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Everything posted by Rage

  1. Re: Crikey! It's Steve Irwin for Champions! BLAM BLAM BLAM Crickey I think I hit Killer croc and Cat woman.... Im strangley confused
  2. No he just exchanges disad "Does not understand culture" to "thinks life is like a sitcom" I just kicked Grond in the groin... why isn't anyone laughing? "What Chuu talkin Bout Defender?"
  3. Ok so lets assume that C.H.A.I.N (Criminal Helped Advanced International Neocorps) or the "Chain Gang" if you perfer, was the the powers (The U.S, Australia, China, France, GB, Germany and Poland)answer to help allaeviate the strain put upon the worlds governments and Stronghold itself, for holding super humans. With the decision made by a secret balot by the lifetime members, it was decided to create a non standard task force devoted to dealing with hostile situations, situations involving meta humans and for those times in which it was expedient to keep even the elite of the standard military out of the area. In short, they needed a group of people with abilitys far above normal, a group that was efficient and most of all... A group that was Expendible, Super criminals were exactly that. Led by the rough tough and revivified former Navy Seal Captain Cpt Rock Haliday (f the "famous" special forces unit unit Halidays Sea Lions -last fought in Viet Nam-) the team of: Prof Muerte the woman with a gadget for every occasion, after a disastrous science experiment in Dallas resulting in hundreds of deaths Muerte has one more chance to proove herself worthy, or be put on trial in Texas and chances are the state won't be gentle. Howler- Sultry sonic mistress, with her medallion modified, she can either do what shes asked or she can die at the whim of the Powers. Grond the mnd controled green brute, kept on hand since he was found roaming the country side after the infamous battle of Detroit. Will he be the Deuce Ex Machina the team needs? Taipan One of the few succesfully unprogramed members of Viper that Stronghold was ever able to get ahold of, its nolonger safe for him inside Strongold or outside of Stronghold, the Australian Otis Harrison chose to join the team, taking up the monkier of Taipan - the most deadly of the Australian snakes, equiped with a suit built by Muerte and the skills he recieved from viper he is a formidible foe. But he still has to ask himself will he be formidible enough? Just how long will he be able to stay alive? ----------------- ----------------- Ok with the information I am remembering... Muerte isn't actually around in 5th ed, so I altered the character into a woman, I don't really see many super intelligent women in comics, so why not have it for the Champions darker alternative? Howler was very much like the classic controlled by a Government character that you see on and off again (I think the last one was Venom, when he had a bomb stuck in his chest.) Grond, the idea is get raging beast, keep it under tight control via drugs or mental conditioning or what have you. Its my homage to the Hulk during a very early Heroes for Hire during its new run, or the Sasqautch which Alpha Flight thought was The former member Sasqautch. I would rather he be someone else, but I can't really see it being Goliath or Armadillo and they are the only Super strong characters I could properly remember. What about troll? does he exsist? Taipan- I wanted a Batmanesque last chancer on the team, and with the advent of the new Viper book.... Rock Haliday, is an omage to Nick Fury and the Howling Comando's, kept in suspended animation for 30 years, his country and the world needs a man who can control a team of individuals even in the blackest of places... Cpt Rock Holiday is to be the man. ---------------------------------- So what do you all think?
  4. Re: The Power Brigade Interview Form
  5. Zombies get a kind of jelly like texture after a while. But if your really after a Undead thats good for roasting try ghoul, its a little flacky and a oily but still. Mmmmmmmmm mmmmm
  6. Well lets discuss the old I come from odoboravia thing. What do you do when a character wants to be from some ficticious country? I've been doodling for some time, and sometimes I just rename different countries like The Netherlands became the Republic of the North Sea, or how I turned an area of land on the borders of F.Y.R.O.M, Greece, and Albania into the war torn contry The B.F.S (Balkan Free State). But then again creating your own country in the middle of No where can help as well, I've found its easy to do in pacific Ocean as its just so darn big. One of my new characters for a FTF game (Called, Icon- who is a non brooding Batman figure with a spea) Comes from the Pacific nation of Paitara... It's major expolit( before Icon industrialised it) was bread fruit and fish. what are your thoughts on the subject? Or for that matter what would happen if Doc D got high and mislaid Canada or something?
  7. If he could hack a website like that im sure a mere credit card company is no sweat for him. And then he could out fit his freinds, and mutilate his enemies...
  8. A sweet girl with a great Plastic Surgeon, she obviously got more umm saline solution between pics...
  9. Put it into a Presaude PS based on PRE (ofcource) for making good looking fact things, talking to people on the phone/weasling into places etc etc, you get good at it if your a receptionist or Personal assistant--- I watch my Dads PA alot... Not because Im creepy but because shes my freind and shes hot, and umm I'll stop rambling now. (I think she gets payed extra cause she's pretty)
  10. Systems administration... website building Ummmmm she could work in the feild of Role Playing Games... and remember no matter how scarred she looks, shes better than Butt Cheek Bill over in accounting. But the thing is, if she was a receptionist chances are she isn't exactly qaulified for any of the other jobs. So how about she works as a umm... common laborer, or umm steel mill worker
  11. Re: potential new player with 3 questions... 1. Yeah I have played a game using WebRPG, but if you want a really good game I suggest using hero Central 2.Yeah its dead easy, just like how you can play 3e with just one other person. 3. if your in it for the Super Hero thing get CKC, if not have heard good things about the Fantasy Hero book
  12. Red Lightning WhiteSuit Lady with Glowing Red Hand WOMAN! what to bulky?
  13. apart from the gigantic breasts, ger face looks like the mum on Malcom in the Middle. Apart from that I love your pics, they are awesome.
  14. Im sure Wheel Man could have burnt rubber to save the day, hammering his way into our hearts
  15. Rage

