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    Steve got a reaction from Durzan Malakim in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    The PCs in my modified Champions Universe game have gone to visit Babylon.
    After meeting their first Conurbite (the magical pretty people who live in Babylon), and I complete my description of her, I get back "It's Barbie Borg!"
    I am now stuck thinking of Conurbites as Ken and Barbie versions of Star Trek's Borg, which is probably not too far off from how they appear from their description in Mystic World.
    Babylon did allow me to entertain myself a bit when they bought a stripped-down copy (no weapons) of the Millenium Falcon from a Ferengi. They're now trying to figure out how to get it back to Earth.
  2. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Durzan Malakim in Dr. Destroyer takes over Cuba   
    The campaign has actually reached a point where I am in the process of thinking how I could expand it in different directions.
    You might call the current campaign Phase One, and it will very likely continue on past this summer, perhaps replacing existing characters with new ones as the point levels are starting to grow a bit excessive.
    My current plans for Phase Two is either an "Agents Of PRIMUS" campaign and/or a Teen Champions campaign with a New Mutants kind of feel, both set in my revised Champions Universe. There has also recently been some discussion about putting together an expansion team, currently called "Champions West" and to be based in Los Angeles.
    Getting back to the current campaign...
    There was also more down to Earth trouble for the team going on in the United States, since half of them have Secret ID, and the other two are Public ID types. The leader of the team, who has a Public ID, was asked to appear before the Senate Committee on Superhuman Affairs. Due to the fears and uncertainty in the aftermath of the V'Han War shaking things up, he was ordered by the committee chairman to have his Secret ID teammates reveal their identities to the government. It later turned out that a large contingent of Congress has been replaced by fetches, magical copies of people. This plotline was discovered to be the result of earlier PC actions in dealing with the Shadow Queen from Faerie (one of the Master Villain baddies in the CU). She had been allied with Black Paladin, and the team turned him against her, giving him her kingdom in exchange for his vow to do no more villainy within Millenium City. He has honored that vow, instead using his new Faerie resources to take control of elements of the United States government. This has been another one of the distractions the PCs are currently dealing with, heading off to Faerie to find the kidnapped congressmen and senators.
    Meanwhile, the United Nations has extended an offer of worldwide police authority to the team, expanding them out from working in Millenium City to policing the world.
  3. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Acroyear II in Dr. Destroyer takes over Cuba   
    Actually, the PCs have been the unintentional cause of some events in the campaign. The Cuban plot development was a result of their actions during the war. When V’Han came, Cuba was one of her force’s major beachheads, and the PCs attacked the ship, which had a few of their alternate universe counterparts on it.
    After V’Han was driven off, which some of the PCs felt might have been “too easy,” it was later discovered that many superhumans were now missing, and entire superteams were gone. The players are pretty sure this means they’ve been kidnapped by V’Han’s forces before her withdrawal. However, instead of diving right into that, the PCs have been getting run a bit ragged dealing with suddenly being the world’s most visible superheroes that are active. The V’Han War has been one of the more major events in my campaign.
    Cuba was a V’Han beachhead, and the PC’s counterparts crushed the Cuban military at the head of V’Han’s soldiers in their opening move, which was one reason they decided to go to Cuba instead of one of the other hot spots. After the war was over, Dr. Destroyer made his first move, taking over the remnants of Cuba. His ability to produce food and medicine via his technology is pretty much equivalent to using a Star Trek replicator.
    Instead of just beating the crook of the week, although some sessions are like that, the campaign’s overall story arc has been a series of events that slowly increase the stakes for the PCs and raise their visibility. They started out as one new team amongst many older, existing teams and their actions have gradually rewritten the campaign world, in one story arc literally when they went on a multi-session time travel odyssey and altered certain key events in the history of the Champions Universe, creating this alternate timeline version.
    Their time travel adventures attracted V’Han’s attention, which then led to the war, which has led to the current events.
    I always check at the end of each session if everyone is having a good time, and the responses have been positive. Everyone keeps coming back, and it’s been over two years now.
  4. Thanks
    Steve got a reaction from bluesguy in Dr. Destroyer takes over Cuba   
    Actually, the PCs have been the unintentional cause of some events in the campaign. The Cuban plot development was a result of their actions during the war. When V’Han came, Cuba was one of her force’s major beachheads, and the PCs attacked the ship, which had a few of their alternate universe counterparts on it.
