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Everything posted by Koshka

  1. Koshka

    WWE Hero

    I would suspect finishing moves have lousy OCVs, and that's why they're only used if the target has been stunned first. If the target manages to recover before it lands, it's easy to counter a finisher. This would be easiest to simulate if you're building them as martial maneuvers, just load up on OCV penalties.
  2. Last game, one character grabbed the legs of a minor bad guy, then another character hit the same bad guy and did knockback. The GM thought he remembered a rule about grabbed characters taking KB, but none of us could find anything in the books. The impromptu ruling was half KB distance and the grab was broken, but is there something official we missed?
  3. Not quite a fair comparison, since Copperhead is only 239 points -- and while it's not on her character sheet, she reads like she was built with Normal Characteristic Maxima.
  4. BP is still looking for the perfect vessel, so why not try to brainwash/Mind Control them into collecting some of the candidates? From his viewpoint, having some women last seen with the heroes turn up dead is a bonus. If the players are sharp enough to fool BP into thinking the brainwash took hold, that gets them all free and ready for the rematch. If they can't fake him out and really get brainwashed, there's a mentalist looking for them who can probably snap them out of it.
  5. Re: Re: Re: Nero Wolfe The "Challenge to the Reader" was a standard feature of the Golden Age Ellery Queen novels, and I liked having it included in the TV version. Never got the answer, but it was a nice touch having it. I've seen the radio Green Hornet mentioned in this thread, but the movie serials are also good. (The Green Hornet and The Green Hornet Strikes Again .)
  6. If we're allowed to tap Digital Hero for characters, I could see Nighthawk breaking Monolith free of the mob and recruiting her. And count one more vote for the 7-11 base . I'm certain Nighthawk and Company could come up with some extra shielding for the gas tanks. Besides, the whole point of this base is not to be found in the first place, Firewing shouldn't be showing up if they do their job right.
  7. I had an Alien Wars scenario on my "write for the con season" list, and for what it's worth I'll still try to get it done. Perhaps if more people see that Hero System can be used to play something besides Champions, we can get more interest in the non-superhero books?
  8. _Colonies in Space_ by T. A. Heppenheimer is way out of date by now (copyright date 1977) and concentrates on space stations, but still has some nice ideas if you can find a copy. Exercise is probably the best way to reduce bone density loss (speaking as someone at high risk for osteoporosis), but there are medications available as well -- both my aunts are on Fosamax. If a lunar colony is established, that would be a good place for final testing of other osteoporosis medications and treatments. As far as diet goes, it'll be a long time before the colony grows to a point where they can set up ranching tunnels/domes. However, fish farming would be an option for their protein intake. I seem to recall reading something about lunar soil only needing some extra nutrients added to it for plants to grow, so plant foods shouldn't be a problem (if I'm right, of course).
  9. I got the second doctor, but didn't bother with the companion quiz. (I'm the wrong gender/orientation to have crushes on women.) That said, I always liked the companions who could give the Doctor some grief. Anyone else notice that whenever Ace mis-set the timer on her nitro-nine, Sylvester McCoy was inside the blast radius?
  10. My junior high school offered an archery segment for gym class. I did that to myself more times than I could count. ::wince:: Though my best "18" story comes from a con game I ran a couple years back. One of the attacking robots rolled an 18 to hit, and they were all in fairly close formation, so I decided to give it a chance of blasting an adjoining bot. It got a second 18. After everyone finished laughing (they were open rolls), I ruled that the first bot had fallen over and landed on its power switch, shutting itself down.
  11. Re: So many possibilties You've heard of hard SF, I'd like to see a "hard history" historical sourcebook. Of course, its only chance of breaking 20 books sold would be if the author had a huge family ....
  12. Re: Re: Re: Re: It Was A Set-Up! Make it a major interstate, and you can have even more fallout. When a flash flood washed out part of I-80 in western Nebraska, every trucking company that used that road had to reroute their trucks to, I believe, I-70 in Kansas. That barge that broke loose and took out a bridge (in Oklahoma?) caused even worse problems with rerouting. And, if the damage was caused by a person, there's someone the companies can sue . (If anyone on the team is a wealthy industrialist, tell him his company lost a major contract because the prototype whatchamacallit wasn't delivered on time, but the legal department is taking care of it. "What do you mean, I'm suing my teammate?" )
  13. Not Hero System, but there was a WWII sourcebook released for the DC Heroes game -- I think the title was A World At War.
  14. Ancient herbal secret GUARANTEED to cure your allergies, Susceptabilities, and Vulnerabilities!
  15. Re: Posters, Assemble! [LONG] Why does City Hall keep claiming supers are OK? Look at this mess, a three-way gang fight over a drug shipment. At least the reports were written to make it sound like a three-way -- my cousin works downtown and heard there's a memo with Bissell's signature ordering a coverup. Those killers who bluffed their way past the cops? They were the original group of supers! Their gang decided to doublecross the human gang and keep all the drugs for themselves -- all except Grond, that's why he was still inside after the humans had chased off the rest of the supergang. The supers hadn't run far enough to miss the cops' arrival, and figured they could bluff their way past for a second attack. At least it's easy to tell who killed who -- it was the single supergang! We need some way to keep other supers from pulling the same trick on our police. Maybe a chip implant, like the one the vet put in my cat so if she gets lost, the Humane Society can get her back to me? We're paying taxes to put a computer in every squad car, the police should be able to scan for the chip when costumed nuts show up. No chip, no sneaking past the cordon, go to jail. Furball3285 ((OOC: I was going to try coming up with nicknames for the party, but I can't top "Puppychow" .)
  16. An online game I'm in just wrapped up a VIPER scenario. It was tied into another character's backstory -- the abusive boyfriend she'd finally gotten away from was one of the snakes. The last blow on that guy turned out to be high-heel to the groin courtesy of his ex. When the GM did his recap before last Thursday's game, he summarized it as "VIPER lost a Nest, but the prison choir gained a soprano".
  17. Hadn't thought of it much, but a character I'm running currently could be regarded as a legacy hero. There's no supers in her family tree, but her family has been passing the knowledge of Resplendent Dragon Kung Fu down through the generations. She may start getting pressure from Grandfather to marry and have a kid to carry on the teachings. OTOH, she's currently having problems with some of the big names of the local Martial World because "everyone knows" women and half-Chinese are incapable of learning true Resplendent Dragon, and she's both. Too much grief, and she may decide to adopt one of her full-blooded cousins instead if the question of passing on the teachings ever comes up. (And don't yell at the GM -- I made up the bigotry bit myself.)
  18. Re: The Government went and took my Power Armor- A villain's lament They'd either have to rebuild the armor (at least mounting all the mechanics in a different "shell") or risk their agents being mistaken for the original villainous wearer. Unless all the power armor is coming from the same source, rebuilding will be a couple skilled techs working full-time on each suit -- assembly line procedures won't work. The "we'll announce Ankylosaur's suit is being worn by a good guy now" option is just loaded with plot potential for the GM. I may have to dig up a country that would be willing to try this and ship my heroes off to deal with it.
  19. I did a 5th edition version of the Hunley for a recent issue of Haymaker. Steve, if you think you can use it, you can have it. Count another vote for WWII vehicles, though I enjoy playing with the vehicle creation rules so I'd probably still make up my own version . I'm working on the V-1 and V-2 right now, in fact (plus the never-used-in-combat manned V-1).
  20. Re: Re: Re: How to Prosecute? Doubtful if he's an experienced hero. Double doubtful if his team has sanction. The impression I've gotten is that sanctioned heroes are held to a higher standard, and should know what their powers can do to someone. If he's a novice hero, he might get away with it with lots of witness-box angst.
  21. Koshka

