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    Beast reacted to massey in Anyone up for 20,000 Point Heroes?   
    Eventually you just run out of things to spend points on.  A 5000 point cosmic VPP, every skill at 25-, 500 PD and ED resistant triple hardened with 75% Damage Reduction...
    You just end up flipping through the book trying to justify things.
  2. Like
    Beast reacted to Tjack in Re-entering the hardbound, store-centric model   
    Maybe I’m a bad guy, but I just got the GURPS sourcebook for what I wanted and then ran that genre using Champion rules.
  3. Like
    Beast reacted to Scott Ruggels in Re-entering the hardbound, store-centric model   
    The economics of stores in the current period, aren't conducive to static  inventory.   After the rise of CCG's sucked most of the disposable cash out of the Game store patron's pockets, the tabletop RPG commensurately shrank, and the rise of consoles and capable  computers, started to take over mind share.  Before hardbacks can be on store shelves, there needs to be a demand for them that will satisfy the store owner's that his order will sell. Before there are hardbacks on store shelves, a demand must be created.
  4. Thanks
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Flying Dodge to enter Combat   
    Ok here you go
    1 either choose or randomly select an arch type
    2 determine how you want to split up your 250 pts(2x100 and 2x25 pt or any combo you desire use the icons to match up powers & skills,etc)
     3 pick 75 pts in complications
    4 be sure to have the HD files for it in a place you can find and load them as prefabs for HD(I did a folder just for CCCC in the prefab folder in where HD lives in my computer
    5 each card has a tiny number in the bottom left(this number needs to be larger is my only real complaint)
    6 start HD
    7 use open character and goto where you placed the CCCC files and find the file CCCC HD Files and open it
    8 click on Cards 03-08 Chatacter Templates(these are actually HDC files so save as (new character name here))
    9 all the cards are numbered and seperated by point cost or are complications
    10 if you cannot find a number go back and check the "CCCC HD Files ll", folder it has the expansion files

    have fun
  5. Like
    Beast reacted to shadowcat1313 in World War 2 Hero: Tanks and Artillery   
    ok, heres the collection of ideas I have put together over the years, along with some stuff of Michael Surbrooks I had archived
  6. Haha
    Beast reacted to Lucius in More space news!   
    Yeah, it wasn't a choice between "8 planets or 9 planets" it was a choice between "8 planets or 900 planets."
    Lucius Alexander
    As many dwarf planets as I have palindromedary taglines
  7. Like
    Beast reacted to Amorkca in Let's finish up a character using CCC w/the expansion   
    I don't appear to have this directory... I've never used prefabs before so... I guess I'll have to create it!
    Thanks Beast
  8. Like
    Beast reacted to ScrewySquirrel in 6e Char build: Mikasa "the Railgun" Mikoto   
    Just for fun, I built the main characters of A Certain Scientific Railgun built as starting 400/75 Characters for a typical Champions game. comments welcome
    History:   Misaka Mikoto is the series' main heroine.  Her parents are Tabigake and Misuzu Misaka.  Her father is a prominent businessman and millionaire. Despite her rich background, she grew up in a normal typical childhood.
    Mikoto attends Tokiwadai Middle School, a famous girls' school for the rich and elite psychics and one of the five elite schools of Academy City. To most people, she is considered a proper lady, but in reality, she has a short-tempered, prideful, and improper attitude with some tomboyish tendencies and insecurities, a fact few other characters know. She is fond of cute, childish things, such as flowery pajamas and Gekota, the popular frog mascot franchise. Contrary to what she claims, she has a strong sense of morals and hates injustice. Mikoto has a one-sided rivalry with Touma, who nicknamed her Biri Biri (ビリビリ, relating to the sound of an electric shock), ever since their first meeting before the events of the first novel when he first dissipated her electricity after he unsuccessfully tried to rescue her. Since that incident, she is always trying to have a proper match with Touma and defeat him despite his many attempts to avoid conflict with her.
