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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Re: Primus What LL said. Plus, this book is on a lot of Champions gamers' wish list. Twice, for me.
  2. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type I read "exaggeration for effect" in the OP...
  3. Re: What's in YOUR future history? Or the GM...
  4. Re: If you Had to Pick, ONE (already) Setting, to Run in, What is it? The setting from Fantasy Games' Unlimited's Space Opera game. The rules themselves were... uneven, but the setting was Exactly What It Says On The Tin.
  5. Re: The Known Universe (animation) Actually, it gave me more of a sense of time. Most of what was depicted is only known to us as it existed thousands to millions of years ago. We have no clue what those things look like today; only educated guesses based on the most commonly accepted assumptions.
  6. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Regularly, and often.
  7. Re: Morrow Project Small problem with GPS - depending on the nature of the disaster, the GPS satellites (remember those? ) may not be functioning - or even "up there" at all.
  8. Re: December 27, 2004: The Day Earth Survived the Greatest Stellar Attack -Ever I was being more "snarky for humor" than anything else...
  9. Re: December 27, 2004: The Day Earth Survived the Greatest Stellar Attack -Ever This is on the wrong board, because that incident just screams "introduction of super powers to the world".
  10. Re: Quantum Propulsion Machine May Lead To Propulsion Without Change In Mass Traveller 2300, later renamed 2300 AD.
  11. Re: Supervillains Who Know Their Limitations You mean like Menton, in some interpretations.
  12. Re: THE ULTIMATE BASE Now Available In PDF In The Online Store And here I am with a potential job offer pending and an interview for a different job tomorrow.... There may be a Very Merry Christmas in the offing for me...
  13. Re: The Art and Science of St. Nicholas People, people, people... translate into 6e from 5eR - the Speed Zone. Q.E.D.
  14. Re: Eeep! Buck Rogers!!! Absolutely Awesome.
  15. Re: Celebrity "Pulp" Death Match! Doc. I deny nothing to either the Shadow, or the Spider, (save that the latter was a clear copy of the former), but neither is as clearly superior in ability as was Doc.
  16. Re: Generation starships and their internal society structure True. But gaining independence from said outside resources (and isolating themselves from said outside threats) is one of the major objectives of the arcology project.
  17. Re: Generation starships and their internal society structure Run, do not walk, and read thee Oath of Fealty, which has as a key background point a group attempting to answer these very questions.
  18. Re: Opens Book At Random (2 page review) I only discovered it on researching my position for another thread on these boards.
  19. Re: Opens Book At Random (2 page review) Not random... *dons flame-resistant suit* 6E1 50-51 Characteristic Maxima The rules section actually continues on to p. 52, which I will include in the review. Acceptable, though unrelated, artwork; basically filler for layout purposes. This rules section is an expansion of the relevant bits from 5eR, containing several key changes from 5eR. First, the name of the rule has been changed; in 5eR it was called Normal Characteristic Maxima. This was a holdover from 4e, wherein the Maxima was explicitly stated to be the "dividing line" between a "Normal" and a "Super" in a Superheroic setting. 5eR contained no such statement, but many 4e veterans did not change their perception or use of the rule. Second, the use of Characteristic Maxima is explicitly optional for all settings/campaigns, both Superheroic and Heroic. Previously, the corresponding rule was not in place for Superheroic settings except as a per-character Disadvantage and was automatically in place for Heroic settings with no exceptions. Third, Characteristic Maxima is "...simply a campaign 'ground rule' that affects everyone in the setting equally." (6E1 50) Thus, in a Superheroic setting, it is explicitly not the "dividing line" that 4e veterans are familiar with. Fourth, corresponding to the third, is the explicit absence of a Complication that would place Characteristic Maxima on specific characters in a setting where it was not in general use. Thus, it is "everyone or no one". Fifth, "[t]he listings in the Characteristic Maxima Table are suggestions, not hard and fast rules." (ibid) Those listings have no official status beyond serving as recommended break points for Characteristic costs in specific settings at the option of the local gaming group. New content includes official discussion of other options: higher or lower breakpoints than those given on the Characteristic Maxima Table, Skill Maxima, and Damage Maxima. The latter in particular is noted as a way to allow characters to exceed a campaign's GM-determined maximum on damage, such as for a "Nova Blast" power (among many other possible examples). Overall, this rule has gotten what I call the Steve Long Treatment: a few sentences have been expanded tremendously, and variations and examples thereof have been provided. This rule is substantially changed from its previous incarnations, and veteran Hero gamers should read it carefully and fully digest the changes, even if they ultimately decide to grandfather in previous versions' usage of the rule.
  20. Re: Dr. Destroyer Trilogy Dr. D as a trilogy... about the only way I'd use him, with a superhero movie-style ending (i.e., "He's dead, Jim").
  21. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? Fixed it for you.
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