    The beginning......?

    Right O! The Campaign is now open for people to book a spot. So those who want to play PM me with a character idea. Awesome.
  16. anywho, I decided to call him Mr Borges, (Mr Harry Richard Borges) and what he is, is my trying to create a villain, who isn't so much of a walking clich`e, so heres what I have currently come up with. Yesterday Harry Borges was a loving father of three who worked a high pressure job as a bond brooker for UK-Bank, Yesterday he was working himself into an early grave, Yesterday he was also working his way into an even higher tax bracket. The key word is ofcource yesterday, as yesterday was the day he found out his loving wife had not only been cheating on him for a year and a half, but had taken off with the kids, it was also the day when distracted he had made the biggest blunder in his career... a 42 million dollar blunder is it any wonder then that he snapped? Is it any wonder that his natural abilities used for years to keep him on the edge, one step ahead of the competition, would warp ever so slightly snapping him and making him new? ----- What I am thinking is this: Harry Borges has had a REAL bad day, and his own mental devices have snapped him, He is split in two if you will, when ever he puts on his mask, (which he's ofcource almost compelled to do during certain situations) Harry becomes his alternate personality Mr Borges (Or the Big Man, or Mr Smiley I don't know...) who uses his smarts far more effectivley than Harry does when he's Harry, yet the alter egos a psychopath, almost as psychopathic as the Mask (In the dark horse comic not the movie) but still with a calculating style thats almost King Pin like. The Picture of the Big Man (Im liking that name now I think of it) Is of him and his recently deceased wife... Ok, Im stuck... What sort of powers do you see coming out of this guy as a (now ex) Bonds Banker he has alot of money (illegally secreted away somewhere) and connections, so possibly robotics or somthing? really if you just help me brainstorm on anything you could see with this char, it would be appreciated. Thanks!
  17. Ok, I was bored during a lecture today so I started doodling, its been ages since Julian and I sat down and drew a comic, namley because well we are both busy with our own little projects. Anyway this guy came up during my doodlings
  18. its obvious shes an iron age character who pops "P"
  19. Q: the other reason (besides Oil) for America invading Canada. A: button
  20. Re: super hero and villian character design Paid artists, thats what.
  21. well its not my lowest but the most infuriating at the moment is listed on my site under the Sub heading Rhys http://www.thenakednic.tk what are you waiting for? use my shamless plug to read my story... Or umm bump my hits.
  22. what browser are you using?
  23. You should be how DARE YOU offend Zargliff you illegitimate love child. :: shakes fist angrily ::
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