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Everything posted by dbsousa

  1. Re: "Yor Momma" one liners needed Yer Momma's so ugly, the orcs who raided her village told her they "Liked her, as a friend!" "Yer momma's so fat, she counts as 1-3 creatures when summoned!" "Yer momma's so evil, the drow cross the street to avoid her! "Yer momma's so chaotic, fish blanket spackle!"
  2. Re: What would your character do #74 (or so):Gift of Power? Golden Eagle, would determine that it is an inert amulet, and grudgingly give it to the Avenger, his mystically inclined teammate. The Protector would use it to heal a neighborhood kid crippled by a stray bullet. He has no powers beyond his martial arts training and superb athletic conditioning, but if it would heal the lame... Toreador would wait until a protege emerged, preferably a latino boy who was struggling to stay out of the gangs. He would call him Picador. Bouncer would put it in his pocket until he saw an opportunity to use it...
  3. Re: What would your character do #~75 Golden Eagle would disbelieve it. If someone told him that the president had signed a pact with an alien entity, claiming to be satan, Golden Eagle would try to work with the congress to have him impeached. If it were a foreign head of state, he would look for evidence of crimes against humanity, and petition the UN to intervene. The Protector would gather the evidence, talk to his preacher, pray for guidance, and change his party affiliation if needed. Bouncer would call his wrestling buddies from south of the border and tell them the leader has made a deal with Satan and may be building a robot. Toreador is just a college student, but he would organize protests, and if given the opportunity, expose him. Johnny Angel would shout "Holy Cats, Kruschev is working with Satan, and he'll be in Disneyland tommorrow!" He would gather his classmates in the Rockin' Rolls, and prepare to fly it to Anaheim.
  4. Re: [Meta] What would your character be? Dexter Morache would no longer be Golden Eagle, but would still have a personal FF to protect himself from assassination. Without the heart of a hero driving his actions, he never would have sold his early patents so cheaply. Instead of merely being one of the richest men on the planet, he would be the most powerful as well, having amassed a tech empire that dwarfs any known today, and under attack from anti-trust laws in every civilized nation. His team, Good Guys, Inc., would further his personal vendetta against those who would steal from him, or undermine his authority by committing crime on "his" planet. Bouncer would be a former wrestler on the skids. His "Bounce Field" would make him unable to commit suicide, and his Z-level Celebrity status would have him bouncing from humiliation to humiliation as he turns to booze, pills, women, and eventually, muscle for hire. Protector would become a serial killer, offing drug dealers, gangsters, slum lords, and crooked cops with a perverse sense of irony. As the body count increased, and the mayor sent super teams after him, he would research their weaknesses, lure the teams onto his turf, and rig abandoned buildings to drop on their heads. Revenant, an undead pulp hero, would now have never died but knocked unconcious and placed in a coffin. The scarab that brought him back to life, allowed him to regenerate from any blow (He once walked into a propeller to prevent the bundists from flying off), and gave him the ability to remove the souls from the living, would now have Green Lantern type powers that would help him solve spooky mysteries with some meddling teens and a talking dog.
  5. Re: What would your character do? #71 Golden Eagle would use his suit to fly into the mountains, away from the locals where he could mine some uranium. He would build and launch a space drone, have it land on the dark side of the moon and have it broadcast its whereabouts to Good Guys, Inc. HQ thirty seconds after he left. If anyone can save him, it's them. Bouncer will wrestle all takers, defeating them handily and becoming chief of the nearest tribe. He will settle down with whomever looks the most like Darryl Hannah in Clan of the Cave Bear, and make meny fat bouncing babies Protector will become a wandering adventurer. Knowing he only has two shots in his modified, safety off, Viper Blaster pistol, he will never use it. With his incredible Martial Arts skills, he will free oppressed peoples from primitive warlords, and live out his fantasy to walk the earth, like Cain in Kung Fu. Toreador will become known as a bard, with his magic guitar, sword, and cape. Living as the Protector above, but with more style. He will ask his spirt guide why he is here and how to return. He will likely get no answer
  6. Re: What would you character do... Golden Eagle would get the rest of the team working out a way to take their ship away from them around the time they start suspending U.S. elections. With a high-end gadgetpool, combined with team members well versed in magic, Teleportation Science, and Extra Dimensional Body Shifting, he would have a plan by the end of the day. Bouncer would sign up for the parties, but try and subvert from the inside. Protector would tell the Authority to stay out of Harlem, and would be mostly unable to stop them. Toreador, would listen to his Spirit Guide, who would hopefully give him a key to defeating or neutralizing them.