    After V’Han was driven off, which some of the PCs felt might have been “too easy,” it was later discovered that many superhumans were now missing, and entire superteams were gone. The players are pretty sure this means they’ve been kidnapped by V’Han’s forces before her withdrawal. However, instead of diving right into that, the PCs have been getting run a bit ragged dealing with suddenly being the world’s most visible superheroes that are active. The V’Han War has been one of the more major events in my campaign.
    Cuba was a V’Han beachhead, and the PC’s counterparts crushed the Cuban military at the head of V’Han’s soldiers in their opening move, which was one reason they decided to go to Cuba instead of one of the other hot spots. After the war was over, Dr. Destroyer made his first move, taking over the remnants of Cuba. His ability to produce food and medicine via his technology is pretty much equivalent to using a Star Trek replicator.
    Instead of just beating the crook of the week, although some sessions are like that, the campaign’s overall story arc has been a series of events that slowly increase the stakes for the PCs and raise their visibility. They started out as one new team amongst many older, existing teams and their actions have gradually rewritten the campaign world, in one story arc literally when they went on a multi-session time travel odyssey and altered certain key events in the history of the Champions Universe, creating this alternate timeline version.
    Their time travel adventures attracted V’Han’s attention, which then led to the war, which has led to the current events.
    I always check at the end of each session if everyone is having a good time, and the responses have been positive. Everyone keeps coming back, and it’s been over two years now.
  5. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Armory in Dr. Destroyer takes over Cuba   
    Dr. Destroyer is quickly consolidating his hold on the island, but he is not alone in his endeavors. In a surprising move that happened “off screen” for reasons the PCs will learn, Menton has chosen to assist in this endeavor, returning to Destroyer’s fold and apparently mending the rift between them. He has been working in the shadows with a number of lesser mentalists, locating points of resistance and either quickly eliminating them or rewriting their personalities into true believers supporting the new regime.
  6. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Boll Weevil in Dr. Destroyer takes over Cuba   
    In my Champions campaign, Dr. Destroyer has taken over the country of Cuba, crushing any military forces or superhumans that attempt to oppose his rule. He took advantage of a power vacuum caused by a massive invasion of Earth by Empress V’Han that ended up in failure, and one of her warships detonated over Havana, destroying a large swath of the city, giving him a window of opportunity to seize power while the country was leaderless.
    However, instead of instituting the brutal tyranny that most would have expected from him, over the course of the following days and weeks, he begins his rule by utilizing his technology to provide seemingly endless amounts of food and medicines to the Cuban people as he institutes a more benevolent form of dictatorship. His soldiers, robots and superhuman assets quickly become familiar sights in towns across Cuba, providing security and dealing forcefully with criminal activity.
    His actions have left many in the world confused as to what he has in mind. Some are wondering if this is actually an alternate reality refugee from the invasion instead of the Dr. Destroyer that has terrorized the world for decades.
    What other actions might he take as part of his rule? How might other countries react to Dr. Destroyer in charge of a nation?
  7. Like
    Steve got a reaction from assault in Silver/Bronze age post-modern apologetics   
    One of the ideas that caught my attention in Mr. Allston’s Strike Force setting was the Governor, a being artificially holding back the progress of technology despite all the super-geniuses and their weird inventions. It could be that something or someone behind the scenes is influencing the world so it takes on the appearance of the Silver/Bronze Age.
    It could be that the world is like the Matrix, a controlled reality of some kind. There is danger and problems that requires superhumans, but the world seems to function within certain predefined parameters. Or maybe mankind somehow imposed it upon itself, a consensual reality like in White Wolf’s Mage: The Ascension.
    Who or what is controlling reality? Why do they want it to be like the Silver Age/Bronze Age? How are they able to get people all over the world to accept this reality? What happens to those who figure out the truth?
    And what happens if everybody wakes up?
  8. Like
    Steve reacted to RDU Neil in Left the safety on   
    Back to your original post and comment about Luck...
