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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Re: Raven I liked the revised Raven from Eye For An Eye, a 4th edition Dark Champions supplement. More conspiratorial than VIPER, with a decidedly conventional bent. A revision/update, in the vein of the new VIPER book, for the Dark Champions genre, would be excellent.
  2. And less abusive in practice than contemporary accounts would indicate. (Yes, there was abusive behavior then... and there still is now.)
  3. aka "The Dick Grayson (Robin I/Nightwing) Story" aka "The Tim Drake (Robin III) Story" aka "The Teen Titans Story" All great ideas, to be sure; just pointing to the archetypes they represent.
  4. Another recommend reading is GURPS Cabal, though it'd be hard to do something that book doesn't cover.
  5. Re: Re: What Do You Want To See?: DEMON Put me on the opposite side of this question. If I want Lovecraft, I'll play CoC, in whatever rulesset. Be original; don't cop out to Lovecraft's specific mythos.
  6. Yes. However, it has been publically acknowledged that: 1. The write-ups in the Hero's Guide do not correspond 100% with the article in Star Wars Insider. 2. There were unspecified editorial gaffes in the writeups as published vs. as originally written by the Hero's Guide authors. So, if I were playing d20 Star Wars, I might use the write-ups in Hero's Guide, simply because they're there and readily accessible. However, for HERO Star Wars, I'd prefer a conversion from the Star Wars Insider article to one from the Hero's Guide.
  7. So don't do a numerical conversion; do a conceptual conversion. Make the Space Marines either uber-agents (think top-end VIPER agents, only better) or low-powered supers, and scale the rest to taste.
  8. You anticipate me. I planned for the outcome of the scenario to be a stalemate, and the Space Marines keep to their Chapterhouse in the middle of the Pacific, waiting for the next Warpstorm to whisk them away. Unfortunately, the next Warpstorm wasn't going to take the Marines away, it was going to deposit something else, something that the heroes would have to ally with the Marines to deal with.
  9. I echo: please? I've always had an "Alien Invasion" scenario for Champions in the back of my mind that consisted of a Warpstorm-tossed Space Marine chapterhouse suddenly appearing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...
  10. Adding my own: Better than the 4th edition VIPER book, which was itself one of the best game supplements published at that time, and also inspired a significant storyline for one of my own characters. The new VIPER book is a more-than-worthy successor.
  11. I'd also recommend Spybot Search & Destroy, not instead of Ad-Aware, but in addition. Each catches some things that the other doesn't.
  12. Oh, I dunno. I like UNTIL better than PRIMUS for the role of 'heroic agency that's actually villainous', meself.
  13. 'Munchkin' = 'I'm not a good enough GM to handle that, so I'll call it 'munchkin' to cover my inadequacies.'
  14. While I'm beginning to come to a similar conclusion about GURPS, I'd recommend the GURPS Prime Directive line for the background material on the Star Fleet Battles version of the Trek universe. Lots of interesting bits, even if you don't use that version whole cloth.
  15. Sweet! Long one of my favorite critters (I inserted them into a FASA Star Trek RPG campaign I ran), it's good to see them fully statted out for HERO.
  16. How much of the GURPS Prime Directive material did you use?
  17. Of all the great things that can be (and have been) said about SoB, one that impressed me is this: the whole thing comes from one the 'Plot Seeds' section of Black Paladin's CKC writeup. Among its other achievements, SoB is a textbook example of how to take those Plot Seeds and expand them into a full adventure. Kudos!
  18. Peregrine

    Viper Agents

    I asked that question during playtest. Apparently it wasn't clarified.
  19. I tried something similar once. Started with 0+25(45) (everyone had NCM to start, but got the disad points for it) and intended to 'play the origin'. The campaign sadly didn't last.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, buit doesn't Menton have a Detect Minds power with numerous adders?
  21. Anytime. I think the Draka make fascinating adversaries. Imagine if Gwen had come through into the Champions Universe, and became a superhero to gain access to super tech without having to worry about the supers hunting her down...
  22. Marching Through Georgia Under The Yoke The Stone Dogs All of which are, I believe, out of print. They were also collected (with an all-new framing story) into a hardcover volume called Domination.
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