  7. Re: naming super crimes Use of Real Estate as a Deadly Weapon Global Extortion ("one million dollars!") Extraplanar Flight to avoid Prosecution Planar Immigration Violation (There should be a Bureau of Planar Immigration, whose job it is to "deport" demons) Precognitive Stock Trading/Gambling ESP-ionage X-Ray Peeping Hypno-fraud Un-murder (making someone undead) OGRE Violation (Operating a Giant Robot Extra-legally) Resurrection Tax Fraud ("pulling a Jean Grey") Conspiracy to create and/or execute a death trap HENCHMAN Act Violation
  8. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! In a game we almost ran, the PC's were a group of supervillians with the name Wave in their name. Lightwave, Soundwave, Standingwave. And Tidal wave. This was a Brick with so much Growth, we realized that the player could stand on the map to represent his PC. we never played it.
  9. Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68 The Protector would be watching the mess on TV from his Harlem dojo, and would continue to protect his neighboorhood from whatever threatened it. Golden Eagle would remind Megascourge and the UN that no authority is bound to a deal made while being held hostage, citing 14 precedents in 6 languages, all the while rewiring his force field generator to create a ray that will render Megascourge powerless should he not accept the argument. Bouncer would do a cannonball into him at full speed, hoping to bounce Megascourge into the river. He would then hope Megascourge can't swim. If he can, he will bounce MS into power lines, and hope he is vulnerable to electricity. He would repeat as necessary.
  10. Re: The Case for Doctor Destroyer
  11. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! My little brother played a character named Striker. He was essentially the same martial artist character as his main character, the Protector, with the following changes: He had an outrageous french accent (but wasn't French) He had no arms. He was insane, and would go berserk if you mentioned his accent or his missing arms.
  12. Re: All the superhero PCs I've ever played Golden Eagle: My little brother's Iron Man clone I would play when I gave up the GM's chair... Bouncer: A character with a forcefield that prevented damage on both sides. If he hit a wall really fast, he would bounce off it, doing no harm to himself or the wall. All punches did double knockback, but no initial damage. Johnny Angel: a teenager in 1959 at Dr. Wizard's School for Talented Teens. Every PC was a teen hero with a link to a WWII hero. Johnny's dad was Rebel, a member of Sargent Steele's Suicide Squadron who could "smell danger", and his neigbor was Dr. Icarus, of the Homefront Heroes. Johnny inherited powerful precognition from his dad, and a set of magnetic wings from Dr. Icarus. Malcolm: a PI who was among the first people to gain superpowers in the modern world. Powers were given by the GM, and in Malcom's case included regeneration and the ability to generate a knife edge by focusing his ch'i.
  13. Re: Non-humans in a mostly human world: social limitation or distinctive features? I have a friend who lived briefly in Japan. He had Social Limitation: American. He looked different enough that people treated him differently. He also had Distinctive Features: American. Passing dogs universally regarded him as a stranger by his "american" scent.
