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Everything posted by Sketchpad

  1. I love this comic ... and I voted for Freezerburn myself
  2. Okay ... so I just got back from court with the whole car/Defender thing ... and I got hosed! I have to pay $3000.00 for property damages because my car took out a street light ... a STREET LIGHT ... and it wasn't even my fault!! So now I have to pay $3000.00 for a street light and Defender gets a pat on the back ... where's the justice here? I'm giving my cousing Freddy a call and see if he's got some friends to take out these so-called "Chumpions"
  3. I've seen quite a few of the old character images floating around ... does anyone know if there's a place on the web that has any of these images?
  4. I know this was said someplace else ... but does anyone know the release date for STAST?
  5. eh ... I'm not much of an ebay seller ... Maybe someday
  6. Yeah ... I saw that ... too bad that I already have the other two books :-/ I'd love to get that one book ...
  7. Hmm ... that's a toughy for me... For Sourcebooks, I'm a sucker for the Organizations books, especially Blood & Dr. McQ and Primus & Demon. Super Agents was also something nifty (I liked the Quest homage in it). I'll also have to jump on the bandwagon and say Strikeforce kicks major boot-ay As far as adventures ... I rarely use them for anything besides unique characters, but the ones I liked were Target: Hero, To Serve & Protect, Corolisis Effect (loved the Arcanes) and the Island of Dr. Destroyer. On the other hand, I also converted over a TON of V&V stuff many moons ago and used those characters as well. I just wish that some of those old modules were available as either a free DL or a significantly cheaper DL ... I'd love to be able to look at a few books that I've never seen before
  8. Ooo ... Cool Hail to the King
  9. I hear ya ... I did the same a few years back and, while I've found most of it, I'm still looking for a few (like that Blood & DrMcQ book ).
  10. It has? Is he going to be the villain in STAST?
  11. Personally ... I'm a supporter of the Multiform idea When I watch the movies, the characters react differently in the Matrix than they do outside ... this would be all sorts of modifications to stats, skills, powers and even disads ... and I think it'd be easier organization wise to have the realities each have their own characters
  12. Bah ... "Champions" ... what have they ever done for our city, huh? I think there should be some kind of ... of ... registration act ... yeah ... something that makes super-zeroes tell us who they are and make them responsible for their actions for a change. Take my cousin Freddyh for example ... yeah, he's a bit of a loon ... but does that mean he's a bad guy? So he likes comic books ... hey who doesn't. Heck ... the other day I was driving to work and who shows up? Mr. High and Mighty Defender ... and you know what he did? He trashed my car!! Yeah I got meta insurance on it ... but the Champions PR agent's clamining it was MY FAULT!! How could it be my fault when all I was doing was driving, you know?
  13. What about making the character using the AI rules for the parasite and having a follower for the host?
  14. Blucas as Cap? I hope him all the best with that ... though I'd love to see them cast him as Captain America
  15. I've been working on a germ-based race and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions how a racial package should be built for this? They're similar to the Trill from DS9 in the way that they bond with a host ...
  16. I agree 100% KS ... unless someone's actually playing the R2 as their main character, he should be ran as a NPC
  17. Personally, I don't see them as taking stun ... I see it more as either an entagle or supress, not as Stun damage. As for the hit in RotJ ... that most certainly was BODY damage ... take a look at his reaction ...ouch!
