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Everything posted by Rage

  1. Re: Re: Re: Bejita OR worse make him sit throught the Nenonen Vasectimy DVD with his running comentary feature.
  2. Re: Bejita HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NEW BE IN ARGUMENT WITH SURBROOK OVER ANIME... [sarchasm]I WONDER WHO WILL WIN???[/sarchasm]HAAAA HAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAAAA!!!!! Quick lets get him to go over and poke Morningstar in the eye!!!!! THE EYE!!!! NB: Just having fun at your expence
  3. It was just them figuring out the power nap. It works, it can be unfun but it works. Lousey Steve not prepared to wreck his physical and mental state to give us qaulity products... MURG :Shakes fist angrily: I think im getting sick of smileys.
  4. Ok... Idea idea idea idea. A non summoned Cap Planet guy who isn't so pussified, more Natures wrath. so powers any idea? Im thinking a RKA and and EB with variable advantages and variable SFX, piles of strength and flight. What else? and the reason he isn't summoned? Caue an evil planateers esq group are going to try and get him and drain him into rings. MUWAHH HAAA HA!!
  5. I don't actually remember saying this. Weird.
  6. Don't: port a character from a fantasy game directly over to the champions campaign unless you have strict DM approval. DO: Remember that the other players are out there for fun, not just to entertain you. Don't: State every thirty seconds that DunD is better than hero because of X, X, and G... Do: remember that as the story teller the DM's Decision almost always has to be final.
  7. man that would get irritating to the other chars real quick
  8. [polite sardonic smile] Never said she had to be barbie, but idealised is perfection the perfect man should also have 18 com. [/polite sardonic smile]
  9. you could drop the resistant defences down to 15 each and pump the rest into com...
  10. well first shes only got 14 Com... idealised woman?
  11. To use a quote (No not FREAKING KNIGHTS TALE what the freaks wrong with you?) "NO!!! Guys, listen closely. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman. It's not Batman."
  12. My party was almost killed by a bunnyrabbit and a tree in Super Squirrels Chronicles game.
  14. Rage

    Invisible Minds?

    hey to be immune to psychic attacks do you buy invisibility to mental powers or desolid to mental powers?
  15. Rage


    YES!!! WOOT!!!
  16. Re: while we're talking about them... In the comic Julien and I did Aqus (who I have used in like a billion supers games afterwards- hes my favorite character I created) is God of the Seas and has made his throne in the sunken city, so hes what ever he wants of Atlantis. He owns it.
  17. well laa de da Rage Sarcasticly replied have fun lu-sea-os
  18. WOW thats the most random qoute EVER!! I guess I'd have to have seen it in context....
  19. thats mean, a simple PlOnK is all you need
  20. But if they are just summons then you still have to see if they will actually work for the caster, and if its a weapon like a ray gun and they are continually having points tied up for it then surley a dispel magic could be ruled to send them back through the void? (Using crap about astral displacement and the like) Magic is a valid EC effect. Saying that it isn't because the powers used aren't neccisarily magic (e.g creating a pile of meat to drop on captain vegan) so that magic defence isn't effective is like saying a fire guy isn't allowed to burn a part of a wooden beam so the wooden beam drops on top of Lord Imune to Fire Man. The SFX is common in the EC and thats what matters. By the by when I do a mage I don't do EC but a VPP
  21. Jack Quick Ragman Mr rags Halloween Jack (jack is always the appropriate scarecrow name)
  22. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trolls that sounds like a cool idea!!!
  23. My aren't someones dirty fantasies surprisingly clean
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