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Everything posted by Rage

  1. Maui can transform into anything, as a boy his Uncle (who didn't know he was at the time) taught him how to transform into many many different things ranging from the Wood Pidgeon to the Hawk, a rock to the Mako shark. he could have just swum home.
  2. Q: SO just why aren't I allowed to see the cockpit when its on? A: So it was Night fly...
  3. You know its really really hard to find Slash fiction on guns and Roses... Seriously.
  4. It would be a marketing wonder. No Orcs care about those evil Mcdonalds rumours. "Ooh I hear they put pig fat in there shakes..." "Mmmmmmm Pig Fat." "GIve Zug Zug One Mc Manflesh and a Large PigShake."
  5. What? 70% of the worlds population was killed off yet some how every known military base is fully gaurded? Man thats more suspisious than me getting super powers. If parts of the military have survived they could be trying to set up a despotic govt. Instant conflict there. Partisans with things like high powered crossbows, molitoff cocktails etc.
  6. people saying/typing "heh" irritates me. alot of things irritate me, I am a petty petty man.
  7. If you spend three days straight with drag queens it starts to distort your head.
  8. without self analysis we will allways be hypcrites, maybe effective hypocrites but still hypocrites.
  9. Recently I have been looking at my "christian faith" and I have realised that 90% of what I believe has been influenced by stupid culture purpetrated by stupid little people who don't know better. The guy who is meant to be the leader comes up and tells you that "God has put something upon his heart" what he is doing when he says this is: "I have a direct link with God, listen to me or sin against God, I know whats right." I tried raising this point with him one day and he was puzzled, it was then I realised that he could never actually understand it. Church culture is often stupid, and you are told that you must go to church for fellowship. when you go to Church you have to operate with in their culture, and that is so filled with hypocracy its not funny. They talk about getting people to accept God using Free will and then use Emotive BS to trap you into it, one of the guys admitted that he uses the "Get em while they're young technique" of converting 10-12 yearolds with the idea of burning in hell forever. Makes me sick. Back to emotives, I have been going to this "Night Church: Real Ultimate God" thing for the last 3 weeks as one of my freinds has draged me along. This service pisses me off. They say it's a powerful learning experience, but looking at it theres some pretentious pop worship at the beginning of the service and then a guy stands up and talks for ten minutes on some topic. He gives 3-5 verses (Thats not a meal of scripture... thats not even a snack.) and thinks thats enough fact, he will then emote for a further 15 minutes on this thing trieing to convict the listeners in their hearts that he's right. Ofcource the people who don't realise this fall for it and then can't comprehend when you argue with what the "teacher" has said. we then break into "discussion groups" and discuss this "sermon." Usually it is more emotives followed by the same verse. 9 times out of ten the answer is something like "Because God loves us", "with all our hearts", or "no". Man religion pisses the crap out of me.
  10. If you are maori it is ok to pipe out racially offencive stuff, if you are a single white male argueing with the racism just makes you look like a racist. My freinds mum is a femminist and she and her freinds have "inadvertantly" beat it into his and his brothers heads that men are crapper than women. I once mentioned that and was labeled by my freinds (also femminist) sister in law as a misogynist. I get angry when people live up to the steriotypes, it frustrates me to see people just living up to their stupid bad points and knowing that they will go and purpetrate something that is meant to be a myth. I think it pisses me off that steriotypes are steriotypes because they are true. THe double standards are really getting me down.
  11. Man, finishing writing my script is taking the crap out of me. I mean Its 0206hrs and I am still up toiling away, I won't go to bed for another couple of hours, but arrgh
  12. Rage

    Western Shores

    Just as long as Bendan weyr isn't incredibly important you should do fine...
  13. Re: Re: Re: How's *this* for a new setting. I don't know, CS has always seemed to be more into spiritual/mythological crap than Tolkien. Tolkien is just more famous (and likes Baewulf... alot.)
  14. where did he get the armoured suit from?
  15. Haa haa I just finished reading the thread, its stupid and I know stupid.
  17. Druss the Legend has to be the best IMO.
  18. So basicly you created the cliche gun(adamantium claws, explosive ping pong balls whatever) bunny?
  19. Re: Who or whom do you use to scare your PC's? OOh have Omega combined with Wraith. call him Zenith or Ghast or something.
  20. YOU CALL THAT TOUCHY?? THATS NOT TOUCHY THIS IS TOUCHY!!! I'LL TOUCH YOU IN A MINUTE!!!!! ::: Shakes fist in a touchy feely type way :::
  21. Rage


    Re: Re: Re: It's not too heroic, but... Thats what I have been trying to say: Men are pigs
  22. YUSS!!! or I've just found myself a new rival, either way...
  23. Man, this stuff happens everytime somebody makes a dead thread. Its like we have a compulsion to post... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsssssssarrgggggggggggggggghhh!!
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