    I use a house rule to manage Luck for characters. Instead of rolling Luck (which can still happen, but in specific situations) characters get a "Luck Chit" for every 5 pts. These chits are randomly drawn at the beginning of the game, and use 'em or lose 'em by end of game. The PLAYER gets to choose when to spend a Luck Chit to affect the game in their favor. The chits have differing levels of power... the lowest provide an extra defensive action or a reroll of the dice, and abort maneuver without spending an action, etc.  The higher level chits let them have something dramatic or use a power in a non-defined way or get an automatic hit, etc.

    In this case I would easily allow a player who was about to get hit with a lucky shot by a guard to throw a chit (one of the high level ones) and say, "The guy was so panicked, "CLICK", he forgot to take off the safety!"  Spending a high level chit to have a dramatic, scene appropriate moment go her way is what I built the system for, and "Safety left on!" could be a perfect description of one of those, if the player thought of it, and the table agreed. (Essentially, the table gets a "vote" on the described action as to whether everyone feels it fits the scene and is dramatically appropriate. Usually it is very natural, everyone laughing and saying, "Ok, that's cool!" or a noticeable shrugging and "eehhh, that doesn't feel right" and we discuss what would be more appropriate.)
    I feel "safety left on!" would be something that fell within this narrative mechanic for my games, or any game that uses a bennie/luck/hero point type system.
  9. Haha
    Steve reacted to bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    From last night's historical fantasy game. As part of their efforts to build an alliance against the evil Prince Kor, Our Heroes have been trying to facilitate a marriage between the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, and Princess Zoe Porphyrogenita, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor. Things are going well, until Robert, King of the Franks shows up...
    GM: The French King looks around the room, spots the beautiful Princess Zoe, and makes a beeline over to start chatting her up.
    Geralt: (Irish Holy Warrior) Oh hell no! I step between them and politely suggest to King Robert that this isn't the Princess he's looking for.
    GM: Great, make me a High Society Roll to see how badly you step in it.
    [Geralt rolls a natural 18]
    Geralt: (angrily) "What do you think you're doing trying to make time with the Emperor's betrothed!?!?"
    ...followed by an exchange of Who Do You Think You Are's and Don't You Know Who I Am's, ending in...
    Geralt: ...And I deck him!
    And that, children, is how in 1001 France declared war on Ireland and sat out the war against the Antichrist.
  10. Thanks
    Steve reacted to JohnTaber in Serious Sale At Noble Knight Games!   
    Hi Hero Geeks:  Hope this is ok to post.
    Noble Knight Games is having like an 80% off sale on some products.  There is a BUNCH of great Hero stuff for sale!
    Check it out! 
  11. Like
    Steve reacted to Cantriped in Orcish Martial Arts   
    The first thing that comes to mind is a style based on Axemanship and various orcish axe designs. When I imagine orcish hordes, I can't help but put axes in their hands.
  12. Haha
    Steve reacted to Lucius in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    "I am Barbie of Borg. You will be accessorized AND assimilated. It'll be fun!"
    Lucius Alexander
    I am Palindromedary of Borg. You will be assimilated coming and going.
  13. Thanks
    Steve reacted to Zephrosyne in The Power Of Presence   
    Dude, you don't need to defend yourself.  Frankly, I busted out laughing when I read your first post.  While I am neither a killer gm or a masochist type player, I do realize (as both a player and gm) that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you totally outclass the opposition, and sometimes you are totally outclassed.  It happens.  As long as you are honest and your campaign is overall fair and you and your group are having fun, no one else matters.  Do you!
  14. Thanks
    Steve reacted to L0rd_Magg0t in The Power Of Presence   
    As the PC that that was hit in the face with a 24 dice blast and who is a masochist I do not hold anything against Steve for doing it. I might bitch and moan a little and of course berate my teammates for running and leaving me to my doom. With that being said I will have a lot more PRE next time when I face that bag of bones Takofanes.
  15. Like
    Steve got a reaction from g3taso in The Power Of Presence   
    I generally play the NPCs as written in the books, so Takofanes was not tweaked down. The PCs as a team could do enough damage to hurt him (and could even be classed as Avengers-level at 700+ points each). The players are quite capable when it comes to dealing out damage and taking it, but PRE is an area some are a bit weak in. While two of them have 40 PRE plus some bonus dice for things like Reputation and Striking Appearance, the other two are in the 20-30 range. They're fine dealing with the likes of Eurostar, but If Doctor Destroyer glared at those two, they would not be able to meet his gaze.