    When Mikoto was young, she was tricked into giving the city's scientist her DNA under the pretense of finding the cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy; their actual goal to create military-grade combat clones of her. When it was discovered that the clones did not have the same power level as Mikoto, they were instead used in an Project called Level 6 Shift, intended to make Accelerator the first level 6 esper by having him kill 20,000 clones. The events of how Mikoto tried to stop the project are briefly mentioned in the third novel and expanded upon in the Railgun manga. When all of her attempts failed, she contemplates letting herself be killed by Accelerator, as an unexpected variable to destroy Tree Diagram's calculations. However, it is not until Touma intervenes and beats Accelerator, proving him to be really weak, that the project is canceled and the remaining 9969 surviving Sisters are spared.  She treats her clones as younger sisters, and will defend them as fiercely as if they were biological sisters.
    Powers/Tactics: At a young age, she was discovered to be a Level 1 Electromaster, espers who have the ability to generate and control electricity. She enrolled into Academy City to train her powers and worked very hard until her powers were ranked Level 5, the highest esper ranking, with her being the third strongest of the seven espers with this rank. As an electromaster, she can generate and manipulate electricity which she can use to shock opponents, hack into electronics like computer networks and security systems, and use electromagnetism to cling to surfaces or manipulate iron particles in sand/dirt into a chain-sword whip or a barrier. Mikoto's signature move is her ability to shoot metal projectiles such as coins at high destructive speeds, hence her nickname, The Railgun. If she is in a bad mood, she will sometimes let out bursts of electricity describing her emotional stress, usually resulting in power failures or even citywide blackouts.
    Quote:  “Someone places a hurdle in front of me, and I can’t rest until I’ve jumped over it.” 
    Super name: Railgun
    Real Name: Mikasa Mikoto
    VAL    CHA    Cost    Roll    Notes
    10      STR        0        11-    HTH Damage 2d6  END [1]
    18      DEX      16       13-
    16      CON       6       12-
    23      INT       13       14-       PER Roll 14-
    13      EGO       3        12-
    15      PRE       5        12-    PRE Attack: 3d6
    9    OCV    30
    8    DCV    25
    3    OMCV    0
    3    DMCV    0
    4    SPD    20    Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
    15    PD    3    15 PD (10 rPD)
    15    ED    3    15 ED (10 rED)
    4    REC    0
    50    END    6
    12    BODY    2    
    40    STUN    10
    Movement    Cost    Meters    Notes
    RUNNING    0    12m/24m    END [1]
    SWIMMING    0    4m/8m    END [1]
    LEAPING    0    4m    4m forward, 2m upward
    Characteristics Total: 142
    Cost    Powers
    47    Electro Magnetism: Multipower, 70-point reserve,  (70 Active Points); Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act, Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; causes blackouts when power is maxed; -1/2) - END=
    1f    1)  Aura of Sparks: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only for PRE attacks; -1) - END=
    11v    2)  Sight, Hearing and Radio Groups Flash: electro sparks 12d6 (70 Active Points); Limited Power: limited control Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (this power will manifest uncontrollably as Mikasa's frustration rises; -1/4) - END=7
    1f    3)  Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (clinged surface must contain ferrous material; -1/2) - END=0 (rebar in concrete will do)
    12v    4)  Lightning Blast: Blast 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points) - END=2
    4f    5)  Ball Lightning: Blast 9d6+1, Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Inaccurate (1/2 OCV; -1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Limited Range (-1/4) - END=7
    4f    6)  Iron Sand Sword: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Armor Piercing (vibrating; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4) - END=5
    5f    7)  Iron out of Sand : Barrier 10 PD/10 ED, 10 BODY (up to 1m long, 1m tall, and 1/2m thick), Opaque Sight Group (53 Active Points) - END=5
    5f    8} Railgun: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6-1, Armor Piercing (+1/4) (69 Active Points); IIF (small metal object of opportunity. usually a steel arcade token coin; -1/4) - END=7
    4f    9)  Tazer: Blast 12d6, STUN Only (+0) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) - END=6
    4f    10) Major Transform: electronics into fried junk 4d6 (40 Active Points) - END=4

    13    Radar (Radio Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (20 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) - END=0
    40    Electrical attack immunity: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only Electrical-based attacks; -1/2) - END=0
