Right coast?
  6. Two other Villains & Vigilantes adventures were Death Duel with the Destroyers and the sequel The Island of Doctor Apocalypse . They were written by Bill Willingham, of Elementals fame. The first was a great adventure, with a villain team and a giant mech-type robot. The second one had the main villain mastermind, who I ended up replacing with Dr. Destroyer. They made for some good gaming.
  7. I noticed that,with two minor changes, my signature is a Haiku: Eagles may soar..., but weasels do not get suck'ed into jet engines and on that note, I'll leave you with this: I tire of these rhymes The sound of sleep calls to me Be well, those still here
  8. On the more humorous side: Moonknight vs Bat-mite Wonderman vs The Wonder Twins Krypto, the Superdog vs Scooby-Doo :D
  9. Nobody told me there was an OFCL! How to I join?
  10. It worked. Thanks again for the assist.
  11. I think that this should do it. I was picking "hex" for the target, and it wouldn't give me Explosion. I'll try it later and post my result here. Thanks muchly!
  12. Monolith, I was doing everything as you said, except for typing Strength on line 2. When I tried to add Explosion, it wasn't on the list that came up. I'm at work, so I don't have HD at the moment. I'll try it this evening and see if it works. Thanks.
  13. This may be sort of an HD questions, but it begins with just building the power. I'm trying to build the Shockwave brick power from the sidebar on page 69 of the Champions book. At first I thought that I should use naked modifier, but when I did I couldn't figure out how the book came up with the points that they did. Can someone help me out, and tell me the steps that I need to go through to do this?
  14. Thanks muchly, Mister V. This is one of the best Perez sites I've ever seen.
  15. aylwin13

    Super Names

    Need an opinion... I'm making an Ice-man type villian with a violent, ruthless streak. The name I have at the moment is ICESHRIKE. What do you folks think? Yes? No? Maybe? Give me your opinions, or other ideas.
  16. :( You have my most sincere condolences [quiet sobbing in background] an author-signed Champions would have been the coup of a lifetime. ["Pass me another tissue.."]
  17. Actually, your Supreme-ness, it's the background of the character that I noticed first. I've always liked the "reluctant hero" bit. At the same time I needed a martial artist for an NPC team I'm putting together, and MAs have always given me the most trouble (the all come out too much alike). I thought that maybe I would "borrow" the 'Cricket (or maybe just parts). I promise to give full Supreme credit when he's introduced. :D
  18. Well, it's taken me a while, but with MisterVimes' assistance I have finally been able to post the speed calculator I spoke of. I have even added the KPH conversion to it. The Excel file can be found here. Thanks, again, MisterV. P.S. A big D'OH for me. This file is already available in the Free Stuff, but this version has the KPH converter already on it. :o
  19. I didn't realize that I couldn't insert .xls files in a post. If anyone would like this file they can send me a private message. I can e-mail it to them. If anyone can suggest a way to post an .xls file ( I don't have a website here) let me know.
  20. I have an Excel spreadsheet that someone posted on their website. You fill in your Speed, inches in Running, Flight, Swimming (combat and NC) and it tells you the MPH & KPH, IIRC. The file is on my PC at home so I will post it to this thread later this evening.
  21. I remembered one more: Shieldsman: a Capt America clone (without the Patriot aspect). He was a former gladiator from another dimension.
  22. Here are 3 more to add to the list: SCEPTRE (or SCEPTER) the first spelling is not correct, but stands for S olar-C harged, E nergy-P rojecting, T itanium- R einforced E xo-skeleton (a powered-armor guy) Silhouette: a shadow manipulating 'porter Nightray: grim, dark version of my first Champs character, an energy-projector
  23. aylwin13


    It works... I think!?
  24. I know the feeling. I finally made Standard Hero and here I am again, starting over. I like the digs, though. It does kind of feel like home. Thanks to Natoman for allowing us to loiter around his boards. Those were my first experience with discussion boards, and I've been having a great time (and getting some great ideas for my new Champs campaign that's coming up). And lastly, to Storn. Feel free to post those character pics here anytime. Like I said, I'm always looking for new ideas to borrow (read 'steal'). Your artwork is awesome!
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