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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Totally awesome Kitty carnival
  2. Re: Victorian Horror Help Overgrown conservatory filled with strange and dangerous plants Creepy paintings on display
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Gin & Juice -Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine
  4. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I was gonna mention the Bushmaster "armpistol" as a conceptual ancestor to the P90. I've always had a soft spot for them, m'self.
  5. Re: What would your sidekick be named? I've had a couple of sidekicks. My favorite was "Lord of the Pecks". He was the one who started addressing me as "O Dread Lord"
  6. Re: Help with a mexican masked wressler I'm totally not into the Lucha thing, but the "You might be Canadian thread" spawned this. Apparently there used to be Canadian Mennonites in Mexico. Sounds like the perfect background for a very strange character.
  7. Re: Muskateer I haven't really played with trying to engage the rifling with a patch. Sounds like early 19th C, at a guess? Anyway, for some great visual aids, I thought I'd toss a link to The Rifle Shoppe's catalog
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings *GIR voice* I have nooooooooo idea! Done & Done, unless it means I have to supply bylines...
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings I've been out for a week with one in my face, waiting fever eyed and deformed for the antibiotics to work down the infection to the point they can even look at it. I'd been singing a lot of songs from Phantom and pondering making myself a mask when the pus fairy came and took away the swelling Tuesday, a full week after this started. So, from the trenches I saw thee, take care o' yuirself.
  10. Re: Muskateer my pleasure. I dig old boomsticks
  11. Re: Muskateer Easiest if you rate your guns by Gauge (or Bore) if you wanna worry about such things. Gauge a rating of how many round shot the size of the barrel make up a pound, so a 12 gauge (.73 cal) weapon gets 12 shots to the pound, or 120 from your 10 pound ingot. The wiki link has a quick conversion chart that comes in handy, BTW.
  12. Re: Muskateer just for grins, a character sketch from one of my long dormant FH games, set in a Renaissance tech fantasy setting. Note the bandoleer of pre-measured charges, often in our past nicknamed "apostles" (because you usually carried 12). They mostly replaced the older method of reloading from horns as the preferred option among professionals... you're much less likely to explode. No joke. I used to have a buddy who blew up no less than twice in his time as a caliverman, and I've had one "First count your fingers" accident myself.
  13. Re: Muskateer I'd beg to quibble only only a touch, otherwise I'd just point and say "What he said". My $.02 Muskets are mentioned quite thoroughly in Renaissance Military treatises, but they filled a different role, as essentially light support weapons. Muskets are listed on a lot of period ordinance roles, and they follow the ordinance naming conventions (mousquette being a male sparrowhawk, smaller even than a falconette), and there was a fair bit of dispute as to the value of firepower versus encumbrance. The Spanish army favored 25 Muskets per 100 Shot, but its totally up to the commanders preferences. The English seemed to go from around 12% to 30%. The balance would be Arquebusiers or calivermen. I hadn't seen anyone mention my beloved caliver yet, so I had to chime in. Let me put it this way... in Ren terms what we call a rifle today would be a rifled Caliver. It's the medium shoulder arm, less mobile and skirmishable than an arquebus (which was more carbine sized), but with close to twice the range and a lot more point and blank stopping power. Muskets were there to kill officers, provide counter-battery fire, and to knock big, honking holes through armored targets. There was an early ancestor to the flintlock that was concurrent to the wheellock, the snaphaunce, that didn't catch on really quickly, but was a lot easier to produce. Be good for rebel gunsmiths... I've seen some amazingly built rifled wheellock arquebuses from the Tudor period, 1530's or so, nobles guns the lot of 'em. The big problem with muzzle loading rifles is until you invent the minie ball you have to use a mallet to pound your ball down the rifling during the loading process, so you get one really accurate shot. after that, it's a club until you have a spare few minute to cuddle with your gun and big wooden hammer. And there are wheellock axe guns out there. One thing I've always liked about Warhammer is that their creative team are pretty clearly black powder geeks. Their overall collection of crazy experimental guns is well worth plundering, and in a lot of cases not to far off some of the better real life experiments.
  14. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? To which I agree I stand proud in my heresy. I prefer the volatility of the Killing Mechanic. Normal attacks are slaves to the bell curve! Revolt, I say! *staggers off singing Les Mis*
  15. Re: Killer Shrike's Arms & Armament Variant Been meaning to ask this sometime when someone with a brain did this... I always boggle to see "Dirk" used as a form of small blade. Most of the dirks I've met during my life have been damn near short swords, with 12-21" blades. Is there a semi common alternate usage I'm missing somewhere? I know about Naval dirks, but they're not exactly petite little toothpicks either
  16. Re: Advice: detecting magic from a distance Is Noisy still in FH? used to be a -1/2, IIRC. Spec built for this sorta thing, same as Belgariad magic.
  17. Re: Let's go in Atlantis Whilst assembling an overall timeline for the steampunk PA setting I'm working on, all this Mayan Calendar 2012 dreck that's being spewed everywhere must have worked it's way into my brain because I found myself thinking... "Why not? Maybe the Mayan Calendar is based on an earlier Lemurian system that was never properly understood to be nothing more than a countdown to when the Stars are Right and The Great Old Ones awaken again from death."
  18. Re: Pulp Lovecraft This was one of my old high school girlfriends' absolute favorite movies. "Zombies. They come in six packs, like bon-bons"
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings Be careful who you casually mention...
  20. Re: Magic system wanted -- historical magic Galdr and Seiðr both pop to mind.
  21. Re: Social effects I used to play a lot of Pendragon games, and never found that having rules for personality traits and social interaction interfered with roleplaying. Quite the contrary, in fact, as having as established structure of rules to guide what state the character is currently in acts as a set of cue cards, if you will. I'd like to see a well assembled social interaction system done HERO style. This IS a toolkit, innit?
  22. Re: A Thread For Random Links I know a few of the folk in their past events pics. It's a scene I'm not totally unfamiliar with.
  23. Re: Captain Nebula Though the more usual spelling of MacLeod might be a touch more subtle.
  24. Re: Your Enemy Is Your Sheath I remember toying with a similar write up, with two triggering conditions (Target moving with anything other than very slow careful movements, or the embedded weapon being manipulated) and Auto Reset on the trigger in place of Continuous, so the target would only take the additional damage when the blade was being shifted around in the body
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