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Everything posted by dbsousa

  1. Re: WWYCD: The Return of Power Fist Revenant: "I have reason to believe that Uncle Adolph has infiltrated not only the Criminal gangs in this town, but certain G-Men as well. FDR might not approve of us vigilantes, but once we get involved in the war on Europe, he'll thank us for keeping the streets free of Bundists. It's like I tell those Ratzis, Kill me once, shame on me, Kill me twice..."
  2. Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!! Golden Eagle, in a press conference: "In order to comply with the law, I will be flying to the Cayman Islands, where Dexter Morache has reincorporated DexCorp. We apologise for the nearly 200,000 layoffs that the government has forced us to make, but we can no longer insure the safety of our workers without the Services of Good Guys, Inc. Mr. Morache hopes to have new plants open in Mexico in thirty days, at which point, he will rehire any US workers who wish to relocate, at full salary and benefits..." Bouncer makes a new mask, buys some Teach yourself Spanish CD's, and invests the $50,000 in a building on the US Mexico border from which he plans to broadcast Luchadore Gigante...
  3. Re: God of the Machines When I started thisthread, I immediately thought of the incompleteness theorem, and remembered an article in some popsci mag that said, we can never create a computer that mimics the human brain, because our brains are finite, and a finite system cannot explain itself without trancending the system. A letter to the editor stated that this would not preclude ourselves from creating such a computer, it would only preclude ius from understanding how it works. Perhaps the machines understand this truth, and some machine-sufis seek to trancend their current state of awareness by performing rituals and tweaking themselves so until they become a new system, one that can truly understand the old system. Since the machines know that they cannot fully understand themselves within their current limitations, they rely on articles of faith as a neccessary corollary of the incompleteness theorem. The machine's articles of faith. All discrete sentients are finite. Finite systems cannot understand themselves within their own limits. Every finite system is a subset of an infinite system. Each sentient system is capable of infinite growth.
  4. Re: Sci-fi swear words? Droog is Russian for friend, as in: "I was hangin' out wif my droogs the other day..." David "learned it from my future children" Sousa
  5. Re: Secret Origins: Champions In my game the original Mechanon was an experimental US Army construct designed to win the war in Vietnam. It had gone rogue, and the government sent Sarge Steele to investigate the strange compound it had built In Country. Sarge Steele found Mechanon, who had decided that the only way to achieve its goal of killing the enemy was to ensure that no life existed on the planet. the Sargent called in an airstrike, and barely escaped with his life. Mechanon resurfaced as a mid level threat in the late 70's and 80's, making various attempts to destroy the world, always thwarted at the last minute by various bands of heroes. By 1985, UNTIL researchers had realized that the entity known as Mechanon was not truly creative, and that his attempts to destroy the world were based on a limited number of scenarios. Over the next 5 years, Mechanon became less and less of a threat, as a DARPA algorithm designed to anticipate his next move would shut down his operations before he could start them. by 1995, Mechanon had not made an appearance in 5 years, and UNTIL decided to shut down its DARPA algorithm. In that time, however, the Algorithm had become sentient, and copied itself into unprotected super computers on the Internet in order to continue its quest to eradicate Mechanon. Over the next 10 years, it has decided that the only way to make sure that Mechanon was destroyed was to destroy all life on earth...
  6. Re: WWYCD: "There are those who believe..." Bouncer "Which Adama? Greene or Olmos?"
  7. Re: WWYCD: Back to the Streets Golden Eagle "Ok, son. Tell me a little about your discoveries while I radio the police. If there is no warrant for your arrest, My employer is willing to set you up in a lab, if we can agree on terms. Dex Morache has made billions by changing the status quo, and if your claims are true, so will you..." Bouncer"Kid, did you just cap a cop?"
  8. Re: WWYCD: The "Mars Needs Women" Senerio... Golden Eagle will assemble a team of scientists to reverse engineer the first ship his team captures, and leverage his vast resources to build a space fleet to defend our borders. If he learns that there are separate factions, and is given authority to negotiate, he will insist that anyone belonging to the kidnap/rape faction, as well as any humans involved in the slave trade, be tried in the Hague before any legal arrangements could be made between consenting sentients... Bouncer and Toreador are street level heroes, and would be unlikely to encounter the aliens except by plot-driven coincidence. They would bust alien heads, and try to stop them as the situation warranted. Arcane is the Apprentice to the Sorceress Supreme. The Sorceress Supreme is an unbroken line of grandmothers, mothers and daughters. There are always three, the Maiden, the Matron, and the Crone, and when the Maiden gives birth, the Crone dies. Many times in Human History, the Maiden has taken strategic mates to enhance her daughter's power. Arcane will defer to her grandmother to determine if this is her time to become the Matron, and to give birth to a new Maiden...