  18. I always liked the "Mirror Universe" idea, but I made mine more like JLA: Earth-2. The heroes' alternate selves discovered the mainstream world and decided to invade, causing ALL sorts of confusion For new ideas: How about TV Land? Ever seen Plesantville? Now the heroes find themselves trying to maintain an ultra-mundane life while finding a way out. Another good source for other-worldly adventure is the Micronauts You get shrunk to sub-atmoic proportions and find that the world that you know is made up of even greater worlds ... all within a speck of dust
  19. He should have the Only Takes Body ... this is what I get for making a character after getting my Wisdom teeth yanked out As for the MP ... I didn't use it because I've read that R2 units can multitask quite easy ... so they could have their extension arm out AND use their arc welder Using an END Battery would be a good idea ... the only reason why I didn't use it was because I was trying to get some base stats down
  20. Here's a rough "base" model that I worked up Hope it helps R2 Series Astromech Droid Player: Val Char Cost 8 STR -2 12 DEX 6 0 CON -20 15 BODY 10 13 INT 3 0 EGO 0 8 PRE -2 10 COM 0 5 PD 3 5 ED 5 3 SPD 8 0 REC -4 50 END 25 0 STUN -19 6" RUN02" SWIM01 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 13 Cost Power END 8 Arc Welder: RKA 1d6 (15 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Limited Range: 1" (-1/4) 1 15 Holographic Interface: Sight and Hearing Groups Images, 1" radius 1 Sensor Suite, all slots: Requires A System Operation Roll (-1/2) 13 1) Sensor Suite: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Discriminatory, Analyze (20 Active Points); Requires A System Operation Roll (-1/2) 3 2) Sensor Suite: IR Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); Requires A System Operation Roll (-1/2) 17 3) Sensor Suite: Radar (Radio Group), Discriminatory, Analyze (25 Active Points); Requires A System Operation Roll (-1/2) 5 Extension Arm: Extra Limb (1) 10 Magnetic Adherence: Clinging (23 STR) (15 Active Points); Limited Power Only on Metal (-1/2) 12 Side Jets: Flight 6" 1 20 Computer Access Extension: Telepathy 6d6 ( Machine class of minds) (30 Active Points); Requires A Computer Programming Roll (-1/2) 3 20 Robotic Body: LS (Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) Powers Cost: 123 Cost Skill 3 Combat Piloting 11- 8 Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Personal Computers, Mainframes and Supercomputers, Military Computers) 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 KS: Popular Ship Schematics 12- 3 Mechanics 12- 11 Navigation (Air, Land, Marine, Space) 15- 3 Oratory 11- 9 Systems Operation (Communications Systems, Environmental Systems, Air/Space Traffic Control Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar, Sensor Jamming Equipment, Sonar) 12- 1 TF: Commercial Spacecraft & Space Yachts, Industrial & Exploratory Spacecraft Skills Cost: 44 Cost Talent 2 Environmental Movement (Rough Land) Talents Cost: 2 Total Character Cost: 182 Val Disadvantages 10 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Ion Energy (Uncommon) 15 Physical Limitation: Limited Maneuverability (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 10 Physical Limitation: Robotic, Can Be Reprogrammed, Wiped, etc. (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) Disadvantage Points: 35 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  21. Well ... speaking as a fan of both, please keep some perspectives here ... 1) Batman is a master of at least 7 forms of martial arts (or so it's been said). Buffy barely has a grasp of one (which I would almost say is a weird streetfighting technique). 2) Buffy, while having some edge to her, has some vulnerabilities to toxins and poisons (as seen in the Cavegirl episode). The Bat obviously also has this weakness, but has a library of antidotes at his disposal. 3) Yes, Buffy heals quickly ... Bruce does as well (not as quickly mind you) and also has a combat medic at his disposal (aka Alfred). 4) Buffy has the Scooby Gang, a rag-tag support group of friends (with a witch) ... the Bat has the Batsquad, a group of trained heroes (with Oracle). 5) The Bat is no slouch in the strength department ... in Batman: Year One, he took down what looked like an oak tree with his bare hands/feet ... I don't know too many people who can do that. Personally, I feel that Mike Surbrook's stats on Buffy are quite accurate, labelling her with a STR 23. I would also throw the Bat around a 23/25, as well as Captain America. 6) Strengths and combat are what seem to be under constant comparison. The Bat is a tactical genius IMHO and given ten minutes to examine Buffy (which he could easily do), he would figure out weak points (both physical and social), as well as having her style of fighting detected. The man is known as the World's Greatest Detective for a reason 7) The Bat worked out how to beat the Justice League. Superman, Flash, GL, Wonder Woman, Plastic Man, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter. Could Buffy do that? She may be good, but that stake would do jack around most of the heavy hitters Don't get me wrong ... I think the fight would be interesting for about 4 panels/10 mins ... but the Bat should dominate it after that. She can't match the experience that he's had, nor does she have quite the dedication that the Bat has. Mind you, I'm not saying she's not dedicated ... just not as much as the Bat