    Silly Question

    You might want CKC, to look up possible Hunteds. If you remember the names and rough power levels, though, it could stay home.
  22. Koshka

    Campaign Atmosphere

    If everyone's coming up with a character from a different genre, you could run a wild time travel adventure tying all of them together .... Seriously, you all need to agree on a genre. Once you do, run out and get the appropriate genre book -- Champions for superheroes, Star Hero for science fiction, Ninja Hero for martial arts action, or Fantasy Hero for, you guessed it, fantasy. (If you have a good used game section at the local game store, you can tap other genres that the new guard hasn't covered yet -- personally, I think Hero does a great job at pulp.) There's GMing information in each genre book that would help you get a game setting assembled.
  23. Koshka

    PS238 Comic

    I've been following the series since the initial backup strips in Nodwick, and love it. (Now if the local shops would get issue 3 in ....) Zodon shouldn't be that hard to build -- an obscene INT, loads of technical skills and Inventor, and Phys Lim: Incapable of Swearing . Now, his transport chair might be tricky until we see a little more of what it can do.
  24. ... and have a couple questions: 1) While the V-1 had control surfaces and was technically capable of turning, the autopilot couldn't manage anything other than straight-line flight. No matter how much I jack up the Limited Maneuverability limitation, I can't get rid of being able to make one 60 degree turn at some point during the flight. Should I be using a custom limitation, or just take Limited Maneuverability up to - 1 1/4 (close enough to the flight time) and put the "no turning" note into the description? 2) How big a limitation would you give a flying vehicle that cannot take off under its own power? And would it be a regular Phys Lim or a limitation on its Flight?
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