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Everything posted by ParagonAlpha

  1. Re: Hellfire, project 275 Mystic Hero Years ago a player in one of my games played a Jesuit priest who had become obsessed with locating magical artifacts. He found a staff that he thought was just magical but was in fact a bound demon. The more he used the powers of the staff the more the demon would slowly corrupt him (it was built as a Side Effect: 1d6 Major Transformation vs. ECV). I always thought it was a great concept and the player did a great job role-playing the continuing conflict between the demon and the priest.
  2. Re: First role playing memory I remember sitting in on a game down in Austin, Texas way back in 1981 or 82. See my mom was dating this younger guy (I still tease her about that) and he had some gamer friends who had created a superhero role-playing game. It was describe to me as a 'tactical superhero simulator'. I never actually played but it was fun watching these college guys being superheroes. I never really understood all the talk of 'Offensive Combat Value' or 'Stun and Body damage'. About 2 years later I meet this guy in Michigan who has a copy of a game called Champions (it had staples and picture of some guy shooting another guy in the face with eye-lasers). I looked at it and saw some terms I recognized and some names of the guys from down in Austin. I made a character named Nightdevil. He was a amalgam of Nightcrawler and Daredevil (talk about blind teleports). Nightdevil was a neat concept, but had some issues with not enough defenses and only having 6d6 of Martial Arts. Not ver effective but he could teleport so I was happy. I was hooked.
  3. Re: What powers frustrate u & disrupt your campaigns? Because yellow = fear and everyone knows Hal Jordan is fearless. The ring wouldn't work for him. Duh.
  4. Re: You were supposed to turn left! I've got too many instances to relate. Just assume it always happens. Players taking the game in another direction is my bane. Fortunately I've discovered I'm really good at improvising the new direction and making it seem like that was where I was heading in the first place. The trick I've found: 1) Be flexible in your plans. 2) Listen to what the players say when they start trying to figure out what is going on. 3) Be ready to steal their ideas without hesitation. 4) Act aloof and smug when you need to use their ideas acting like they were yours to begin with. 5) When the players realize they were 'right', act slightly upset that they 'figured you out'. 6) Occasionally make them very wrong. Just to keep them on their toes. Follow these steps and no matter how hard your players muck things up you will always seem a genius and master GM. Thank You
  5. Re: Needed: A witty quote I hit him with some as well, but my Rep are weak.
  6. Re: Needed: A witty quote "You're between a rock and a hard fist."
  7. Re: Entangle two characters Don't forget you can also "Spread" and Entangle.
  8. Re: Unreal Darwin Awards WEG Star Wars Game: I'm a slicer-turned rebel pilot with an impressive list of heroics in the name of the Rebellion. Teamed-up with the teams not-so-nice former bounty hunter, we've been left behind to guard the X-wings while the other squadron members go after our contact on a hostile planet. We're hidden alongside another starship, smuggler's vessel. We grow bored so break into the smuggler ship and decide to steal his "cargo", a couple of kilos of high-grade coffee, worth a small fortune due to Imperial embargoes. Needless to say we get caught by the owner and immediately get ourselves into a Bothan stand-off (kind of like a Mexican one but with blaster pistols). The Bounty hunter has a big nasty blaster rifle, while the smuggler has his hand on a thermal detonator, ready to activate it and blow us all to hell. Well at this point I think the GM is bluffing so I throw a data pad at the smuggler planning to hit detonator and ending the whole affair. Well the gods of dice rolling were on a potty break because I managed to hit nothing but air and the ground. The smuggler shoots me dead with his blaster. The bounty hunter shoots the smuggler for killing me. The smuggler detonates the grenade before he dies killing the bounty hunter and retuning all our bodies and the ships into the molecular components that make them up. Yeah... exactly.
  9. Re: Who should be featured next? It's part of his recent plea bargain. Apparently his image cannot be "used to promote, entice, enhance or assist any product, company or service associated with superhuman, metahuman, altered, mutated or paranormal indviduals". His therapist says it should help him readjust. I say it's the government trying to take away a persons unalienable rights to plot and plan world (or local coffee store) domination.
  10. Re: Who should be featured next? I vote for Eurostar. but I'd also buy anything with Foxbat too.
  11. Re: anti-Hummingbird gadget Heck I have a much simpler plan. Just "come out". Do an interview with Out magazine, be seen only with other men, act "fabulous". Maybe it it will work.
  12. Re: [R]Evolution I got it Matrix...
  13. Re: Evil Schemes for the Average Megalomaniac What evil megalomaniac are you planning on using? Also a list of Hunteds, DNPC's and Rivalries would help. I might have a couple of workable ideas for you. My twisted mind loves these things.
  14. Re: Body "reading" Check out the Analyze Skill. It does a little bit of what you want. You could build a few Aid/Succor Powers that Require an Analyze Skill roll.
  15. Re: Doctrine for beginning vampire slayers? Flamethrowers. Vampires are vulnerable to them. Become an ordained minister. Holy water by the bathtub. Get a pet. Dogs don't like the smell of death. Get friends. If they are good friends they'll save you. If they are bad friends they will save you. Make sure you carry a silver, blessed, cold iron sword. That way you can pretty much be sure that whatever jumps you is going to go "Ow" when you stab it. Avoid all other monsters. You are a vampire hunter. Leave the werewolves and ghosts to werewolf and ghost hunters. Move as close to the equator as you can. Alaska and Finland are bad places to live. Military Hardware. Use it if you can. If not steal some so you can use it. I'm pretty sure and M-1 Abrahms will beat a blood sucker. Get some killer ass theme music. It worked for the Frog Brothers, it can work for you. If the nerdy red-head girl from your school starts acting sexy DO NOT fall for it. She's a vampire and is going to kill you. Learn to use a spear. Stakes are all nice but if you can do the same thing from six feet away even better. Always reload your gun after you fire it. Don't wait for the clip to go empty to reload. You don't see people in Halo waiting to reload.