  22. Actually, the real debate is whether the Bat's analytical mind could play havoc with someone who's still a kid on some level. Honestly, I think a better fight would be Bats vs. Angelus ... at least he'd be a challenge
  23. Unless he spends the points on a Transuit and a Flight Ring
  24. Personally, I see Buffy between the 25-30 Str range ... she's about as strong as the main bad-guys for the most part. Mind you, I don't mean the average "Poke a stake in my chest" vampire, I'm talking more like Spike, Angel, the Judge, etc. A fight with a main bad guy usually lasts for more than 2 mins. I don't see her truly being a major super-power ... maybe being made on around 250 points, about the same as some lower-end supers (like perhaps the Question or Nick Fury). In a straight fight with most metahumans, she should get her clock cleaned because, honestly, she doesn't use nifty gadgets regularly or have any major powers beyond a good healing factor, some enhanced strength and speed and toughness (and maybe a Vampire sense if you combine the stuff from the movie). Riley, as well as most of the Initiative, should use the Character Maxima as a guideline. I would actually have his Strength a little lower than Buffy's, but I would also give him some additional gadgets As far as the Slayer being in Gotham ... Bringing her (or a character like her) into the darker spectrum of 4-color comics would be interesting, but I think that Buffing (pun inteded ) her up would be a smart idea. First off, give her a few styles of martial arts with Find Weakness. Secondly, give her some 4-Color gadgets ... instead of a stake, maybe she has a blessed sword (like the one in Fray and the last seasom); instead of a crossbow, maybe she's toting around a gun like the Huntress these days that's one part gun, one part something else ... look at Blade and borrow a few things from his arsenal I would also give her something more than a t-shirt and jeans for an outfit, look at something a bit more armored. She should also have a plethora of allies ...aka "The Scooby Gang" ... that would be made as followers. Willow should have either a VPP or MP with some serious spells and Xander should be given a few interesting weapons, maybe operating off his "military" background. As for Giles, I would actually make him more like Oracle, sitting at the computer and guding Buffy when needed via a comlink. Would the Batman accept her? I actually see the Bat treating her more like Huntress and thinking that her methods are a tad too extreme. Perhaps she also serves as one of Babs' lesser "Birds" as well and rubs elbows with Spoiler, Batgirl, Pagan and, on a lesser note, Robin.
  25. I've ran few "cosmic" Champions campaigns throughout the years and the first thing that I looked at was comics for inspiration. For example, some good ideas for cosmic campaigns are: DC 1 Million, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinity Gauntlet, GL: Emerald Twilight, Most LSH Comics (Especially the Great Darkness Saga), various Fantastic Four stories (especially concearning Galactus), Kingdom Come, Silver Surfer (some of the older issues), New Gods (or anything with Darkseid as a leading character), Quasar had some good ideas, The Dark Pheonix saga, some of the big JLA storylines (stories with Starro, Despero and Amazo) and the FF/Superman crossover is good to look at, if nothing more than Superman becoming a herald of Big G That said, I think that some conventions of the genre that should be focused on are things like mega-martial arts, massive multi-effect energy blasts, cosmic foci that have incredible powers, the use of extraordinary types of energies not used on Earth, a wide-variety of species, cosmic incarnations making appearances and two words: POWER COSMIC Having normal heroes transformed by the power of the incarnations is always fun As far as what to do in a cosmic game, I know that when I ran a few we dealt with moral dillemas of things happening, as well as having HUGE forces opposing the heroes. Having a squad of Viper agents could be some opposition for normal powered heroes ... but having a squad of starships with a large destroyer would be something more fitting for the cosmic. Hope this helps a bit
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