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Blue Jogger

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Everything posted by Blue Jogger

  1. Re: Alignments I think alignment has its place. In a world that is very morally and ethically gray, it might be worthwhile to add an artificial demarcation of Good, Evil, Law and Chaos. Then, one can call oneself Good and declare some war on all Evil and Terrible things. And one could call oneself Lawful by claiming to follow some external ethic structure or Chaotic by claiming that one was doing so to be an individual, just like everyone else whose Chaotic... Umm, well, there's nothing wrong with alignments, as a general concept.
  2. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Here's a second draft.
  3. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy 1. Healing ability is a Templar ability. Putting a Holy Symbol (OAF) is perfectly fine to me. It's supposed to be a laying on hands. 2. I'll have to work on correcting the LS. 3. Damage Reductions Resistant sounds good. I'll think about the other 6 points. It was somewhat intentional, in that I didn't want to go over and then decide what to take off. 4. Equipment would be mostly a sword, armor and a good large backpack. And his holy symbol. I figure if I need anything else, we'll just have to pick it up along the way. It's not like there's aren't going to be stuff to acquire. And we'll probably need extra space to carry other people's supplies. All that food and water, spare clothes and other creature comforts...
  4. Re: Urban Fantasy dead horses. Personally, in Urban Fantasy, the fact that all this mysterious stuff goes along and the mundanes don't figure it out really bugs me. Or rather the reason keeps changing, sometimes within the same day: 1) The mundanes are "half-asleep" and therefore will believe any half-believable excuse that will allow them to say "asleep" and unaware. 2) Everybody is in on a giant conspiracy to keep mortals "asleep". And to break this taboo is far worse than any mortal sin to maintain it. And those in the know, will punish you for doing something stupid and obviously magical where the mundanes can see it and can't "unsee" it. 3) The veil between worlds is fragile and if one does something stupid and obviously magical then the veil rips and bad stuff happens to everyone. Possible through some magical creatures that embodies "the bad stuff". Now, you could have all 3, but it's rare to see it work properly.
  5. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Here's a copy of Michael (a.k.a. The Dead Knight). I gave him minor "Cure Light Wounds" on the assumption that we didn't have a healer. It does an average of 5 BODY, 4 times per day.
  6. Re: Urban Fantasy: Warnings Always carry a large backpack with you. Getting lost is always an adventure.
  7. Re: Clay Golem & Incurable Wounds One way would be to introduce new Advantages as House Rules. +1/2 - Damage Resists Magical Healing - Each level halves any magical healing for the purposes of repairing that particular wound. Example: Joe gets stabbed (taking 2 BODY) with a dagger that has one level Damage Resists Magical Healing. If he takes 2 BODY worth of healing that applies to that wound, it only heals 1 BODY. +1/4 - Damage Resists Natural Healing - Each level doubles the amount of time natural healing take to heal that wound. Example: Joe then gets hit by an soul destroying attack (taking another 2 BODY) with a dagger that has four levels of Damage Resists Magical Healing. Without magical healing, that wound is going to last a long time, because it is 32 BODY for the purposes of natural healing, or 16 times longer to heal than any minor attack. +1/4 - Greater Healing - Each level negates one level of "Damage Resists Magical Healing" on any wound it is applied to.
  8. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Revenant questions Is being a revenant a 5 or 10 point distinctive feature? I'm thinking it's concealable with effort (must cover face and try to act normal) and Noticed and Recognized, but not necessarily run in terror and scream if you saw him. But you'd definitely remember the glowing eyes and the weird, almost haunting tone of his voice. The other one is is there any physical limitation to being a revenant in terms of undead? I mean, at the very least, he should have to leave holy ground if a priest asks him to.
  9. Re: The Essential *Good* Silver Age Silver Age Superman needed a rock the size of at least two handfuls to slow him down, and often times it took him at least half his bodyweight in Kryptonite to seriously incapacitate him if it wasn't shoved directly in his face. Nowadays, a small gemstone (1/3 of a pinky's worth) will stop him. That's pathetic. Silver Age Superman would go "Ouch" with that puny amount and then fragged it with his weakened heat vision, which, in those days, was apparently strong enough to force kryptonite to instantly fission into harmless elements. There was another issue to escape from a metric ton of Kryptonite, he used his severely weakened heat vision to melt a gold ore deposit above the Kryptonite and it dribbled onto the Kryptonite as LEAD blocking it. That's one serious Superman.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why's Goth Boy following her around? A: I've become so numb I can't feel you there, become so tired so much more aware. (Linkin Park - Numb)
  11. Re: Keeping it Real I ran an extremely low powered game. What worked for the players: 1) Combat Luck, 1 level (3 DEF, Hard) 2) 2 DEF, tough clothes (and allow this to stack) 3) 1D6 BODY Healing based on Paramedics. (Maximum is 3 BODY) To avoid a Dark Champions feel, it might take a couple of days with bandages before the BODY comes back fully. 4) If you roll a 6 on the STUN Multiple, count it as a 4.