    They did get breakout rolls, but by then I had plenty of time for Takafanes to do his Emperor Palpatine impression on the supermage and turn him into an undead horror. "Arise, my young apprentice," and all that.
    Those that ran away are dealing with a bit of PTSD now, and I was reminded of old Call of Cthulhu campaigns from back in the day.
    The PC wears a full-body costume and mask, so his change in life status is not readily apparent. Takofanes left him his free will for the most part (since he's arrogant that way), but he can call upon the PC's services when he wishes. The PC now has a quest to find the phylactery holding his soul and get back his full freedom.
    I was just surprised at winning a battle without a single shot being fired.
  16. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Durzan Malakim in The Power Of Presence   
    In my last session of my CU campaign, the PCs were in Faerie and entered Dracula’s castle, expecting to meet the Count and slap him around for information on a case they’re working on (all the PCs are 700+ Points). To their surprise, the arch-lich Takofanes was waiting in the throne room when they burst in, with Dracula acting as his right-hand man.
    i opened things up with a PRE attack, using Takofane’s bonus PRE from the crown he wears (120 PRE total!). Rolling an 89 (putting everyone on the team in the +40 range), the three supers were immediately overwhelmed with fear (and two ran away in blind terror, leaving the group’s paralyzed with fear supermage to Takofane’s non-existent mercy).
    i use that as an example to wonder if anyone imposes limits on PRE in their campaigns, or if a limit should be imposed.
    One of the PCs has a 40 PRE, so he’s usually immune to villainous shock and awe of this sort and can be pretty intimidating to VIPER agents and even many supervillains.
    It’s been a while since I got a PRE attack this high, so I didn’t remember that the effect lasts for an hour per the chart. That’s pretty potent.
  17. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Netzilla in Galactic Champions-eque material?   
    A lot of mileage could be had with a team composed of CU Empyreans from Earth wandering the galaxy looking for trouble. Maybe some of the other races in the galaxy have their own versions of Empyreans.
  18. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Galactic Champions-eque material?   
    A lot of mileage could be had with a team composed of CU Empyreans from Earth wandering the galaxy looking for trouble. Maybe some of the other races in the galaxy have their own versions of Empyreans.
  19. Like
    Steve got a reaction from pinecone in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Since the City of Babylon is described as including fictional places like the City of Oz and associated characters, I threw Star Trek and Star Wars pop culture references into a blender to get a Ferengi used starship dealer in Babylon selling stripped down copies of the Millenium Falcon to tourist rubes from Earth. Warp drive was too slow.  
    They just now have to figure out how to get it from the City of Babylon's dimension to Earth and hope it actually gets them into hyperspace.
  20. Like
    Steve reacted to dsatow in Dullahan   
    Keeping the breathing head outside of the poison gas while the body goes in for the kill. Able to communicate and talk to one person safely while fighting assorted villains. The ability to have your cake while fighting off other people trying to take it from you.
  21. Like
    Steve reacted to dsatow in Dullahan   
    OK, I thought you might be thinking of this one

  22. Like
    Steve got a reaction from bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Since the City of Babylon is described as including fictional places like the City of Oz and associated characters, I threw Star Trek and Star Wars pop culture references into a blender to get a Ferengi used starship dealer in Babylon selling stripped down copies of the Millenium Falcon to tourist rubes from Earth. Warp drive was too slow.  
    They just now have to figure out how to get it from the City of Babylon's dimension to Earth and hope it actually gets them into hyperspace.
  23. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Netzilla in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    The PCs in my modified Champions Universe game have gone to visit Babylon.
    After meeting their first Conurbite (the magical pretty people who live in Babylon), and I complete my description of her, I get back "It's Barbie Borg!"
    I am now stuck thinking of Conurbites as Ken and Barbie versions of Star Trek's Borg, which is probably not too far off from how they appear from their description in Mystic World.
    Babylon did allow me to entertain myself a bit when they bought a stripped-down copy (no weapons) of the Millenium Falcon from a Ferengi. They're now trying to figure out how to get it back to Earth.
  24. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Era Scarecrow in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    Elven Rogue: I'm positive there isn't a trap on this door.
