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Everything posted by dmjalund

  1. Re: Killing Damage in 6e so how would you balance this with Heroic level where you don't pay points for your HKA?
  2. Re: Mental Parasite I feel many of these concerns are addressed by the Possession power in the APG
  3. As stated, Teamwork allows you to coordinate with any other group. However this may not suit all games or character concepts. I had the idea that when you buy Teamwork skill, you state which group/team/individual you learned how to team with, and if you want to get that benefit with anyone else, you have to buy a Combat Familiarity. Combat Familiarities can be bought for: Military Groups (e.g. Marines), Super groups (e.g. Frivolous Five), an Individual (Captain Amazing) or even a Martial Arts Style (that you have also purchased. e.g. Kung Fu) Combat Familiarities could also have 'Analyze Style' type benefits.
  4. Re: Killing Damage in 6e You could always buy your HKAs with the Standard effect rule
  5. Re: Killing Damage in 6e My solution has been to have the damage limit unless you buy a +1/2 Advantage "STR adds fully to damage"
  6. Re: The Scale of the Universe A scale of the universe. It is approx 5000 light years across. I dont look forward to the next time it has to shed it's skin.
  7. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... star of a TV series of Conan.
  8. Re: STAR HERO Reading List Isn't Ayn Rand a member of the Legion of Superheroes?
  9. Re: straw poll: Does a Shadow Demon have a "living body" Another straw poll: Does the scarecrow (from the wizard of oz) have a living body? (Detect the pun)
  10. Re: STAR HERO Reading List Allen M Steele, (Clarke County, Space; Coyote series) Anne McCaffrey (Ship Who Sang)
  11. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Island The Well: In the most innaccessible part of the island is a well, older than any known colony, but not matching any native architecture. The rumour is that if you sacrifice someones lifeblood down the well, you can receive immortality. Also, anyone who stays overnight in the area around the well, disappears without a trace.
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine She's quite a wallflower isn't she
  13. Re: room filled with water Remeber 2 things 1: BODY is exponential - you need to create a lot of BODY of water in one go to fill a room (high active points) thus: 2. If you create a low amout of BODY of water, It will take a LONG time to fill a room
  14. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... BAD NEWS PEOPLE: It is actually going to be a Conan O'Brian biopic ;P
  15. Re: Non conductive powder how much should Damage Reduction vs Flash attacks be worth?
  16. Re: World Of Darkness Kindred Template Defenses by default do not defend against Susceptibilites. So you should rename (and perhaps recost) the limitation of those defenses to just 'does not work against fire'
  17. Re: DC Guidelines versus DEF Guidelines Do you feel lucky? Well do ya punk?
  18. Re: "Encounter" Powers Aren't the continuing charges powers associated with Daily powers?
  19. Re: Campaign I dea; Tangent Champions
  20. Re: Alternate terms for "superhumans"? Godsends (from Heroes)
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine and the mysterious Quantum Chromo-Dynamic which only Derrick can see
  22. Re: Public Domain Extraterrestrials Actually the Greys have been copyrights/patented fron Lambda Ceti 4, where they are sold as 'Human body suits.' A large number of customers try to get there money back
  23. Re: Question about keeping equipment balanced in heroic campaigns?
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