  16. Re: How many arrows can an arrow maker make? The answer to the main question is simple. He can make as many arrows per day as you, the Game Master, tell him he can. If he says that this answer is not a realistic answer, point at the rule book, dice, miniatures and character sheet and remind him that he is playing a game. Or if he wants something more tangible tell him to make a PS: Bowyer/Fletcher roll and he gets 2 arrows for every 1 he makes the roll by per day. If he still argues hand him his hat and coat and show him the door. But then again I'm the kind of person who thinks arguing with the GM is deserving of a an UNinvitation to a game I'm running. Discussion with a GM about a problem or concern on the other hand not only keeps you at the table, will probably get you closer to what you want.
  17. Re: Cost of Elven Silver I'm assuming that characters are getting "normal" equipment for money not character points. How about going another way. Don't make the Elven weapons cost any more. Instead make it a Perk that characters need to buy with character points to be able to purchase weapons off a specific list. You could adjust the cost on how common you want the items to be. 2-3 CP: Fairly common 4-6 CP: Uncommon 7+ CP: Rare This Perk could even become part of an Elven Noble Package. This way you could introduce other society based items and not have to worry about changing price lists. Just my thoughts.
  18. Re: Synonyms for Superheroes We played in a campaign that referred to paranormal-types as "Novablips", "Novas" or "Blips". Something to do with the tracking system the super-secret good guy organization group used to detect them.
  19. Re: Who are Foxbat's Official Henchmen? PS: Bring back Leroy, the Amazing Exo-Skeleton Man.
  20. Re: Who are Foxbat's Official Henchmen?
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Justice Justice is a paranormal branch of the Justice Department tasked with investigating and capturing paranormal criminals. Justice is a bit gung-ho in their procedures and somewhat arrogant in their approach. Justice is very much the bad side of the government. Justice and the Alliance are not on good terms in any way shape or form. The Major – The leader of Justice, The Major is a former military man who took part in an experimental program the US Army conducted in the hopes of creating paranormals. The Major can fly, project a force field around himself and others and use the same force fields to attack. The process used to create The Major was not without a price, the Major is required to take specific supplements on a daily basis or his cellular structure could begin to decay. Or so he is made to believe. The drugs he takes keep him highly suggestive to orders, preventing him from turning on his superiors. They also cause some bouts of paranoia and manic behavior, making the Major a threat whenever he gets too upset. The Major is a bit of a prick and a very subtle racist. He won’t say anything publicly but does treat people according to stereotypes. Partisan – Gloria Cooper, former fashion model, was attacked one evening while leaving a Hollywood party. In the attack she was severally disfigured and left for dead. Her career in ruins and with nothing to lose, she took the offer of certain doctors and allowed an experimental regenerative process to be used. The results were astounding. Her injures healed within a few hours and her face was once again fine, but there was a side effect. Gloria found herself with an almost completely new genetic coding and her muscles and skeletal structure were reinforced and enhanced to amazing levels. Gloria found that she could lift nearly thirty tons and that she could heal almost any injury if given enough time. She wasn’t invulnerable by any means, cuts still ripped through her flesh and bullets were still bullets. She has become addicted to pain killers and suffers from the typical effects. Of course this gives her handlers more control over her. Covert – William Moore was a highly trained covert operations specialist working for the CIA. If the details of his career could be made public he would have been hailed a hero and called a ruthless killer all in the same breath. He never failed. The government eventually realized just how important someone with Moore’s skills would be in more agents. Using an experimental cloning process they created multiple versions of more. The cloning process was not without side effects. Over the years each successive series of clones has become more and more mentally unstable. Since the original William Moore was killed the government has been forced to keep making copies of the copies. Covert is very psychotic and has been known to have homicidal breaks with reality. Atlas – Steve Brewer was a star athlete in high school always bigger and stronger than most kids. Coming from a poor family Steve had only a few choices to get out of the small Texas town he grew up in. He could hope for a football scholarship or join the military. The colleges never made any serious offers so the Army became his future. During Desert Storm Steve was seriously injured and left a quadriplegic. The government needed a volunteer for a new armored exoskeleton and Steve was perfect. Atlas is the real muscle of Justice, the exoskeleton is allows him to lift hundreds of tons and provides him with protection enough to survive most military hardware. The exoskeleton is based off of technology created by Kyle Reese, the deceased husband of Amanda Reese (Valkyrie).
  22. Re: Book of the Destroyer: Destroyer v. Takofanes Not bad... Rep unto you.
  23. Re: Luke Cage Don't forget that Luke Cage got a power boost from the Powerbroker at one point. And Iron Fist had his powers wain at one point because of some mystical confluence with K'un-L'un. But I maybe remembering incorrectly because thinking about this made me realize just how old I'm getting.
  24. Re: Book of the Destroyer: Destroyer v. Takofanes There is a fantasy series that uses a lot of Gaelic basis for the names of places. You try and pronounce Cwm Pcl. Yeah though so.
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