    30    Electro-armor: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) +10 PD, Resistant (+1/2) (15 Active Points) (Real Cost: 15) plus +10 ED, Resistant (+1/2) (15 Active Points) (Real Cost: 15) - END=0
    Powers Total: 181
    Cost    Martial Arts
        Tai Kwon Do
    4    1)  Fast Strike: Side Kick:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 4d6 Strike
    4    2)  Martial Strike: Spin Kick:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4d6 Strike
    5    3)  Offensive Strike: Jump kick:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 6d6 Strike
    3    4)  Legsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 3d6 Strike, Target Falls
    5    5)  Flying Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
    Martial Arts Total: 21
    Cost    Skills
    3    Acting 12-
    3    Breakfall 13-
    0    CK: Academy City 8-
    3    Charm 12-
    0    Climbing 8-
    3    Concealment 14-
    2    CuK: Tokiwadai Middle School 11-
    3    Deduction 14-
    3    High Society 12-
    1    KS: Music 8-
    2    Language:  English (basic conversation; literate)
    2    Language:  French (basic conversation; literate)
    0    Language:  Japanese (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
    1    Language:  Russian (basic conversation)
    0    PS: Student 11-
    0    Paramedics 8-
    0    Persuasion 8-
    3    Power Stunts 11-
    3    Science Skill:  Physics: Electro-Magnetism 14-
    3    Security Systems 14-
    0    Shadowing 8-
    3    Stealth 13-
    Skills Total: 38
    Cost    Perks
    2    Positive Reputation:  #3 ranked esper in the city (A medium-sized group) 11-, +2/+2d6
    1    Custom Perk: able to get free drinks from vending machines.
    5    Money:  Well Off
    Perks Total: 8
    Cost    Talents
    3    Lightning Calculator
    4    Lightning Reflexes (+4 DEX to act first with All Actions)
    3    +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)
    Talents Total: 10
    Value    Complications
    5    Distinctive Features:  Esper (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)
    15    Psychological Complication:  Tsundere (Common; Strong)
    5    Psychological Complication:  In love with Touma (Uncommon; Moderate)
    10    Psychological Complication:  Hotheaded (Common; Moderate)
    10    Dependent NPC:  Sister(s) Infrequently (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs) (there are nearly 10,000..but only 10 remain in Academy City, and only 1 or 2 show up at a time)
    5    Social Complication:  Student, must attend classes Infrequently, Minor
    10    Social Complication:  Underage (13 years old) Frequently, Minor
    15    Hunted:  Academy City Authorities Very Frequently (Mo Pow; Watching)
    Complications Points: 75
    Base Points: 400
    Experience: 0
    Experience Unspent: 0
    Total Character Cost: 400

  9. Like
    Beast reacted to Lucius in Power that can be damaged   
    If you have a power, I can damage it. All I need is an applicable Drain.
    Lucius Alexander
    And an undamaged palindromedary
  10. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Champions Creation Cards   
    my FLGS they are Magic the Gathering sized sleeves
  11. Like
    Beast reacted to massey in Small Guns how would I build that they are hard to notice and find if hidden on the person?   
    Yes, the explanation of how you want it to function is more important than the real world description of what it is.  And add to that, often our limitations are only approximations of how we want things to function.
    Remember the scene from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome where he leaves all his weapons before entering Bartertown?  He drops off like twenty different guns.  Then, of course, he's still got another one hidden on him, because he's awesome.  There are several ways to represent this.  In the film, we don't actually see them perform any kind of search on Max.  It could be that his big show of dropping off all the other guns fooled them (Acting roll, or maybe a Presence Attack combined with a Concealment roll).  They were so stunned by how many weapons he was carrying (and his apparent honesty at turning them in) that they just didn't think about looking for more.  Alternatively, it's possible that Max "bought" the weapon as an IAF.
    IAF, where the description of the power is that people just don't find it.  It's similar to the OIF "object of opportunity" idea.  8D6 Energy Blast, "thrown rock", OIF object of opportunity.  Because for this character, there's always a rock or something around that you can throw.  He's difficult to disarm because he can always grab a thing that just happens to be nearby (because that's why he paid points for the power), and he can throw that for damage.  With IAF, the player wants the character to always have a concealed weapon that the guards just miss for some reason.  Whether they just always do a crappy search, or its made of special materials, or he has a super-secret place to hide it, in narrative terms he's always got that backup weapon that nobody knew about.  Hence he buys it IAF.
