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Everything posted by Hyper-Man

  1. And the companion ability: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/94337-how-would-you-build-resistant-to-being-made-prone/?p=2542948 HM
  2. Don't forget Vartox the Hyper-man. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vartox HM
  3. Group help! What is the consensus on how much XP John should earn from the beginning of the first movie to the end of Chapter 2.? I can see anywhere from 6 to 15. Should he recover any points invested that are no longer applicable (ex: Marcus, Membership)? I'm thinking they should be re-tasked to other Perks but I'm not sure. HM
  4. Well, after 2 rounds of brain radiation treatments my hair has thinned out considerably, my sense of taste/smell has been reduced and my eyesight and hearing have been affected asymmetrically (music always sounds partly out of tune now). Thankfully my 10 finger typing is getting closer to being back to normal. I still can't drive though and with my cancer drug regimen I don't see returning to work anytime soon. Luckily I had upped my short term disability to the max 26 weeks. Coincidentally the end of which happens to be when the lease is up on my apartment meaning I will soon be moving back with Mom. And that means if/when I return to my job it will be working remotely since her home is nearly 40 miles away. Cancer sucks. HM
  5. I qualified that statement because an argument could be made that CSL's used to increase HTH damage might be doing so by increasing the brute force of the attack instead of the accuracy/targeting of where the blow hits. HM
  6. I was going by their many Latin tattoos and their multiple language skills. HM
  7. I mentioned Flying Dodge & Desol specifically as they are the most common methods used by speedsters to avoid AOE attacks. And to be truly useful the speedster needs to be able to abort their next Phase. HM
  8. Champions Powers is the equivalent to the Until Super Powers Database. The Advanced Players Guides (1&2) are the equivalent to the Ultimate books besides Martial Arts. The Book Of The Empress is probably the closest to the 4e Champions in 3-D but it really has a much different focus as the title character is sort of like the interdimensional equivalent to the time traveling Kang from Marvel Comics. Unfortunately with the 2008/2009 economy the company decided to go into emergency mode and cancelled plans to publish several 6e updates of 5e books (like Vehicle). I don't know if a Dark Champions book was planned. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure others can fill in the blanks. HM
  9. I believe that a well built pure speedster often needs a few extra Phases to burn on defensive actions like Flying Dodge, turning on Desolidification or even just taking a non-Phase12 Recovery. HM
  10. While not explicit in the movie it seemed to be implied that the father and brothers had ties/training from the IRA and getting away from that cycle of ideological violence was why the brothers were in the USA. HM
  11. Nope. HA's cannot have any form of the Ranged Advantage. And as far as the OP is concerned, citing CC is irrelevant as his use of 'Armor' indicates he's using 5e rules which are crystal clear on the subject. HM
  12. Allowing anyone to purchase SPD values of 5 or greater essentially puts a 'tax' on playing Speedsters. Limiting the overall SPD values in a game (at least at the start of the campaign) allows the pure Speedster to be a more viable character in play. HM
  13. My rookie JLA 6e 400 builds were basically made with something like this in mind. Everyone except Flash has a 4 SPD and Flash has a 6 SPD that he can boost to a 12 by committing 1 of his 2 VPP slots for 1 Turn (*Or 3 Phases depending on what SPD changing rules are in effect). HM
  14. I used a Force Wall slot in my version to represent the ability to resist Knockback when going for full defense. I would mix in Barrier and Damage Negation slots in a 6e update for the same reason. HM
  15. There is a Questionite Shield in the Hero System Equipment Guide on page 276. It's way overpriced in my opinion (300 Active Points!). My 5e version could be updated to 6e rules and still do nearly everything that the book version can. HM
  16. A 3d6 Sight Group Flash would be 15 points so I'm not sure 1 point is worth the trouble considering that the Flash effects only last 1 Segment per BODY rolled either way. HM
  17. Flash technically uses the Body damage mechanic. Hero Designer lists the following as reason that it's not a legal modifier: Cumulative cannot be applied to abilities that cause STUN or BODY damage. And from 6e1 226 So basically what you are trying to do would be in GM permission only territory. HM
  18. Here is an old thread with a 5e version of The Shield and The Claws. http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/68154-captain-america-build-350-pts/?p=1743039 HM
  19. Great unofficial but commonly used resource for Disadvantages/Complications. http://brainfra.me/MasterListOfLims.html HM
  20. I must be remembering a different movie because I recall a scene with a f****** rope where they fall from the ceiling and still manage to kill everyone in the room. That would take a little more skill. Also, why not Linguist? HM
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