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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: Finding something Hero System can't model... heh... We crossed our streams
  2. Re: Finding something Hero System can't model... E'en so, there's still a bit of ye olde Handwavium, in that the only way to stop things that happen in segmented fashion with no associated "Character" to target (like, say, Falling) don't have anything to target with the Suppress or Entangle, tho it's not much of a stretch to assume that the environment operates at a default Speed of 12. And it still doesn't stop PS-12 Recoveries without a smidge more Handwave
  3. Re: Finding something Hero System can't model... My favorite model for the madness inducing effect of some Lovecraftian Horrors is as a Change Environment that does Mental Transformation damage against EGO, at least for a slower crazy maker. I'd do it as a damage shield of the same for the mind blasting ones. Extra Offensive PRE generally as well. For my contribution, I'd mention interactive Time Stop, where you can effect the environment and others but they are all frozen in time. Takes a TON of points and a LOT of kludging to get even near`
  4. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Cry Wolf: Alpha and Omega -Patricia Briggs Her Urban Fantasy is pretty good stuff. I'm beginning to slightly burn out on the genre, however. At least her monsters are properly monstrous and her characters aren't total Mary Sues My favorite bit? I think when I get paid I'm going to hunt up some of the Bolo books I haven't read yet...
  5. Re: 12 of the Deadliest Unmanned Killing Machines in Our Arsenal Nice find! I liked this bit... OGRE Mk I, anyone
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings The last time I got engaged, I did the same thing my brother in law did when proposing to my sister. Spent the time, sweat and blood to make the ring from scratch. C'mon, Diamond Thugs... TRY and tell me your hunk of upjumped coal means more than that. I double dog dare you.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings You want a real "forever" ring? Go with Iridium. (not that I'll ever afford one, even if a likely recipient ever decided to show up...)
  8. Re: My mostly hard sci-fi campaign Indeed. One of the more ethical options I see for docilization as a punishment is as a "in the field" measure for subduing criminals until they can be returned to a facility (be it a station or dirtside) with the resources to dedicate towards legal proceedings and punishment.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings And that article was written in '82. The damn monopoly has held, and I still won't buy the stupid shiny rocks. I'm just waiting for our latest & greatest artificial diamond manufacturers to torpedo the DeBeers monopoly in the name of diamond CPUs.
  10. Re: Declaration I've contemplated setting up a deliberate campaign to function in a similar fashion, but doing it as an on the sly crossover event between various systems is Evil Genius at work. I'm sure you've considered the possibility already, but an obvious clue hammer if they don't seem to be connecting the dots would be to insert a dimension spanning fight like the BESM mech incident first, in play in a game, then some time not too far in the RT future have the event witnessed, possibly camouflaged beneath genre appropriate descriptions, in another of your ongoing games. essentially your planned set up, but let them experience the event from both the participant and witness POV if they need a bigger hint.
  11. Re: Steampunk - Source Material Been pondering where to post this, but this seems a likely first candidate... Whist doing esoteric background research for my pastiche Post Apoc Steampunk setting, I stumbled across what is either a brilliant new paradigm breaking theory, or the latest and greatest collection of pseudoscientific techno-babble, but I've been finding it immensely useful for rounding out the basis of "Super science" in the setting. If they're right, then this is probably the secret Tesla took with him to his grave in the Real World. The linked site, while having many of the usual formatting problems associated with websites made by fanatical followers of crackpot theories (Like FATAL ), has links to a bunch of the interesting possible applications... Longitudinal Scalar Waves
  12. Re: Submarine cloaking device Here at Cheapass Games
  13. Re: Submarine cloaking device Heh... All this is reminding me of the rather clever James Ernest's Totally Renamed Spy Game, formerly known as Before I Kill You, Mr. Bond (until the cease & desist letter), where the players compete to build up their secret Lairs in order to score points catching and executing super spies. Every time you Taunted a spy, their point value would double at the time of their demise, but each taunt risked the chance of a counter being played, letting the spy escape and destroy your whole Lair. Fun game.
  14. Re: My mostly hard sci-fi campaign Giving into popular opinion and/or letting criminals get away with major crimes because "they're too valuable to punish" is going to annihilate morale and factionalize crew just as badly as the execution would. It's kind of a matter of what sort of social damage you're willing to let the crime inflict on a long term scale. I suspect some sort of "docilization" device, procedure, or chemical would be the likely best-of-all-bad-options. Judicial Zombification. "Something's wrong with the #3 reactor. Take a security team to go collect Jones and wake his zombie ass up to fix it."
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Elves of Lúva -Battlelore Finnish Tolkien Folk Metal. Groovy!
  16. Re: Extra-planar Fantasy Shout out Not to mention Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath and The Silver Key, Lovecraft's foray into Spenser's turf.
  17. Re: My mostly hard sci-fi campaign IOW, mercy is a luxury item
  18. Re: Starting Point Totals well, back in 4th edition when I did the vast majority of my actual playing and running, rather than my sort of "keeping my toes wet" present day, we seldom played at the commonly recommended levels, averaging 100+150 for most of our Heroic level games, (with an extra 25 points in our Star Hero game that could only be spent on "Special Abilities") and 100+300 for Champions, which we felt allowed for more powerful starting characters at a noticeable cost (300 is a lot of disads...).
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Into the West -Annie Lennox, from Return of the King
  20. Re: Extra-planar Fantasy Shout out Good call on Changeling & Madwand. I totally spaced on those.
  21. Re: Extra-planar Fantasy Shout out Raymond Fiest's Riftwar/Midkemia series & setting is another, a more typical High Fantasy multiversal setting.
  22. Re: Naming the baby You have a point, but never forget it's gonna get abbreviated anyway. I'm favoring 6E, m'self. Easy to say, easier to type, loaded with humorous potential, but best of all, an easy and accurate abbreviation of Sixth Edition. to outsiders we can call it Sexy Hero
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? King For A Day-Planet P Project
  24. Re: How long or short is a year? As an added bonus, I think this arrangement would mean that any other appropriate moons around the gas giant would also be in the green zone.
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