    Now that doesn't mean that every concealed weapon must be purchased that way -- it is a way to do things as opposed to the way.  After all, you could just buy it with no limitation at all.  Or you could buy it OAF (it's still clearly a gun) and just try to sneak around with it by other means.
  12. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Small Guns how would I build that they are hard to notice and find if hidden on the person?   
    that gun in the handle will really be "shooting from the hip"
    the smoke will still be a big give away along with a short ,short barrel you will have a decent muzzel flash
    I'd say anybody's sightline  that was no more that 30 degreea off of you will see it
    I would suggest smoking big smokey cigars and lots of flashy bling to aid in your concealment roll
  13. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Let's finish up a character using CCC w/the expansion   
    My travel version of CCCC(Champions Character Creation Cards)
    All cards are in protective sleeves and plenty of D6s
    this is both decks
    they need a larger than normal card box when sleeved(X1.5)
    If not sleeved a normal box will work

  14. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Champions Creation Cards   
    My travel version of CCCC(Champions Character Creation Cards)
    All cards are in protective sleeves and plenty of D6s
    this is both decks
    they need a larger than normal card box when sleeved(X1.5)
    If not sleeved a normal box will work

  15. Like
    Beast reacted to Brian Stanfield in Small Guns how would I build that they are hard to notice and find if hidden on the person?   
    True, but the point I was trying to make is that you’re required to explain how the weapon will be detected. Whatever you choose the special effect to be, you must still define what will render it “obvious.” Once detected, as explained in the rules, it will no longer be IAF but rather OAF. No points change hands, just that the bonuses for IAF are lost once detected.
  16. Like
    Beast reacted to Killer Shrike in Superhero vs Fantasy   
    D&D as the first rpg set the trend, and had first mover advantage plus hit on the zeitgeist of its times.
    In the 60's, early 70's Tolkein's books entered the public domain in the US on accident due to a bizarre clause in the US copyright laws regarding import of books from other countries. Ace published a bunch of royalty free copies at a reduced cost compared to other books of the time. The themes of the books in regards to "back to nature" / anti-technology and an overall anti-war sentiment meshed well with the counterculture movement of the day (what we think of as hippies these days), and the idea that the "pipeweed" hobbits made and smoked was marijuana found favor with the same group as well (Tolkein himself stated it was just a kind of tobacco). Consequently, Tolkein-isms and similar derivatives became a cultural phenomenon of the era, and you end up with wizards painted on the sides of panel vans and rock ballads such as The Battle of Evermore and so on. It resonated with a lot of people who did not conform to the mainstream norms of their day, particularly creatives. In the downstream ripple of that, we get D&D and other vaguely Tolkein-esque content including some early video games made mostly at colleges by young techies who were hip to the youth culture of their day. 
    Superheroes on the other hand had their original heyday in the 1940's and then again later in the 80's. For a very long time, they were seen as being strictly for kids. This began to change in the 80's and 90's, and of course the last decade has been insanely big for superheroes. 
    Unfortunately, most people only know DC and Marvel characters from the movies and TV shows, and for whatever reason both Marvel and DC have never really been able to get their act together when it comes to RPG's and videogames. There's been a lot of good rpgs published. I myself enjoyed Marvel FASERIP from TSR in the 80's, Marvel SAGA (the card one, which was actually pretty fun if you gave it a chance), and Marvel Cortex+ (which was a GREAT game). But either they don't catch on, or they are not supported and die off, or the license lapses. 
    I think that perhaps part of the problem with getting more people hooked on superhero rpgs is that fantasy stories are mostly literary; you read them and imagine them in your minds eye. They attract readers who are good at imagining things in their minds eye. This is the very same skill one needs to get into and enjoy roleplaying games. Superhero stories are mostly comic books / graphic novels or now movies and tv shows; you experience these stories mostly by looking at pictures or cinematic representations. You don't have to imagine anything in your mind's eye...what is happening has been drawn or acted out for you to look at. It is a visual medium, and it draws people who appreciate a visual medium and want to be SHOWN what it is vs imagine it for themselves. There is some overlap; some people enjoy both traditional textbased books and graphical books, but a lot of comic book fans are not big readers in the general sense.
