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Everything posted by aylwin13

  1. Re: Tuesday June 30th, 2004 Would it be too much to ask for the .hdc? Just kidding! Great work, by the way. Keep it up.
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
  3. Re: The cranky thread You, Mr. President? I'll never believe that.
  4. Re: The cranky thread I'm glad that my wife or my daughter aren't reading over my shoulder. I'd be in huge amounts of trouble. Oh, and I feel much better now.
  5. Re: Power Trick For Heat Vision I'd prolly go with a Minor Transform - parts into a whole object; changes back with 2nd use of same or similar power.
  6. Re: Nothing personal Ben, but I killed you last night. "They killed Ben!" "Those bastards!" I just couldn't let it pass. I tried, I really did. Honest.
  7. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange Hey 'Cat, good to hear from ya again. The figs and maps look totally kewl! If I ever move to AZ, I'm looking to get into your game. P.S. Any further developments with SCEPTRE?
  8. Re: "Reality Storm" Almost Here? My daughter is 7 and a 1/2. Does any out there have a time machine, or time hastening spell I can borrow. Just need to move things forward a couple of years and she'll be old enough to play.
  9. Re: "Reality Storm" Almost Here? And a system conversion matrix. Now I can justify buying all of those GOO supers books. WooHoo
  10. aylwin13


    Re: Nemesis Rachel, I really like this stuff. The background is an homage to the Dark Knight, but the story and character are still your own. I liked the vignettes, and really wished there was more. I particularly liked the passage about the streetlights in the fog. Very descriptive.
  11. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Would: "eyes are milky gray (almost as if they are filled with fog) and have no pupils" qualify as a DF in your game?
  12. Re: Hero A Day...Sorta... I'll second that, E84. RP, have you posted the template somewhere for DL, yet? I gotta have that one. You truly are the template god... I'm not worthy...
  13. Re: RDU Neil's House Rules :Luck Chits I'm assuming that the "x30" is the number of that color chit in the bag. Is this true, if so, does there have to be that many of each chit color? What numbers do you use, Neil? Also, does the "1B = 3W or 1G & 1W" mean that certain combinations, or quantities, of chits can be used as a "higher level" chit?
  14. Re: Strike Force You forgot about Ninjak - my personal favorite.
  15. And the other version of the Mk III armor. Which one do you folks like? I'm sort of partial to this one, myself.
  16. I was messing around with the beta "sample" of CoyoteGray's (the artist formerly known as Superstar) Comic Artist program. It's going to be a sweet program when it's done. I came up with these updated versions of Paladin's armor. What do you folks think, really?
  17. Q: Why in the world would you want to stay awake for 72 hours straight? A: In the garage, in a trunk, in an old cigar box.
  18. I'm in the processing of selling my house. If it sells, my family and I are going to be moving to Idaho. Her family lives there. I've been in California for almost 31 years. I'm really going to miss my gaming group. I hope I can find a group that are half as talented as they are.
  19. Thanks for the list E84; and thanks again for sharing all this hard work with the rest of us.
  20. Another question for ya' Enforcer: A number of your char's on this thread are members of teams. At this time I have all of the .HDC's downloaded to a single folder. I'd like to organize them by team. This would involve opening each file or rereading this thread. You wouldn't happen to have a list or chart showing which teams people belong to (and maybe whether they're heroes or villians)? Just askin'.
  21. Hey Enforcer, these characters are all looking awesome. I wish I could turn out great characters at such a prolific rate. Even with HD it takes me a while to build them. Anyway, since I've been steal*** (ahem) admiring all of your characters since day 1, I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to post the .HDC for Superion? Thanks, and keep up the fantastic work.
  22. Q: What would you call it if all of the angels above began dancing like the Rockettes? A: Road kill, a case of beer and 3 of the Muppets.
  23. Q: So, does everyone understand....? A: That's exactly what was supposed to happen.
  24. It looks like we're on the right side; check this out.
  25. My prediction for the Superbowl Sunday is thus: The winning team's name has 8 letters, begins with a "P" and ends with an "S".
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