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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. keyes bill is unwritten book Llam is the depressed. My lifelong dream is crushed. I am a talentless hack. My boyhood goal was to write a book. To be published. I did not even have to be famous or wealthy. I just wanted to be published and know a piece of me would find its way to a bottom self of some small library in South Dakota. Want to know a secret? You can not be published if you do not submit a manuscript. You can not submit a manuscript if you do not write. I have 8 hours a night, at work, with relative peace and quiet where I could be banging out my life's work. And what do I do? I lurk on forums, blog, play games and generally waste my life essence. I have no drive. No ambition. No discipline. And what is worse, probably no talent. Woe be my name. Put me out to pasture. I'm done.
  2. Llama, llama, he's a llama, she's a llama... Alpaca, Guanaco, Llama or Vicuña STR 20 DEX 10 CON 13 BODY 13 INT 8 EGO 5 PRE 10 COM 10 PD 4 ED 4 SPD 3 REC 7 END 30 STUN 30 Powers Alert: Enhanced Perception +2 Bite: 1/2d6 HKA Running +2" Spit: 1/2d6 Sight Flash Wool Coat: Damage Resistance (1rPD 1rED) Skills Analyze Animal 8- Concealment 8- Shadowing 8- Stealth 8- Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-
  3. keyes bill is the disparate I thought you might find this useful.
  4. keyes bill is anti christ Me too, por favor. Llama need score.
  5. Destroyer killing people is the Zornwil Now you have.
  6. Dark Champions is not the Zornwil Dark Champions has some suggestions for dealing with this. You might check it out next time you are in your local gaming store.
  7. But I don't fish My own offerings. What Da Hook Gonna Be? Hook, Line and Stinker
  8. Re: Str Minimum For Armor Will STR Mins really resolve your issue or will all your pick pockets just have a 20 STR now?
  9. Re: Eberron Hero I feel your pain, Jkeown. Fortune favors the bold.
  10. Re: Coming from D&D-question about power level of starting hero Two points. Why do you want to know how these characters compare to D&D 3rd edition characters and why are you limiting character concepts to 50 points max on ability scores? If you are comparing Hero characters to D&D characters simply out of curiosity, I think several of the board members have given you a good answer. If, as I suspect, you are comparing the two so you can judge encounter strengths I suggest you stop immediately. Combat in Hero is quite different than in D&D and you must base what a party can handle in Hero differently than you do in D&D. Challenge Ratings just would not work in Hero. There are too many options. Limiting characters to 50 points in ability scores means the characters are going to be far more skilled. I think this better represents grizzled veterans than gifted novices. With no where else to put those 100 points they will likely go into Combat Skill Levels or magic which could get ugly depending on how badly a player wants to twink. If you are concerned about power level I would suggest 50/50. I have heard lots of people on these boards say they have run campaigns at that level with much success. Hope this offers some insight and great luck with your campaign.
  11. Re: Okay A question about posting Conversions to Hero Uh oh.
  12. Re: Racial Package Deals Images, Only For Pointy Ears...
  13. Dragon Marks I was thinking, which is always a dangerous proposition, that instead of converting the spells so literally from the dragon marks that I would take a broader interpretation of them. For example, the house of Medani bares the Mark of Detection so why not build them with a Multipower with some Clairsentiences and Detects? D&D spells are very specific which can be cool. I just think the dragon marks should have a broader range of abilities. Of course you would have to do some juggling to balance them so they do not become supers in your nice little fantasy campaign.
  14. Citadel Elite Citadel Elite Skills 2 AK: Breland 11- 3 Citadel Training: +1 w/Conversation, Perception & Persuasion 10 Combat Sense: +2 DCV 3 Conversation 11- 2 Diplomatic Protection: Fringe Benefit 6 Disciplined Mind: +3 EGO 3 Persuasion 11- 6 Royal Contact: Contact (Crown) 8- 4 WF: Common Melee & Common Missile Disadvantages -20 Psych Lim (Loyal to the Crown, Very Common, Strong) 19 Points While this package is far from the "best of the best" it is pretty much all that is specifically mentioned in the prestige class. You could always include an optional list of aditional skills to choose from. I can not read the description of the Citadel Elite without thinking of the musketeers. Dumas would be proud.
  15. Re: Wild West Hero Since you have run supernatural campaigns for your players before I think it would be fun if you make it look this this one is supernatural but is not. Someone is attacked by wolves but everyone is convinced the sheriff is a werewolf. Or something equally contrived.
  16. Re: Racial Package Deals This has been argued before rather vehemently. My personal opinion is if racial disadvantages do not count against your disadvantage total why would anyone want to play a human?
  17. Sharn...makes me go, 'Whoa'. Thank you. I just got Sharn: City of Towers so I may be adding stuff from there as the inspiration hits me.
  18. I will not make bad polish jokes. I will not make bad polish jokes. I will not... Did it come with a saddle?
  19. Havana calling Yeah, he knows how to kill a buzz.
  20. Some of my best friends are strap-ons mounted on a jackhammer... You say strap-on mounted on a jackhammer and stuffed into the buttcrack of Nelson Mandela like it's a bad thing.
  21. Re: The cranky thread She needed salt.
  22. Why you cold blooded... Silence, reptile!
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