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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Re: Fantasy Hero PBEM I am in the same boat. No group, so I would definitely be interested.
  2. Re: What Da Hook Gonna Be? I am sure this link has found its way on these boards before but I thought it was a great idea and worth a post.
  3. Re: How to write a best-selling fantasy novel Now that I have the formula I can finally sit down and write my epic. Thanks!
  4. Re: What Da Hook Gonna Be? Some great ideas. Thank you, fellow herophiles. I am thinking a little tweaking could make the new Lost series into a great opener for a Fantasy campaign. Shipwreck instead of a planewreck and some mystical beast on the island.
  5. Danielson This is all just opinion... This character is all but useless outside of combat. A master martial artist with no KS Martial Style? By the way, what is his style? Do you really need a 30 Dex (10 OCV) + 4d6 Dex Aid (+2 OCV) + 2 w/HTH (+2 OCV for a grand possible total of 14)? Not to mention you are now looking at a possible 8 SPD. Violent, Short Tempered and Vigilante? Someone wants to play hack-n-slash.
  6. Em-PHA-sis on Skills Me likey.
  7. Re: Dark Angel HERO Awwww, looky at this poor, neglected thread. I watched the first few episodes when it came out and was very dissapointed. They stole my idea (genetically engineered super-spies) and ruined it. Just my opinion. What the hell does a llama know.
  8. You said it! Oh! I just said it! I said it again! Damn you! The last face to face campain I ran (very short lived I might add) I asked all of the players to make young begining adventurers that were from the same small village. Only one of the characters was really a begining adventurer and several of the characters were not really from the same village. In fairness to my players I was not strict enough in my guidelines and allowed too many starting points for 'begining' adventures. This makes me think I should start a thread detailing my failings as a Game Master. Not as a pity party, but a purging. "Stay on target." "I can't shake him!" "Stay on target" "He's right on top of me." Thanks for the ideas guys. There is always good stuff to be had from this bunch. I have wanted to try opening each session with an action scene but I have yet to implement this idea. I need to wrap up end sessions better. I always leave too many things hanging to just suddenly jump into something else.
  9. Re: What Da Hook Gonna Be? I think it became cliche because someone realized it was a simple way to get such disparate people together. The whole D&D party thing never did sit well with me. People of such widely opposed 'alignments' simply would not work together for long. Next campaign...the PCs all wake up in jail with amnesia. Let them figure out how they got there.
  10. Better late than never This may be too late, but for anyone else who can use a good espionage plot... Living Spycraft serials Modus Operandi scenario hooks
  11. Re: Urban gang warfare While it does not give details on the methodologies of gang warfare, it is an interesting look into the lifestyle as told by one who has lived it;
  12. Re: Teen Spy Campaigns I would also be very curious to see this. I have been a big fan of Teen Champions and I think the sub-genres would share a lot of feel. I would lean more towards Totaly Spies but surely there are more options. How about a young James Bond? The Teen from U.N.C.L.E.?
  13. Re: Conversion: the Cleave Feat I have to agree. Sweep is far more elegant than Cleave. It is also more versitile.
  14. I'm a visual learner I think I need a chart. It's just so confusing.
  15. Re: TSR Alternity I am curious what you liked about it. I was suppose to play in a game but it fell through. I read the rules and it seemed very random and arbitrary to me. Just my opinion. I see no reason why it would not easily port over to Hero. If you just wanted to capture the campaing setting that would be easy enough to do. You may have to through some Racial package deals together, but beyond that I do not think you would need to really 'convert' anything.
  16. Re: What Da Hook Gonna Be? Look here, missy! O.k. O.k. Let them find the book in the middle of the road on in a backpack the theif pilfers or just outside the stable. Why do you always have to rain on my parade?
  17. Despite the fact that a certain nameless, so-called role playing game should have died a quick and humiliating death as soon as James Bond hit the field, it does occasionally inspire. This nameless game has a website and on the website they have a feature called “Steal this Hookâ€. In that same vein I would like to start this thread for Plot Hooks. Here is a hook that was inspired by the “Found in an Old Book†article. As the PCs arrange themselves in the tavern they notice a leather binder filled with loose leaf paper. The papers appear to be a rather chaotic journal inscribed by a diviner. Each sheet is filled with scribbles, sketches and surreal prose which seem to foretell certain events. The GM should insert several random predictions that the PCs have no way of proving or disproving as well as several that the PCs know to have come to be. At least one should even mention the PCs themselves. The last two pages tell of the apocalyptic coming of a great necromantic magic rising in the North which will crush the rest of the known world. This particular passage works best in a Turakian setting, but could really work in any Fantasy campaign. The PCs should be curious who’s journal this is and if the future predictions are true. They should be especially drawn in since they are mentioned specifically. Maybe even that their deaths are foretold in the last two pages.
  18. Re: Anybody want to do a read over for me? OH! Read-over! I thought you were soliciting something far more lewd.
  19. Re: OT: Was I even missed? Who are you again? I do wish you a speedy recovery. I appologize for being such a stickler, but shouldn't this go in NGD?
  20. Re: sheer madness... I was being facetious. Do we really need more people who can not read or do simple math involved in our beloved game? Still being facetious. Put the flame thrower down and step away from the thread.
  21. Re: sheer madness... Fred-re is simply too big. That's it. I quit. Back to Fuzion for me.
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