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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Rapier


    Re: Alchemy Since you are using FH, that changes things a bit. Are you using Resource Points? Give him PS: Alchemy, KS: Alchemy. The character will use a skill roll and X amount of time to brew a potion (etc). Then just purchase the end result with Resource Points. How much money it costs for materials and how difficult those materials are to find (along with their recipe) is up to you. When you build the power, build it with an OAF and UnRecoverable Charges. Trigger shouldn't be necessary, since the character will need to drink/swallow/rub/throw to activate the power. Extra Time (full phase) for something that needs to be drunk or applied.
  2. Re: Order of the Stick IIRC goblins had a rather short lifespan. I want to say 30 - 40 years.
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. It's funny how much impact the title/caption had. I suddenly had all this backstory that popped into my head that added much more depth to the picture.
  4. Re: Basic Rulebook IIRC, Champions Battlegrounds is still available. It's got a half dozen or so adventures in it. That might not be a bad thing to try. There might also be a con adventure someone might have lying around they might be willing to share with you. That way you can run a pre-genned adventure and work through the system and figure some stuff out before you go into the depth of trying to create it all on your own first time out of the box. Heck, if you wanted, you could just grab some of the character's that have been posted in the Champions forum and just divvy them out to the players and keep a handful to run as enemies and just do an arena or chase scene.
  5. Re: Bring in the clones It depends on how frequently this is going to occur. In the past I've had characters that have used this kind of thing solely with SFX (and paid no points for it), have used it as the SFX of Regeneration and one that had Duplication. A lot of it depends on HOW the character possesses the clone. If the dead body has to be taken back to the lab and downloaded into the new body, I would just call that the SFX of Regeneration (and Limit the Regen appropriately). If the character is going to instantly pop into the new body (similar to how Mechanon does it) that is the SFX for Duplication. If you don't expect the character to ever really face death (say if the character has LOTS of rDEF) it's just a neat backstory and shouldn't cost any points.
  6. Re: Life Support on vehicles IIRC, Star Hero had it just purchased straight out and it applied to everyone inside the vehicle. But I could be wrong.
  7. Re: Basic Rulebook Oh, if there is anything we are most certainly NOT short of, it's help! Welcome!
  8. Re: Impact of Figured Characteristics I can't disagree more. In a campaign where one character has 8 CSLs at his disposal, it is assumed that his opponents will be similarly equipped (with 8 CSLs they can drop into OCV). If you put your 8 levels into DCV and I put my 8 levels into OCV, guess what? Yep, roll an 11 or less and I still hit.
  9. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics I've been working on my campaign. I've been drawing up some villains and NPCs. I had to go back and lower (out of the 14 I've done so far) 4 DEXes that I had inflated. I've actually been leaving most of the stats for the villains in the normal human range. There are a couple of characters (a martial arts kung fu master and a super speedster) that have DEXes over 20. Most of the rest of them are even <15. It is actually looking like people might begin to FAIL a Breakfall roll!!! OMG!
  10. Re: Images and Invisibility And not that you really never further fodder for your responding argument, however this is the same argument as purchasing: 4d6 Major Transform, Live Person to Dead Person. It's more effective because fewer people have Power Defense, and even if they do it's in smaller doses. This is expressly forbidden in the rules. There is a Power called Invisibility for a reason. WHY is he so adamant in not purchasing the Invis? When MPed it is only going to cost him a handful of points.
  11. Re: Images and Invisibility Ok, there is two things here that I see. The first is easy. You've got a character with a nifty power. He comes up with a really cool concept of how to use that power that isn't, strictly, legal. In this case he wants to use Images to make himself Invisible. Maybe they need to sneak past a guard to get into the supebase. So you have him make a Power Skill roll, which he succeeds pretty well. So you allow him to use Images to make himself invisible. That's all kosher. In fact, that kind of 'outside the box' thinking should be rewarded. The second gets a bit more complicated. A couple sessions later, he wants to do it again. Twice. Then he wants to turn the whole party invisible. Now what. It is possible for you to look at this and say 'well, he's spent more points on Images than Invis so maybe that's ok.' That is totally your option. But it is not what I would do. It's ok to use a power in a new and interesting way that isn't strictly legal, but it should be rare. Once he begins to use that power in that non-legal manner with any kind of frequency, he should purchase it. This is what I would do. Make him buy the Invis. But you can even make it cheap! Drop them in a MultiPower. The first slot is his Images and the second slot is Invis (maybe even UAA). This would make it so that he gets the extra Invis power, and doesn't have to pay an arm and a leg for it.
  12. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics High tech prosthetic groin implant? I mean, superheroes tend to ALL be rather well endowed.
  13. Re: What skills are necessary for a trial? Well, I see someone's been taking their pissy pills lately.
  14. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics
  15. Re: LETS DO IT AGAIN: Arguing over characteristics I imagine that there is, and I'm guilty, or market qualifier fudging. I've got a guy that is super-strong. Is he super-dexterous? No. But (on 5E-) giving a hero a 10 DEX meant a 3 OCV/DCV which meant he would ALWAYS get hit and NEVER hit anything. So we bumped it to make him effective. Then we glossed over it under the patina of 'superhero' and called it a day. Now without Figureds I fully expect to begin to see characters with more normalised stats.
  16. Re: The Bare Bones of the Beast 6th edition Um...thanks?
  17. Re: Placed shots effective? Yes, for a long time I was mis-using PSLs. They are actually only useful for a small list of things. Things like the negative modifiers (notice I didn't say penalty) for MoveThrough are not "penalties," so can't be bought off with PSLs. At first I thoiught it was just semantics, but PSLs are pretty darned cheap. They are very handy for Range Penalties though and that's usually where I use them.
  18. Re: Help me write a spell... Either a Minor Transform with lots or Radius or 5 STR TK w/ Fine Manipulation. I'd probably go with the Minor Transform.
  19. Re: Champions Online - Cue Dead Parrot Sketch! I doubt anyone who cancelled their subscription (or sold it off) is crying in their beer. If someone were to quit solely based off of paying for an update, they are the type of person that is not going to stick to anything for any length of time to begin with. The other people that quit, I would imagine, are primarily the 'straw the broke the camel's back' crowd. There are a number of people I've run into (both in person and virtually) who just had enough. This was just the last thing in a long line of disappointments, for them, that pushed it over the edge into quitting. It's very easy to put out a fancy tempting press release. It's another thing entirely to meet that standard.
  20. Re: Champions Online - Revelation Coming In March Unfortunately, this means they've made two big mistakes. To a certain degree they've already tainted the player base. They've raised such ire and vitriol even announcing that Vibora Bay will now be free probably won't be enough to erase all that ill-will. They've now publicly set the precedent that 'enough bitching gets you your way.' They've opened the flood gates to petitions, rants, screams and squeaky wheels. They definitely made the right decision in not making this a pay-expansion, but they flubbed it enough that instead of being a huge win for them it, at best, comes as a qualifier to maintain the status quo. It will be interesting to see how they go forward and how they plan on rebounding from this. Replacing the putz (after throwing him out on his ear) that leaked the paid-expansion info (if he actually DID leak it and wasn't just the scapegoat for a planned leak) was a good thing, but it would have been ever better to have someone reliable in the position to begin with.
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