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Everything posted by Sketchpad

  1. Re: M&M: this is a Nightmare? I don't know ... I think that levels could help a superhero game in some ways
  2. Re: Hero Character Portfolio -- What Do *You* Want To See? Personally, I'd take a look at it ... I've worked on portfolios in the past and I think that making some genre specific would be an interesting idea For example, for Star Hero, customize the title fonts to something a bit more sci-fi and maybe putting some nice streamlined lines would enhance it. A Fantasy Hero one, on the other hand, would be interesting with a more scripty font and maybe some hand-drawn lines for seperating areas. I think an interesting application of this would be to make a portfolio pack for HDv2 ... have the sheets be more graphic and longer, formatted for printing and allowing people to write added material (basically like log pages, allies page, etc). IMHO, this is a better way to go (Heck, if I could figure out how to do, I probably would have done it a while ago )
  3. Re: M&M: this is a Nightmare? Speaking as a sort of conniseur of Superhero RPGs, I've had M&M for quite some time In fact, I can honestly say I was lucky enough to playtest it, as well as the adventure Time of Crisis I think M&M depends on your taste in games ... both Hero/Champions and M&M emulate superheroes quite well. Champions does a good job in versitility and fleshing out the character ... while M&M emulates the quick action seen in the panels of comics, as well as having a quick creation engine for characters. Which is better? I don't think one is superior over the other ... I think one is Pepsi and the other is Coke ... some like one, others will like the other I use both :party: Depends on what the group wants to play ... As for DC Heroes ... if only they could fix the skill system, the game would be perfect
  4. Hiya gang, I'm working on a spell system that requires magical elements (-1/4). Basicall MEs are akin to WF & TF but are required to cast certain spells. For example, to cast a fireball, someone needs the proper skill and ME: Fire Now I'm looking for 15 elements (linked to 15 months) ... any ideas on what elements I should have?
  5. Re: Things We'd Like To See:PRIMUS I'd rather see GA around the 750 pt area and the SAs around the 300 pt range, just shy of being full-fledged superheroes. On the uniforms ... I think I'd rather see something akin to a SHIELD or Checkmate uniforms, with certain add-ons as mission requires. I've never seen Primus as diverse as UNTIL (which is played like SHIELD in my campaign), bur rather like the DEO ran by the Ultimate Captain America I would also like to see package treatments for the SAs though ... I've been thinking of placing one as a NPC liason in my group's team
  6. Re: Things a wise super hero should NEVER say "Ah ... he doesn't look that tough." (Followed by getting their butt kicked) "I DON'T NEED HELP!" (Followed by screams of "HEEEELLLP!" "That small guy? How could he hurt me?" (Followed by a trip to the Hospital and a Fish-Story) "Viper? How tough can a bunch of Cobra Wannabees be?" (Always a bad idea ) "Whatya mean it wasn't you?!" (Followed by seeing another teammate stealing something - a nefarious plot of a mind controller/shape-shifter) "He's just a kid/girl/old man!" And from Hellboy: "Hey, how big could it be?" "Didn't I Kill You Already?"
  7. Re: Things We'd Like To See:PRIMUS Worldmaker - Primus will probably be partially campaign-specific, as it'll be linked to the CU. But I'd just recommend to do what I do: adapt what you need to your campaign My UNTIL and Viper aren't exactly like they are in the book (but then I also don't run in the CU exactly) As for Shelly writing the book - I don't think anyone else could write it as well as she could I've always found her info on Primus to be interesting and useful. Though I would also imagine Steve would work on it a bit as well (as he does with most FRED books). I also believe there is only one Golden Avenger ... with a handful of Silver Avengers under him.
  8. Re: Horror Hero:Killer Cars, opinions wanted I love that movie! That Devil-Driven Lincoln Continental was awesome!!
  9. Re: Street Fighter II HERO Who's publishing these SF books? Or is this a April Prank?
  10. Re: Bike Fu Ahh ... if only we could
  11. Re: Bike Fu The Roundhouse Wheel is what you'd use ... but remember this is purely cinematic I don't think most people could do these manuevers on a bike
  12. Re: Star System Generators It's Full of Stars: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/7472/ 3-D Stellar Cartography program ... fun to play with
  13. Re: Champions-clix anyone? It's not that hard to make a dial ... I've been making custom figs for my Champions group for a bit now
  14. Re: Looking for COIL Plot Seeds Personally, the big snake in my campaign is plotting to awaken an ancient god (does Set ring a bell to anyone?), as well as attempting to form a "Cobra-esque" group of snake-motifed villains to work within COIL ...
  15. Re: A new Silver Age Hero like world Thanks ... I like Centenial City as well Though Liberty Heights would be cool
  16. Re: Supervillain Images I've been working on revamping some old Hero villains ... this is Death Rider from Villains Amok (IIRC)
  17. Re: A new Silver Age Hero like world Hmm ... how about Centennial City? Stellar City? New Gateway?
  18. I like the Ms. Mystic figure Storn ... I just wished it was digitally colored
  19. The way the Star Wars RPGs have always handled this sort of thing is to have the Wombat have a friend that understands him and, as long as that character's around, they can speak normally ... In Hero terms, I would make this a Social Lim (or maybe a Phys Lim): Can Only Speak in Bestial Speak. Then I'd require the main buddy character to take a fluent understanding of the language with other characters getting a chance of understanding as they get to know the Wombat (as, with Chewie, most of the core characters could understand him by Jedi).
  20. I usually do this through a main power suit (emulated through 3 - 4 MPs) and a small gadget pool to allow for mods
  21. Well, let's just put it this way ... it was a major villain (think Magneto level). The heroes basically crippled him then vaped him with a plasma blast ... the only reason they were caught in the first place was because there were bystanders around (one of which got the entire thing on tape) ... Honestly, I don't think it was overboard ... I encourage my players to emulate heroism as in superhero comics, which is probably closer to silver-age values and not like the various "edgier" characters (like Punisher, Wolverine and the Dark Knight Returns) ...
  22. Target: Hero ... an adventure that dealt with Demon Also, Jm ... it's the Circle and METE
  23. But easily convertable to FRED
  24. Check out Kazei 5 by the Multi-Talented anime master Mike Surbrook It's an e-book in the online store and well worth it
  25. Wow ... I need to stop reading this so late at night ... at first I thought Steve was talking about Virginia
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