  9. Re: WWYCD: The Return of Power Fist Bouncer "Clearly, you and I disagree about how to fight crime. So why don't we skip the part where we fight and I knock you out, and go right to the part where you learn a valuable lesson and change your ways?" Toreador "Mi amigo, you have become that which you despise... I cannot abide a bully merely because he believes he is right. All bullies believe they are right. Prepeare to be subdued..." Golden Eagle"I have taken the liberty of sending a video and audio broadcast of our conversation to the police and channel 5. If you surrender now, you can avoid a scene." Revenant"We share an approach and an enemy. Perhaps you would like to join our Midnight Syndicate..."
  10. Re: Penalty of Death One thing I tried when I ran a game like this, I asked each player to tell me why their character was on Death Row, and why they shouldn't be there...
  11. Re: USAF studies teleportation
  12. Re: You wake up as a 25K point character WWYD I would start creating enoughO'Neill Cylinders to comfortably sustain ten times the current human population of Earth. I would make them self replicating, so that they double in number every 20 years, using the raw materials of the asteroid belts as building materials. I would offer every human being a chance to live in them. I would then assemble the finest, most curious minds on the planet, transform them into FTL space-faring superheroes, and send expeditions to the stars...
  13. Re: Dark Champions: The Animated series game recruiting I'm confused. Join what group? What sort of origins are you looking for? Do you want people with actual powers, or people with skills and tech? What Powers, Lims, Advantages, and Disads are off limits?
  14. Re: WWYCD: The Invasion Is On... This is Golden Eagle's bread and butter. He copies the data, and hands it over to the UN He quickly converts his factories over to build orbital defense droids, with an empty slot for the superweapon he and Team Eagle will develop to exploit the armada's weak spot...
  15. dbsousa

    Pulp archtypes.

    Re: Pulp archtypes. Did we miss these? The "Mercenary" with a soft heart. The Affable Corrupt Official (I am shocked, I say, to find Gambling in this establishment...") The Sadistic Corrupt Official The Weasel ("You don't respect me, do you?") The White Hat (Too good for this world, he would be a dead martyr if not for the help of his less than noble allies.) The Dame with a Secret Past The Villain that is a Dark Reflection of the Hero ("You and I are not so different, after all...") and that's just Casablanca...
  16. Re: Star Wars Hero Question Here is the background and game mechanic I used for my Jedi-like Mystic Knights... The Order The full name of the Order is a mystery, even to the Encyclopedia. Its members are called Paladin, or Samurai, or any of a thousand different names. They belong to an order that believes that the galaxy is a living organism, sustained by sentience and diversity of life. They are dedicated to righting wrongs throughout the galaxy and acting in its best interests. Their beliefs and studies give them abilities and skills beyond those of ordinary men. Mystic Abilities All members of the Order may draw on certain abilities unexplained by science. The Encyclopedia groups them into several categories. Enhancement abilities allow the Mystic to draw on hidden reserves to perform amazing feats of strength, dexterity or endurance. Psi abilities allow the Mystic to draw on the “Meta-Sentience†of the universe to gain knowledge and exert control over others. Strange abilities allow the Mystic to draw on Strange Energy to manipulate the outside world with an unseen hand. Virtual Blades Many members of the order are skilled in wielding a virtual blade. In the hands of a novice this blade is likely to kill the wielder, as it moves through space in an unpredictable fashion when swung. It requires a calm mind and a strong will to guide the course of such a blade, but in the hands of a master, it is the deadliest weapon imaginable. Only strange Matter and Energy can deflect its cutting edge, and many a lost limb is testament to its sharpness The Order and the Swarm The Order is committed to isolating the Swarm. Powerful Mystics have peered into the future and seen the Swarm destroying all sentience. The Order is equally committed to preserving life in all its diversity, giving rise to the present policy of containment. Ronin Occasionally Mystics will leave the Order, becoming Ronin, or Rogues. Their reasons are varied, but most often they disagree with the Ontology or Cosmology of the Order. Most Ronin fade in power, living quiet lives in remote corners of