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Everything posted by Rage

  1. Rage


    What I'd do is bump up your HTH damage (not CSL's) and increase your speed. withperhaps +10 BODY no fiured charistics.
  2. Rage


    Or wearing animal skins and usuallythey had been eating a large amount of Magic Mushrooms and doing that for most of their lives. Sometimes they'd go beserk and go out and beat up bolders, sure beats group therapy. HAaa haa beats get it? OHH HOOE HOE. CHORTLE meh
  3. No, but it is a defensive move that you can abort to. Hey no body wants to fight the guy who just shat himself.
  4. Che-vey? Don't you meabn Kavey? I must assume that my extensive car knowledge skill thingy is right and that you are stupid and wrong and stupid and a stupid ass faced moron. hee hee ass face.
  5. sure... ofcource.... wait for the munchkin king: he will save you . . points
  6. Ok so thats you done now what about the baby
  7. Naah Kiss is to cool awe inspiring to be the bad guys in this... They would have to be evil masterminds like Alice Cooper in the Lats Temptation OF Alice cooper. I suggest an evil version of Stryper
  8. care to give a reason for this?
  9. Man thats almost perfect. Almost but there is a flaw: Kero needs a wick to light so floor covering wouldn't work. I suggest petrol (but the vapors burn to fast. if its not a prob just use that.) or perhaps Turpentine but there is the tell tale smell. So you go and get pure stuff from an oil refinery with out the tainting "warning" smell. The way I usually beat MA's: Area affect KA followed by a brick (either an actual brick or the building utensil) to the face repeatedly.
  10. Slowly kill all his "family members" and "loved ones" then for his oldest companion or whatever chain them up to a wall in a giant goth club with thousands of Crow wanna bes. Let them have turns at beating him or cuttting him or what ever. Bat Man comes in. and is busy rescueing side kick whoever you come up behind him and take a o dcv AP shot to his head. Problems: My way involves being evil Upside: Its a great fall to evil piece that would make a comic run sell like hotcakes. Mmmmmmm jhonny Cakes
  11. I've got some from the 90's!! just switch the name from Marvel to D.C they'll assume Spider is a typo...
  12. I did a 4th ed conversion for blood bowl...
  13. Maybe its just me but rima sounds like a dirty word
  14. I want to be written up I want to see a firebreathing multi...
  15. What about pins as modified entangles? break the entangle break the pin. then for how effective your pin is you just pay for the extra level. Some pins would probably have hth damage as well (stun only) because you can't breath in them (torso crushing chest.) and are very hard to get out of. (the most effective pin I've had is myfeet near my head with the other guys weight entirly pushing my legs down further. there was very little I could do (he was larger than me so I couldn't just turn) and I didn't have the support to kick out- all the while I can't breath. Now as for signiture/ finishing moves just an extra couple of hth classes for that specific move. NOTE: not csl's, they should be dealt out only for technical mastery of the game. And I would only allow CSL's for specific manouvers or atleast discourage full Hth CSL's Just like the video games I would divide the different manouvers into: arial, grappling, ground etc or have the csl's in different catergories like rough neck, fast, technical, powerful etc. more later working on peice of music
  16. Re: Re: A bushel of Angels yeah. the courts of someone whose meant to be all powerful should be able to do that. Besides does the character not have a spirit? Spirit and soul are different.
  17. Huh? I have never read that in the bible. Infact in the book of Job you see the opposite (Satan is the only "bad guy" who definitly was an angel. There is nothing that spells out whether the demons are angels.) I think a whopping great PRE is needed personally.
  18. Yeah some of that sounds cool specially the EGO roll. except i'd also add your EGO going down after each succesful attempt at not tapping out. And as for your choke slam idea, it beats just having sfx of a martial throw and leaving it at that. For the ariel moves: things like flying takle etc take care of that. And for the wheight thing I think some wrestlers did lift the giant (not Andre, only Hulk did that and that ripped his torso up some what) who were not that large, I just think keeping the actual strength levels down (between 10-16 on the most part) and have a limit cap on how much a short guy can actually buy strength wise. That and for things with lifting include a dex or skill role. If its a real street fight getting someone into a rack or somthing is really hard as they shake around alot. Just my opinion
  19. No the First Church of the Devine Elivs doesn't call their members Presleyterians.
  20. So you had a NZ super with sheep powers?
  21. Sampson only showed superstrength once: pulling down the pillars. all the rest of the time he appeared to be just a super MA
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