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HERO Member
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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. Merlin, or even Corwin and Brand, from the Amber Chronicles.
  2. I'm flipping through these as well as a few comic trades I picked up from the Waco Library. Book Design made Simple is a run through of using Adobe Indesign to set up your books files. I'm only 2 chapters into it, still setting up InDesign. 480+ pages with a companion website. I would say it comes off as pretty complete, my only issue is that it relies heavily on InDesign. [$59.95 USD (OUCH)] Making Books is exactly that. From what tools to use to how to set up different types of stitching. I'd suggest this one if your diy'ing your rpg books from pdf. $35 at around 190 pages.
  3. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    They did a Teen Titans book, Year One I think (can look it up later). I'd say they were more 12-13 when the Teen Titans started, around 17-18 when New Teen Titans started. Wally is in college at the start so they don't say first or second year. And they've screwed up Wally so much in the last 10 year and Donna in the last 20-25 (sighs)
  4. I'm doing 225pts at the moment, The Known World from the early days of TSR. 175 for base characters, the last 50 for flavor and D&D style "class" stuff. On one case I cut 20pts off one character for "mystery abilities) [ala Strike Force]
  5. Only for spells...fantasy....-1/2 or -1? I'd say 1/2, players want to argue
  6. http://davidwoolsey.com/asmrb/hitlocations.html
  7. Well there goes that one race that uses dance as communication. tinagra anyone?
  8. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    When Wolfman/Perez was doing New Teen Titans he was 19-20.
  9. Is that real though? Outside of the "trailers" I can't find anything sayk g she's connected to it.
  10. Yeah another one. This one by Steven Jay Ruben. I honestly have to give it 4 out of 5. And the only reason it looses the star is even some of the newer material is dated, though you can't blame the writer on that part. The book covers all the movies up to the latest (No Time to Die). It covers the movies themselves in detail, all the actors who played Bond in the official films (so no Woody Allen guys). Not only does it cover the characters but has some info on the actors themselves (even if it's a short blurb on one actor who later appeared in Die Hard). A full listing of all the Bond women by film. There is a nice mix of b/w and color photos (including some beautiful color ones of movie posters/boards). Softbound, $35 US/$48 Can. 412 pages. Unless you're a true Bond-head you may not want to put down the $$. For a Dark Champions game going for a Bond type feel I'd suggest it, or at least seeing if the local library has it (where I've borrowed mine). They could have dropped a few things and covered the equipment more. Another reason it lost the *. Oh, looking at the author's credits he's written a few others. One called "Combat Films: American Realism, 1945-2010". I'd like to find that to see what it says, especially for a Dark Champions or even Golden Age look at things [My mistake, it does include the spoof Casino Royale, as well as the 1954 CBS version with Barry Nelson and Peter Lorre. Mea Culpa]
  11. Strike Force remains one of his best, and his work on GAZ01 - Kingdom of Karameikos set a standard of what country books should be like. To me he is like Jack 'the King's Kirby. Kirby would drop little nuggets in the comics he wrote and you'd never hear of it again - Allston seemed to drop little nuggets the DM/GM could play with and go a completely different direction. Just a line here or there.
  12. I'm still wondering about the Sabrina Carpenter Spider-Gwen "trailers" I've seen.
  13. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    I like how they did it in Superman/Batman Generations.
  14. Id say him after Gygax and Arneson
  15. I need to get the New 52 All-Star Western. Jonah Hex in Gotham City.
  16. She's a date witch who doesn't understand her powers yet. Their "italians" so you can do what you want
  17. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    Yeah but GL hasn't paid those points yet for always on.
  18. It's in the Hero System Equipment Guide...problem is I can't find it in the HD pack for it.
  19. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    New Teen Titans #4 Ribin pulls an Analyze. Robin even....(tries to turn off the Town Yokel filter)
  20. Haven't read but coming soon in the mail.
  21. I agree. My context was fantasy in general, not just Pendragon. The again when you deal with those pesky french....
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