  17. Thanks
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Champions Creation Cards   
  18. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Champions Creation Cards   
    there was a dropbox link that Jason gave out
  19. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Champions Creation Cards   
    everything looks great, except that the card numbers are really small
  20. Like
    Beast reacted to IndianaJoe3 in Let's finish up a character using CCC w/the expansion   
    I've been fiddling around with my copy. The good news is that my first attempt at semi-randomly creating a character required only minor tweaking to bring it in at 400 points. The bad news is that it didn't result in a viable character (weak defenses, limited mobility, questionable CV). Building a second version helped some, but it required a lot more fiddling, and it still has a low CV.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that the cards are some help, but they might work best if you follow their guidelines (I wasn't).
    Laserbot Mk ii.hdc
  21. Sad
    Beast reacted to Amorkca in Champions Creation Cards   
    Anxiously awaiting mine... But Canada Post is doing rotating strikes... arrgghhh!
  22. Like
    Beast reacted to Ninja-Bear in Champions Creation Cards   
    I can’t wait to be able to order some! Beast have you used them yet? How’d they work?
    (work out I’m mean)
  23. Like
    Beast reacted to Theron in Champions Creation Cards   
    I'm playing with mine right now that I went ahead and updated my Hero Designer (it was waaaaaaay old) so I can plug in the Prefabs. I agree that the card numbers (not the numbering on the cards, but their numbers in the set) can be hard to read, depending on the background color (yellow is particularly challenging).
    Will let you know how it goes.
  24. Like
    Beast reacted to Theron in Let's finish up a character using CCC w/the expansion   
    Well, I don't see ANYTHING in the way of Skills. None. Given his complications, I would be tempted to make the "power armor" mystical in nature and not entirely understood by the wearer. So, some familiarity with the occult, some basic social skills, maybe some CSLs.
  25. Thanks
    Beast got a reaction from bluesguy in Let's finish up a character using CCC w/the expansion   
    I put all the powers into the suit so the cost is 369pts
    I swapped well off for filthy rich and lowered the vehicle/base to 50 pts
    Post what you think the last 31 points should go for

    also this was a random draw only tossing card that did not fit well with the Strong archtype
    Powered armor suit
    Val Char Cost Roll Notes
    65 STR 20 22- Lift 204.8tons; 13d6 [6]
    15 DEX 10 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
    30 CON 10 15-
    10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
    10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 - 3
    15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
    5 OCV 10
    5 DCV 10
    3 OMCV 0
    3 DMCV 0
    4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
    23+15 PD 18 Total: 23/38 PD (0/15 rPD)
    17+15 ED 13 Total: 17/32 ED (0/15 rED)
    15 REC 11
    60 END 8
    15 BODY 5
    40 STUN 10 Total Characteristic Cost: 150
    Movement: Running: 12m/24m
    Flight: 40m/80m
    Leaping: 4m/8m
    Swimming: 4m/8m
    Cost Powers END
    Powered Armor Suit, all slots OIF (-½)
    30 1) Armor: Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); OIF (-½) 0
    13 2) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%, Hardened (+¼) (19 Active Points) 0
    13 3) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%, Hardened (+¼) (19 Active Points) 0
    7 4) Mental Damage Reduction, 25% (10 Active Points) 0
    27 5) Jet Boots: Flight 40m (40 Active Points); OIF (-½) 4
    7 6) High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF (-½), Limited Power Effected as a sight and hearing group as well as Radio Group (-¼) 0
    27 7) Blaster: Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); OIF (-½) 4
    36 ? Self Healer: Healing BODY 7d6+1 (73 Active Points); Limited Power Self Only (-½) 7
    17 9) +25 STR (25 Active Points); OIF (-½) 2
    7 10) +10 STR (10 Active Points) 1
    7 11) +10 CON (10 Active Points)
    2 12) +3 PD (3 Active Points)
    1 13) +2 ED (2 Active Points)
    10 Vehicles
    15 Money: Filthy Rich
    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 219
    Total Cost: 369
    400+ Matching Complications
    20 Accidental Change: Powers Sometimes Come On Accidentally 14- (Common)
    20 Physical Complication: Doesn't know his own strength. (Accidentally applies casual STR to delicate items unless he succeeds with a DEX roll) (All the Time; Barely Impairing)
    25 Unluck: 5d6
    Total Complications Points: 369

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