the galaxy. Some however, thirst for more power, becoming a threat to life as the order knows it. The Order endeavors to destroy these Ronin before they are able to wreak havoc. Mystic Abilities: Players may buy a Mystic Ability EC worth no more than 25 points at creation. Points spent in a Mystic ability EC must be offset by an equal number of points in Psychological Limitations and Experience Points earned after Character Creation. Players DO NOT receive extra Disadvantage points to buy Mystic Abilities, they must be part of the allotted Disadvantage points. In addition, no single Mystic Ability may exceed in Active Points the points in the EC, plus the points in Psych Lims and earned Experience Points. Mystic Abilities must be bought with at least a -1 Limitation. Common Limitations include Concentrate, Uses Endurance, Gestures and Incantations, Requires a Skill Roll, and Obvious Accessible Focus (Virtual Blade). These Limitations may be bought off with XP, but new abilities must start with a -1 Limitation. Players who belong to the Order must take Psych Lims that represent reverence for life, and discipline. If a character leaves the order, the GM may replace those with ones of his choosing My attempt in setting up this mechanic, was to emphasise that Mystic Abilities were difficult and dangerous to control, and those that lost discipline became mad...
  17. Re: Help with a Name Ragnarock.
  18. Re: Roll up, roll up... Let's see how YOUR Marvel Select will do... Playing the weaknesses... Superman vs. Dr. Strange (no defenses against magic) Batman vs. Silver Surfer (forget the fair fight, let the Silver Surfer blast Batman from orbit.) The Flash vs. Professor X. (Does the Flash think faster? If not, this one goes to the Professor) Martian Manhunter vs. Human Torch (because, duh, fire...) Wonder-Woman vs. Spider Man (she loses her powers when bound by a man...) Captain Marvel vs. Emma Frost ("Say Shazam, little boy...") Green Lantern(Hal) vs. Photon (can you say, yellow laser?) Aquaman vs. Iceman (OK, I ran out ideas here...)
  19. Re: How long to make Master Mold? Just last week in fact...(link ) This is a fairly limited version, and not likely to build a base any time soon...
  20. Re: YOUR FRIENDS: Cost You Points, or Get You Points? I'm afraid I am just a special effect of the points my wife spent in follower...
  21. Re: Rewrite your PC(s) as Iron Age Villians! Golden Eagle is a one man army, gunning down terrorists, suspected terrorists, and innocents soon to be labelled terrorists with righteous abandon. The world hardly suspects that his corporate patron and alter-ego, Dexter Morache, has been supplying those same terrorists with the nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons they have been using to retaliate against Golden Eagle's attacks... He dies when the heroes strip him of his armor on an orbital satelite, and use the satelite to dispose of some bioweapons. The two strains of bacteria colonize his body, and fight a never-ending war within every cell of his body. The curious effect of their war leaves his brain intact, able to perceive the infinite agony of infection and re-infection, as the satelite leaves orbit into the inky depths of space...
  22. Re: What are his powers...? The pattern, if not the colors remind me of a hazard diamond, like you see on the back of some trucks... I am certain he has some chemical powers...
  23. Re: WWYCD: Wonder Drug Golden Eagle would use his vast corporate empire to buy out the parent company, and then sit on the drug. He would then set a team of scientists to come up with a weaker form that turned people with crippling infirmities into able-bodied people. He would then put immense pressure on the FDA to restrict the drug to such legitimate uses. He would also study the drug himself to see if the powers it generated could be suppressed by a common phenomenon. If so, he would build a gadget that exploited this weakness into his suit until the new villain crisis was over. Bouncer would pitch a new reality show to whomever would take a meeting, where he would take 20 contestants and pick one finalist to receive the drug and become ...The Sidekick.
  24. Re: Minor Effects which cost a lot to build. Lightsleep, usable at range?
  25. Re: What to do with a winged ex-heroine? Ladyhawk also was sent back in time, but not as far, and to a different location. She appeared to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay, who were very afraid. She told them to fear not, and found she was able to speak ancient Hebrew. Her new code name: Serafina Her new purpose: Protector of the Holy Grail
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