  12. Re: Sprit Whim Magic System I had a similar one where your Magic Skill determined how much active points you could throw. You could take a -2 to increase the active points by 15 and there was certain things you could do to get bonuses (such as materials or favorable conditions or taking more time). Side Effects really helped to put an upper limit on the spells without needing to make it a hard limit. "Sure, cast that 60 active spell, what's your roll for that taking that additional -4?" "11 or less" "Are you sure?" Overall, our group liked this system, but it did open the way up to abuse by mages with amazingly high INT. It was interesting to watch characters experiment with various materials and conditions to get as many bonuses as they could. Taking more time could have been really annoying, but the party handled most of that in game. "I'll need five hours." "You got five minutes." The big one I regret was using charges instead of END. This allowed the mage to create minor magic items and with an upper limit of INT/3.
  13. Re: Play on words magic items/spells Darn, I was hoping for the Roast Beast Club. Club does an extra 1D6 RKA (No Range) of heat damage. It not only kills the target, but cooks the meat evenly and can singe all the hair or feathers off. This can be quite disturbing if used on humanoid opponents. Three times per day, a command word can be spoken and drenches the target in BBQ sauce. The command word is, of course, WTFOMGBBQ.
  14. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Back in February, Shadowsoul said he was going to run this in June (4 months from February during Summer break). So a lot can happen between now and then. I was interested since I never spent four months building a fantasy character before. It's a challenge for me.
  15. Re: Play on words magic items/spells Spell Checker When cast over a written copy of the spell, red wavy lines appear over the words whose meaning is likely to endanger the caster. Green wavy lines appear over words and phrases who meaning do not follow formal thaumaturgic guidelines. There was a more advanced version that summoned a helper, "It looks like you are trying to perfect a fireball spell, would you like some help?" Sadly, this version was doomed to failure and only caused frustration and interfered with research.
  16. Re: Chocolate Orc The White Chocolate Orcs are a myth! There Milk Chocolate Orcs, Dark Chocolate Orcs, and the rare and elusive Mint Chocolate Orcs (for St. Patrick Day). Mint Chocolate Orcs 30 Various magical spells (Spells should involve trickery of some sort and possibly OIF: Lucky Charms) -15 Physical Limitation: Bound by the rules and traditions of magic -15 Hunted by those who want their deliciously magical secrets. Besides being a shade of pale green, they usually prefer to use a shillelagh and speak with a rather thick Irish brogue.
  17. Re: More Abusive characters Pit Fiend reminded me of a character that used a Move Thru maneuver with Teleport. If allowed, it is very painful (target doesn't take knockback so both takes damage) but highly effective (teleport damage bypasses defenses).
  18. Re: More Abusive characters Hmm, some of my more abusive concepts. 1. "Give me your tired masses" - Summon, lots of lousy, but completely slavishly loyal servants. Also, defenses are having a high DCV with the side effect that some random bystander walks in front of the shot. 2. Cold Fusion Lad - Boost Personal Recovery to obscene levels. Use all powers with x4 END, reveal extra SPD stat to take even more Recoveries without wasting phases. 3. Robot Duplicate - Buy Resurrection on your regenerative healing (the healing part only works when resurrected). Then you can go on suicide missions, whenever you "die" you can give a speech about how wonder it is to throw away one's artificial life to serve The Creator.
  19. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy I'd do away with the Drink Blood as written and make it an Mental Entangle. The victim is powerless to resist once bitten by a vampire. Then, the vampire can take his sweet time and drain 1 body per phase with his normal bite. Maybe have a regeneration that only works while drinking blood (1 BODY regen for every 1 BODY drained that should be a -1 1/2). Just a thought. It makes the vampire less of a blood-thirsty killer and just thirsty... for blood. After all, those wounds don't heal themselves.
  20. Re: Your favorite Hero Codes of Honor "They are a great people, Kal-El, they only need to be shown the way."
  21. Re: How to make a sword who weilds you. If you really want to have the sword be the character. You could go this route. (Warning: This path leads to madness) Buy a summon, you summon a slavishly loyal (or at least dedicated) wielder that must exist in the local area and come under his own power. Note, that if the person has too many points the summon fails (you can't trick the ubervillian or uberhero into becoming a slavishly loyal to you unless your summon is big enough, even then your Summon will probably not worked on "named" characters) So, the trick is the wielder has now become "your summoned creature" and can be used as such. He can use all the weapons included on his sheet (remember to give a HKA to represent that he will be using you in combat). This uses the "I summon a tiger from this kitten" type of Summoning which is problematic, but does seem perfect for this type of thing.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My character showed up from 1993 and was surprised that superheroes have to register. "Wait, do you have to register?" "Only if you want to be using superpowers legally." (Police voice) "I'm sorry, miss, but I'll have to pull you over." "But, officer, I was only using 4 ounces of superpower." "... And I had it sealed in these containers of Whoop @$$." "I'm sorry, but you had intent to use that superpower."
  23. Re: Is Flight Slow? Ok, I know calculators are disposable now-a-days, but a good approximation for the formula you just gave is: (Number of inches of flight) * Speed / 3 30*5/3 = 50 MPH 60*5/3 = 100 MPH (Note this is off by roughly 10%)
  24. Re: What would be your take on She-Grond? When you said "mixed up the blood", I, of course, thought of the scene in Crazy Mixed Up Pup where a dog and a man get run over. "Plasma!" "Plasma." "Dog Plasma!" "Dog Plasma." The poor EMT, being cross-eyed, however, hangs the wrong blood. Comedy ensues.
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