    Dwarven Fighter: That's what you said about the last four traps you missed finding.
    Elven Rogue: What are the odds of my failing a fifth time in a row?
    Dwarven Fighter: Right. (Sighs) Okay, everyone else step back about fifty feet. If anyone's going to get blown up, parboiled, covered in poison spray, or cursed with something, it's going to be me. I'm a dwarf, and I can take it, just like I took it the last few times.
    Elven Rogue: What do you know? I guess tonight isn't my lucky night.
    Dwarven Fighter: (Laying on floor, gasping for air) If I could reach you, Elf, I'd kill you.
    Elven Rogue: Oh, Mr. Cleric, sir? I think you'll need to bring the industrial strength bandages for this one.
    Human Cleric: (Sighs) I wonder if it's not too late to head back to the temple for a nice game of cribbage with the monks?
  25. Like
    Steve reacted to bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Had an absolutely amazing Star Wars session last week, which mostly consisted of an extended crash sequence. There's no way I can do the whole thing justice, but here are a few highlights.
    Our ship was smuggling Princess Leia (who in this continuity has become a Jedi) and a platoon of Rebels onto Endor so they can blow up a certain shield generator protecting a certain Death Star under construction. But our heavily jury-rigged systems gave out right as we hit atmo, causing a cascading systems failure throught the ship.
    As our YT-1300 makes like a particularly-unbalanced falling rock, our Rhodian Navigator tries to make his way back to engineering to help with repairs. But despite having the best Athletics roll of any of us, he manages to fail literally every Athletics check and plays slapstick comic relief for a few turns.
    Meanwhile my Protocol Droid PC manages to make his way to the bridge and climbs into the co-pilot seat to try and help our Captain/pilot regain control.
    GM: "You realize one of the things making the ship so unbalanced and non-aerodynamic is your massively oversized sensor dish. You think cutting it loose would help balance the ship out."
    Captain and Navigator: "Noooo! That dish is awesome!"
    GM: "Fortunately/unfortunately the only opinion that counts in the person with their fingers on that switch."
    Droid: "Would those be my fingers?"
    GM: "Yep."
    Droid: "Oh yeah, I don't even hesitate - cut it loose."
    GM: "Great! The dish spins out ahead of you like a massive metal frizbee, eventually plowing into the trees below..."
    Droid: "Wait wait!" [flips over a Destiny Point]* "How many Ewoks does the dish kill on the ground?!"
    GM: "Oh yeah, it totally slices through two of those ginormous tree cities. Dead teddy bears everywhere!"
    * Like spending a Hero Point or Bennie or whatever.
    Meanwhile in the cargo bay...
    GM: "Leia is using Force Suggestion to try and keep the other Rebels from freaking out. "Remain calm....All is well...""
    Player 1: "If the cabin loses pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. Put your own mask on first because screw that guy...."
    Back in the cockpit, my Droid co-pilot has managed to fail every single Piloting Roll; not badly enough to screw us, but nothing to help out the Captain.
    Droid: [pounds his console in frustration] "Is this thing even on?!"
    Captain: [leans over, throws a toggle switch]
    Droid: "...Ah. Thank you." [proceeds to make every subsequent Piloting check]
    As we near the ground, the Navigator tries to find us a clearing to land in.
    Navigator: "Gee, you know what would really help would be if we had a Big Ol' Sensor Dish or something!"
    Droid: "Hey, at least the ship is right-side up now."
    Navigator: "Not my department!"
    GM: "OK, you think you've managed to find a clearing that might be bit enough...
    Droid: "Wait wait!" [flips over another Destiny Point] "Is it the clearing made by the falling sensor dish?!"
    GM: "Awesome! Yes, the dish has cut a perfect landing strip for you!"
    Our Engineer has managed to repair enough fuel lines to restart the main engines in the nick of time. The Captain opens up a full burn to decelerate us as much as possible, pulling enough Gs to black out most of the crew but softening the crash enough that we all survive. (Tho our ship is probably damaged beyond repair.)
    Captain: "As soon as I wake up, I unbuckle, pull myself over to the Navigator's console, shake him awake and yell "Tell me you got all that on camera!!""
    We had briefly had a TV camera crew onboard and had kept their camera drones. So yes, we did get it!
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