  14. Re: Commonmagics Unseen Apprentice Description: This spell is often the first spell an apprentice chooses to learn, in order to escape the drudgery of chores. Master Sorcerers often use this spell to test apprentices, because when they fail, the results can be fantastic. If successful, the spell summons an invisible imp, who dusts, shines, irons, or otherwise cleans any object.. It will not mend an object, or reverse wear and tear, but will do in an instant what might otherwise take an apprentice an hour. If unsuccesful, the opposite occurs. Objects become soiled, wrinkled, or even destroyed by the imp who powers this spell. This spell is especially useful for teaching apprentices the importance of preparing spells and gaining every advantage before casting Game Information: Minor Transform 1d6, unclean object to clean object(10 Active Points); Side Effects: Summon Imp (-1), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Total Cost: 3
  15. Re: Reconciling Manga & Batman
  16. Re: Reconciling Manga & Batman The easiest difference to exploit between Action Hero and Wuxia Lad is the special effects. Action Hero can sneak into the base, render 75 guards unconscious before they can sound an alarm, and disconnect the power supply to the hyper-cannon. Wuxia Boy makes a giant "Whoo-PAH!" sound every time he cracks a guards skull, alerting the other guards, and ensuring that the hyper cannon is fired up and aimed at Wuxia Lad before he can get near it. All of Wuxia Lads powers, including his force field, should be sensede by three sense groups, which make him impossible to go unnoticed anywhere. Action Hero can walk unnoticed in a crowd, and can use all of his abilities without the entire crowd turning to him like his broker was E.F. Hutton. If your concern is simply to give them an even chance of defeating one another in combat, I would require all Wuxia powers to take this Limitation: Requires an Opposed Skill Roll (Power: Wuxia vs KS: Martial Arts) That way, Action Hero has resistance to Chi powers as a result of his martial arts training, and can step through Wuxia Lad's Force Wall, dodge his Manga Blast, and punch him in the nose...
  17. Re: "Super" Cities- How many is too many? Our only super city was Nueva Madrid. Aliens bombarded it from orbit the early 90's in order to get Earth to surrender. It was rebuilt after Good Guys, Incorporated (GGI) defeated the conquerors. It became the only spaceport on Earth, and the benefactor of alien technology from myriad sources. On January 1st, 2001, Ba'al, the Millenium Bug, was summoned, and lived backwards in time for 1000 years. It took the combined might of a millenium of heroes (and some villains) to defeat him. In the process he altered history such that GGI did not ever exist in the 20th Century. Our game now has no publicly documented contact with aliens, and Madrid was never destroyed. I wrote the Millenium Bug background when a bunch of my college friends from the early 90's moved back to my state. We started up again where we left off, with a game I called GGI: Reboot
  18. Re: Loony conspiracy theories Two of our PC's, Buster and the Bolt, appear to be weapons in a Cold War between the B’ltz and B’Starri, two factions of the same alien race who have extended their feud throughout the cosmos, encompassing all space and time. In pursuit of the upper hand, The B’Starri have mastered space, creating weapons that can transport galaxies from one side of the universe to another at the speed of thought. Meanwhile the B’ltz have mastered time, creating weapons that can dismantle a galaxy between heartbeats. Eventually, their feud threatened the existence of time and space itself. In a desperate effort to save both, a truce was signed at the edge of oblivion, effectively removing both factions from the universe as we understand it. By the rules of their truce, each faction is allowed to give the smallest fraction of their power to one sentient creature in every discreet biosphere. Thus the cold war exists everywhere, at all times.
  19. Re: So how do i do this? My best advice to you is to find a Gamemaster who is willing to run an adventure for you. Try the "Player Finder" section. I think you will learn the game much quicker if you have a "mentor"...
  20. Re: Super Powers that are really "wanted" ... by everyone
  21. Re: Name My Character My player refused to give his PC, a 12 year old samurai, a super hero name, I warned him that the press would name him if he did not. He actually wound up liking "Kid Ninja"... Lesson: if the Press names you they get something wrong. So here are some "Press Names" The Green Gargoyle Pteradactyl-Man Drake-ula Dragon Queen Flying Gator Of course if this is in Boston, there is only one name for him... The Green Monster
  22. Re: I need a Super Hero Name for TinkerBelle.... Titania, Mote, Mustardseed, Peaseblossom, Cobweb? (All fairies from Midsummer Night's Dream) Faerie Queen? Lost Girl?
  23. Re: Mental Contagion Power I don't have the book in front of me, but a megascale transform attack on the whole earth, with the limitation that affected people display no symptoms until they touch another person displaying symptoms. Roll the attack before the game starts, and have it reach full effect. Then when people spread the disease, they have already been "transformed", but don't display the effects except as you have described.
  24. Re: Super Powers that are really "wanted" ... by everyone I suspect my character would go around doing so to anyone he met, talking about how people should treat each other better, until he was arrested, tried, and executed.
  25. Re: Silver Age Flash - Any Explanation for Iris West? I think this just a superhero version of a cliche of the era. I suspect the shrewish wife and henpecked husband was considered grand comedy in the 30's and 40's. I can't site an example from then, but Alice Kramden is an heir to the throne...
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