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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: What Will It Take To Blow Up Pluto? Commence Primary Ignition...
  2. Re: Discussion: Taxonomy and Pathology of Halloween Monsters In some of the vampire lore I've read, the process of turning someone into a vampire (i.e. "Siring") is more involved than simply biting them: the vampire drains the person until they're just on death's door then feeds them some of his/her (the vampire's) own blood. After that, the victim remains in a death-like coma for anywhere from hours to a fortnight while the physiological changes take place. Once awake, the newly sired bloodsucker immediately goes out to feed for the first time.
  3. Re: CU: How does PRIMUS handle foreigners? [singing] Just like the bad guy from Lethal Weapon 2, I've got Diplomatic Immunity, so Hammer you can't sue. I can write graffiti, even jaywalk in the street. I can riot, loot, and not give a hoot, and touch your sister's... CAN'T TOUCH ME! [/singing] :D:D
  4. Re: Nebula from Conquerors, Killers, & Crooks p.184-186 Yep. I'm guessing it never occurred to the Republic that one of their enforcers might find herself outside her jurisdiction. If Nebula ever gets sent home, maybe they should look into things like that...
  5. Re: AI with remote "puppet" body I'd go with a Follower with Mind Link myself.
  6. Re: Request for comments: Replacement for Find Weakness Not to be snarky or anything, but the FW issue is yet another reason why I'm sticking with 5th.
  7. Re: "revised" hit location chart? I find nothing wrong with 13 being a groin shot. As pointed out earlier in this thread, both males and females have some of their most sensitive nerve-endings in that region, so from that perseptive the xSTUN for the Hit Location makes sense.
  8. Re: More Water Out There, Ice Found on an Asteroid Maybe the movie The Ice Pirates wasn't so far-fetched afterall...
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did Paul say when you asked to date his sister? A: If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.
  10. Re: Free-flying cyborg insects steered from a distance Reminds me of a scene from The Fifth Element. I guess they were onto something afterall...
  11. Warning: Potentially controversial subject matter. Be cool folks, I'd rather this not have to be moved to NGD. Your character and company have found themselves in an alternate timeline where, as per the title of this thread, the infamous 9-11 terrorist attacks didn't happen. Here, the 9-11 highjackers were found dead along with all the evidence of what they were planning the night before. The individual or individuals responsible have, to this day, never been identitifed; some speculate it was vigilantes, and some absolutely insist it had to have been a covert Special Ops group. At any rate, the Twin Towers are still standing and everything else you'd have expected to be different is. How (if at all) does your character's counterpart from this timeline differ from him/her/it? And, of course, WWYCD?
  12. Re: Back In The Flesh... Speaking as the original poster, the fact that the newly resurrected evil wizard is out wining, dining and wenching instead of plotting something merely means (in my mind anyway) that he's human. It doesn't mean he's no longer evil, it means he agrees with the old saying "the dead know one thing for certain, it's better to be alive." Remember Big Trouble In Little China? I'm fairly sure that, had Jack Burton not killed him, Lo Pan would have celebrated being free from the "Curse of No Flesh" in a very similar manner...shortly before setting out on a quest for world domination, of course.
  13. For awhile now, a group of occult villains in the campaign world have been recieving advice from the spirit of an evil sorcorer from an age long ago. No longer satisfied with his rather limited role as a ghostly éminence grise, said spirit recently had his disciples perform a ritual that has restored to him his body and the full measure of magical power he wielded eons ago when he was in the prime of his life. One would have assumed that after something like that he'd immediately be plotting something big, but instead you find him out indulging the pleasures of the flesh he had been denied in all the time he was consigned to the realm of formlessness. Just tonight, you've observed him pigging out at one of the most expensive buffets in Campaign City, drinking an ungodly amount of equally expensive wine, and finally topping off the evening by seducing and bedding some pretty young woman he just met at the bar. WWYCD?
  14. Re: Anyone know about Systema? Wiki is your friend...
  15. Your character and his/her associates have just been fighting an armored villain who wears a full-coverage helmet that completely conceals his face. After several turns of brutal battle, you've finally managed put him down for the count. Naturally, someone in your party is curious to see just what it is he's hiding. With the villain sprawled unconscious at your feet, one of you approaches, kneels down, and carefully removes the helmet. There's a collective gasp as it's revealed that... A) ...he's so bodaciously ugly just looking at his face makes your skin crawl and your gastrointestinal track want to kick into reverse gear. OR ...he turns out to be someone you know! (or rather, someone you thought you knew) WWYCD?
  16. Re: 5e Body of Obsidian Disadvantage of having Body of Obsidian? You'll eventually be erased from the universe and your place on the team will be given to someone named "Ironclad"...
  17. Re: Sanity To date, I've never actually done a campaign that uses a Sanity characteristic, though I suppose it's doable. When modelling sanity loss effects, I've usually used something like the following: Major Transform Xd6 (person into gibbering insane person, heals at normal rate provided the victim recieves competent psychiatic care during the recovery time), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+1/4); Limited Target (humans; -1/2) (select a number of dice, apply additional Modifiers to taste, and you're good to go)
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, Why did you hit the elevator's down button? We're supposed to be going up. A: What a delight it is to see the engineer hoisted with his own petard.
  19. Re: Colaborative Build: Miss Fortune (5th Ed) Streetwise (3 pts)
  20. Re: Haymaker a PRE attack? Haymakering a PRE Attack? As a GM, I'd at the very least ask you for a solid justification before I allow that. (or you can bribe me with a bottle Captain Morgan )
  21. As you can probably guess from her name (yeah, yeah, I know, not all that original), she's a probability manipulator who specializes in causing others to suffer misfortune. She uses her power mostly against those who try to thwart her criminal activities (she's a thief) but due to her inexperience and carelessness with it, it's just as apt to hose some random person nearby who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thus far, I have her primary power written up: That's Why They Call Me Miss Fortune: Major Transform 5d6 (person into person with 5d6 Unluck, heals at normal rate)(75 Active Points); Limited Target (humans; 1/2), Activation 11- (-1), Side Effect (the power attacks a random person in the immediate area she didn't intend to attack; -1/2) cost: 25-points. She's to be a minor villainess, so I'm building her on a fairly low point budget (100 Base, 100 in Disads, 200 Total). She's got 175 points yet to spend, so I figured I'd put her up to a "colaborative character build" sort of thread. For those unfamiliar with the concept, each person who posts gets to add one thing to her sheet (a Power, a Skill, a Characteristic, a Disadvantage, etc.) until she's complete. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes together.
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Was that Teh Bunneh that just mugged you? A: So, Cuthulu, Jesus, and Xenu walk into a bar...
  23. Re: Bryan Mills Best of all, it wasn't an idle threat; he really does kill them. The moral of the story: Badass + Papa Wolf Syndrome = Dead Bad Guys.
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