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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: Bryan Mills The movie Taken, I'm renting that one later when I can. I'm definately converting this one to 5th for my use.
  2. Re: Escaped Amorphoid LOL. I'd rep you if I could at the moment.
  3. Re: Social Limitation: Pet (5e) Yes, being a pet is what I mean. Sorry, I should have made that mor clear.
  4. What, in your opinion, would be a fair value for such?
  5. Re: Masked Crimefighters And The Bill Of Rights I'm with Clonus on this one. And I wish the Defense good luck issuing a subpoena for Thatman, since no one knows who he really is or where to find him when he's not "on duty."
  6. Re: [After-Action Report] Villainy Amok Villain Amok is one of my favorites and I plan to use some of the material there in whenever I can. The Random Bank Robbery Generator in particular looks like it might be good for new player training scenarios.
  7. Re: Independent limitation in 6E I must admit, I've only ever given Independent Foci to NPCs, since if they lose their item for good, they can just fade into the background and it's no biggie. PCs not so much.
  8. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Just created this one...
  9. Re: Collapsable weapon 5th ed Pure Sfx, same as with things like switchblades and collapsable batons.
  10. Re: Organized crime in a world where "vice crimes" don't exist--what do they do? A world where vice crimes no longer exist would be a rather tall order. Take the drug trade for example. Even if the currently illegal drugs were all or mostly legalized, that doesn't guarantee nothing new will hit the streets thereafter...possibly even substances that make PCP and Crystal Meth look like baby aspirin. Prostitution legalized and regulated? No problem. The syndicates and the pimps working for them start catering more and more to individuals with darker, nastier sexual appetites that the legal brothels will have no part of. Not to mention the white slavery trade might still be very much alive and well for those wealthier individuals who prefer to "own" instead of "rent". Gambling? Come now, there's very likely everything from cockfighting to a wide variety of underground human bloodsports all still available to place wagers on if you got the cash and are not adverse to watching two living beings fight each other to the death.
  11. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! Call it personal preference, but I like the black and green of 5th Edition better.
  12. Re: Silly Question: Rita Hayworth's COM? I'm with Hermit on this one. 16 COM with +2 COM, Only When Smiling. As for the 6th Edition way...
  13. Re: WWYD: The Perfect Partner (potentially controversial) I honestly wouldn't see myself doing the Cherry 2000 thing, even if I didn't already have a real girlfriend. Plastic & Wires vs. The Real Thing? Sorry, it's just not a contest.
  14. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers Another meh for me. 1) I like Armor and Force Field more or less as is. What few changes I see needing to be made, I can make myself via house rules with no need to pay $80+ for a new edition of the rules. 2) Just adding an option to give Force Wall some BODY is trivially easy (again, via house rules).
  15. Re: Escaped Amorphoid Well, even His Creepiness needs to take a break once in a while...
  16. Amorphoids is a name for amorphous creatures more colloquially referred to as "blobs," "slimes," and "goops." A secret cryptozoology research complex in or near Campaign City had one secured in a hermetically-sealed quarantine chamber for study...until last night, when it escaped! Apparently the staff at the lab made the mistake of assuming their research subject was merely an unintelligent eating machine. Turns out it was in fact intelligent enough to observe the comings and goings of the researchers studying it and figured out the pass code to open the chamber door. It then got out of the complex via the plumbing, and with the time that's passed since, it could be just about anywhere... WWYCD?
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey! What do you mean I'm a "goodie two-shoes"?! A: Gadget Pool, Can only change pool IN A CAVE WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!!!!
  18. Re: Champions 6th version If someone wants to plunk down $80+ for the 6th Edition corebooks, that's their business and I'm not going to waste my breath telling them different. On the same token though, I wouldn't be amused if someone said I have no place here just because I personally have neither the need nor want for 6th Edition.
  19. Re: Character Idea - Jousting Knight Are you going to give him a flying ostrich for a mount?
  20. Re: Champions 6th version That's where I am as well.
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Did you hear they're doing a re-imagining of Scooby-Doo? A: “You idiot, that thing out there that attacked us wasn't a ‘mass hallucination’ or a ‘superstition’; it tried to kill us, and damned if it didn't come close to doing just that. I'd say it's real enough...too real in fact.”
  22. Re: Duct Tape Not if you taped their wrists and ankles too...
  23. Re: Duct Tape A small Multipower with a slot for Entangle and a slot for Healing would be probably be fine for the most common uses of the tape. Put OAF and a number of Charges on the reserve to represent the size of the roll, and you're good to go.
  24. Re: In game art for the NPC's I'm with you on the Menton pic. There are a few others I'm not fond of either, like how they've turned Defender into Jay Leno in a Tron costume...
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