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Everything posted by Brandi

  1. Catamite, you say? Well, he is prettier than many of the women in the Champions Universe...
  2. Re: Re: Champions in 3-D Plus I dunno-- he might find that his counterpart is a wolf with a strange obsession with the bizarre 'hairless monkeys' of legend and lore...
  3. Irving would be quite happy to get on with doing other good things for people, probably more centered around the library. Literacy classes. Reading to kids. Being a public notary. Stuff like that. His teammates... well, one of them, Elizabeth van Leiden (my husband's character-- I should post her here sometime) would be only too happy to get the hell out of the hero business and back to her studies. Being cured of her superheroic condition as well would be gravy (looking like a human glowstick isn't really her idea of joy).
  4. I do know one thing-- Mentalla, if she's smart, will place a suggestion in Foxbat's mind that she places just *behind* Scorpia, 'cause Scorpia's basically going to try and slit the face of everyone who places ahead of her...
  5. Brandi


    Re: It's not too heroic, but... Girls only, huh? Tough luck if the villain's a straight woman, a gay man, or an alien (and forget about the robots, zombies, and other asexual beings)...
  6. We're all a bunch of Comic Book Guys here, even the girls. Anyway, I think when it comes to Batman having to fight anybody truly superhuman, he has to be able to set up the playing field to give him an edge or he's in trouble. Consider the big final fight of The Dark Knight Returns. [And note that if Oliver had screwed up Bats might well have been killed even before the heart attack kicked in, though Supes may have only had orders to completely cripple him.]
  7. It's not great, but at least it's not Rob Liefeld, the man who gave Captain America bitch-tits:
  8. How's people experiences with Let's Go To the Maul been? I'm thinking of running it as a comedy one-shot, but I feel like I want to change a bunch of the stores around, or even use a slightly smaller mall...
  9. Irving is not one of the heavy hitters of the Champions universe, so he'd probably be sitting this one out.
  10. It CAN'T happen with Irving. He doesn't have the biological drives (and is not, I suspect, anatomically correct). All I can imagine is that someone is trying to play headgames on the *villainess*, damaging her already warped reputation by suggestions she's a lithozoophile...
  11. I think a Dark Irving would have to be pretty much re-thought from his original concept, going into two possibilities: 1) His idealism sours and he becomes disgusted with humanity. A sort of low-powered Fiacho, if you will. 2) He has no intellect and is a golem-like minion of some group like DEMON.
  12. No, not surprised, just my comment on Blue's post-- LA's got some obnoxious ones, God knows, but that lot in New Orleans was impressively bad.
  13. Actually, I'd say that if the FBI Files show last night was any indication the ones in New Orleans make the ones in LA AND NYC look like a pack of frickin' Eagle Scouts.
  14. Well, not *exactly*, but what would their professional ethics re use of force best be represented by?
  15. Google is a friend to children!
  16. I've always thought of him as a bit more like The (non-Morpheus) Sandman-- his gas gun's that kind of weapon, anyway... Anybody ever thought of stealing Darkwing's better entry lines for Foxbat? And, to go back on subject for a moment, bird helmets have been done before, and not badly either: [Fans of Gatchaman-- wouldn't Joe Asakura actually make a good basis for Nighthawk, particularly his particular problems with Gallactor?]
  17. Curiously, he did almost no voice work before BTAS and little if any non-Batman work since then. http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0175834/ Dunno what it means for him as an actor but he is a HELL of a good Batman.
  18. I'm not sure if Irving is legally allowed to be married; it really depends on what the laws concerning nonhuman sapients are. And frankly, I'm not sure anyone would want to marry him for anything like any of the usual reasons people marry...
  19. Irving would probably try and talk the guy down, though given his old team dynamic said talk would be interrupted by the rather bad-tempered energy projector shooting Psychoticguy in the face and then pummeling him, in which case Irving would try to save the kitten. And if he didn't, he'd feel awful for days, probably just trying to console himself that at least it wasn't a human child (while Irving is not human himself, he tends to place somewhat more importance on the lives of fully-sapient beings, if only because you can have great conversations with them).
  20. Actually, Slade/Deathstroke seems to be a villain from the original comics and would have nothing to do with Batman unless the TV show writers decide to really put a twist in things. Anyone else like the EC comics reference?
  21. There was, AFAIK, no registration act in the campaign Irving was in. As part of a government team he probably *was* effectively registered, though-- and I doubt it bothered him. I mean, heck, he's already trademarked...
  22. I've always thought Steve Irwin would make a hell of a CoC investigator myself... (Of course, I also thought Stevo's basic overenthusiasm was just the way Seeker ought to be played.)
  23. I think what we're bumping into here is really a semantics issue. What most folks here mean by '4-color' in the context of Champions games is the kind of comic storylines you saw in the Silver (and often Golden) Age, where there's lots of mayhem and property destruction and yet very few people really get hurt and almost never get killed (I think the Death of Gwen Stacey in Spiderman was the beginning of the end for that). Batman's an odd case 'cause he's run the range from being an unusually tough and gritty hero for the Golden Age, to being as silly as any Silver Age silly hero got (I have some good examples in another thread here) and then back to very gritty again starting in the 1970s. Perhaps we should start using the phrase 'Silver Age' instead? It'll be hard to break a habit...
  24. Do keep in mind that this was still the era when people thought a duck and cover drill was a viable preparation for nuclear war...
  25. Which Batman? The jolly one who'd dress up in the worst Bat-costume ever to protect Robin's secret identity (don't ask), or the Batman who'll dangle a punk from a skyscraper and enjoy the screams? (Wish I could've gotten the actual panel for that.)
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