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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Peregrine


    Re: Describers I think it may be that the naming convention has a distinctively Silver Age feel to it, whereas many (if not most) supers gamers strive for a more Bronze to Iron Age feel. (I know that there are a number of folks who play a more Silver Age supers game. They appear to be the exception rather than the rule. YMMV, etc.)
  2. Re: Who is your favourite Champions Character Background/History? Bravo! Another worthy reimagining!
  3. Re: Who is your favourite Champions Character Background/History? Endorsed. Read it, liked it.
  4. Re: Abort to block No matter what the topic. Especially if the topic is "I hate the way [fill in the blank] got changed from 5th to 6th".
  5. Re: Omcv 1? Mental Block to thwart a mental attack is an old idea in gaming...
  6. Re: Building the Animated Justice League Electricity in the Animated JL always seemed to be some kind of NND (in Hero 5th terms) to me.
  7. Re: Post "gotchas" here IIRC, it never did. Rather, each level of Hardened protected against one of those and had to be so designated as to which one when purchased.
  8. Re: Building the Animated Justice League I'm going to spoiler it:
  9. Re: Organized crime in a world where "vice crimes" don't exist--what do they do? The first question you need to answer is "what laws exist"? Organized crime would operate "just outside" of those laws, providing goods and/or services that the few laws prohibit. Various forms of slavery come to mind immediately, as a key tenet of libertarianism is "I own me; no one else does or can"; slavery in any form violates this. However, without your answer to the above question, we can't provide you with any other valid suggestions.
  10. Re: Identify the Source The Ten Commandments, starring the late Charleton Heston.
  11. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! We have a winnah!!
  12. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies "It-it's full of Awesome"
  13. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #7: Damage Over Time and Time Limit But I thought COM wasn't a characteristic anymore...
  14. Re: Variable length hand weapon Yep.
  15. Re: A Dark Golden Age game Edited for increased historical accuracy
  16. Re: Variable length hand weapon There is a fairly obscure rule in UMA (Weapon Lengths, p. 164) that covers the issue. If you are not using those rules, handwave it as SFX rather than creating your own.
  17. Re: My PCs are made of GLASS! Give him hordes of mooks to wade through. If he can take down one or more mooks per Phase, he'll be happy camper - until he gets bored with it and is ready for a challenge. VIPER agents are tailor made for this - use General Combat Specialists for the mooks and a Red Guard or a Melee Combat Specialist to step up the challenge. Then hit him with a Takara-Shinja (or two, with Teamwork skill) and make him sweat. (Note: the above agent types are in VIPER: Coils of the Serpent; if you don't have it, use the standard VIPER agents for mooks, add a martial art and some DEX and SPD for the Melee Combat Specialists, and use a cinematic ninja for the Takara-Shinja; that's basically what they are anyway.)
  18. Re: Computer as a Network of Humans Dammit!
  19. Re: The PRIMUS Treaty They didn't create a new acronym; they dropped the acronym and kept the name all caps. (And I had never noticed that before you mentioned it!)
  20. By (semi-)popular demand, I present a Champion Universe variant: the PRIMUS Treaty. (Note that this originated in a heavily variant CU; I have attempted to rework it to fit in the CU as published.) ----------------------------- History: The genesis for the PRIMUS Treaty was found in two seemingly unrelated circumstances, neither of which had anything to do with each other, or with PRIMUS itself. The first was Istvatha V'han's attempted invasion of Earth in 1998; more specifically, in the ultimately successful response to that invasion. Due to the dimensional breach occurring in space, between the orbits of Earth and Mars (CU, p. 100), the invasion was initially thought to be merely extraterrestrial. As Earth's primary orbital presence, UNTIL was in the vanguard of the response, a precedent-setting action. Since that time, UNTIL has perceptibly been orienting itself toward the mission of serving as the primary representative of and first line of defense for the Earth versus extraterrestrial societies. (see UNTIL:DoF, pp. 70-71, 120-126, et. al.) The second was the ongoing issues that the Canadian government continued to experience with their controversial Steelhead program. Elements within the Canadian government began quietly searching for alternatives to the program that would enable them to deploy a reliable anti-supers capacity. Their search led them into informational discussions with representatives from PRIMUS, discussions that slowly became more exploratory. The outcome of those explorations was the first draft of what was eventually the PRIMUS Treaty. The U.S. and Canada were the first (and so far only) signatories to the Treaty, but other nations have expressed interest. Treaty Provisions The PRIMUS Treaty establishes PRIMUS as an international treaty organization akin to NATO (though completely separate from the older military treaty organization). Signatory nations agree to allow PRIMUS to establish and maintain bases, deploy personnel, and perform law enforcement duties within their territory. In return, each signatory is allowed/required to appoint a National Director to serve on the PRIMUS Directorate, which gives each signatory direct visibility into and authority over PRIMUS operations both in general and in their own territory in particular. (Organizational structure, both operational and administrative, still to come.)
  21. Re: UNITY Unlimited Rather than continuing to 'jack my own thread, I'll start another...
  22. Re: Champions 6th version I agree, in general; especially with the part I emphasized above. I was trying to show the distinction between expressing one's opinion vs. (for example) encouraging folks on the boards to forego 6th and try to find copies of 5th instead. OTOH, if someone becomes an incessant 6th basher to the extent that they post little if anything of actual content, they may not be welcome. And that's a far cry from "love it or leave it", it's more along the lines of "you're entitled to your own opinion and the well-mannered expression thereof, even if your opinion is negative, but incessant and excessive bashing is inappropriate".
  23. Re: UNITY Unlimited Well, the PRIMUS Treaty that I refer to is my own creation. Think of the following analogy: PRIMUS:UNTIL::NATO:UN The chief exception being that PRIMUS is not attached to or associated with NATO under the PRIMUS Treaty, but remains a separate entity. I have the rest of details in mind, but I don't as yet have them in textual form.
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