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Everything posted by Hyper-Man

  1. Is it really metagaming for the brick to recognize that his opponent's reactions are 2-3 times faster than his own? HM
  2. Converting is easiest with even numbers like 12 6 &4. Precalculating and noting on the sheet helps too. HM
  3. Nice! Here is a link to my 6e rookie version of Barry Allen (The Flash). https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?795840-HERO6E-My-rookie-JLA-builds&p=20707008#post20707008 As built he addresses most if not all of the issues mentioned without the need for custom rules and he CAN run at 100mph without using NCM/Megascale and can double that combat velocity if using the first slot in his Framework. HM
  4. The optional Velocity Factor rules already cover this. Falling damage makes sense compared to move through damage when the "0" knock back rule is considered. HM
  5. I can't provide a quote at the moment (I just moved last week and I'm still unpacking as well as prepping for a Hurricane) but I know that 6e1 states in different wording what I mentioned up thread. HM
  6. My rookie version of Superman has a significant number of points invested in Enhanced Senses (42) which are Special Powers. One reason that Special Powers are not allowed in Frameworks is that it would piss of players that paid for those abilities outside of Frameworks. Another reason is that If the restriction is lifted then the only reason EVERY character can't take put Special Powers in their Framework will be a special effect ruling instead of a mechanical one. Example 1 - Any of the special defenses (Flash Defense, Power Defense, Mental Defense, etc..) There already exists a mechanic to allow those abilities in a Framework - Resistant Defense (the 6e version of Force Field). Example 2 - Any Enhanced Sense (Detect is the base that many are constructed from). Again, there already a mechanic to allow those abilities in a Framework - Clairsentience. Both are more expensive ways to achieve the desired effects but are rules legal to go inside Frameworks because they are standard powers. HM
  7. Combat Driving and Combat Piloting provide TF for the particular vehicle for free. However, Transport Familiarity does NOT provide combat skill with operating the particular vehicle on its own. It just gives basic operational ability. Having members of the team first buy TF before eventually buying the Combat Piloting Skill makes sense. HM
  8. Seems like an awful lot of work that will invalidate a significant chunk of whatever edition of published HTH rules you are using. I would rather start simple and slowly try to encourage players to learn the published rules rather than try to coddle to their math adverse attitudes. HM
  9. I recommend taking a look at my Reed Richards build in the downloads section as well. Hero designer isn't required to view the export. HM
  10. https://www.xproducts.com/product/can-cannon-soda-can-launcher-ar-15-m16/ HM
  11. Hyper-Man


  12. Question for the OP. Would pointing this gun at someone with Danger Sense trigger that ability? HM
  13. Hyper-Man


    Did you look at the Stunning build I posted earlier? HM
  14. Here's a non-Transform method that might work. 45 Colt 24 (6e heroic): RKA 1d6, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; All Or Nothing; +1/2), Transdimensional (Single Dimension (Time); Damage occurs 24 hours in the future; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (4m Radius; +1/2), Does BODY (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible, effects of Power are Invisible to both target and other characters;[includes 'bleeding' damage until target is dead] +2) (90 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=0 HM
  15. Off the top of my head I think a couple of applications of IPE and some type of Delayed Effect should work. The IPE could then explain 'bleeding' damage that is not noticed until it's too late. HM
  16. Built using Hero Designer: Normally characters heal BODY damage equal to their RECovery per month barring some other healing/regeneration. This ability DRAINS one physical ability of the target per 'hit' in lieu of doing actual BODY damage. The Drain recovers(heals) as if it were actual BODY damage (per the character's REC per month or Healing magic). HM
  17. I don't think I've seen anyone ask or answer what happens to the Penetrating Advantage when some type of 'normal' dice killing variant is being used. Anyone have an answer? HM
  18. What is the box set to the right of Justice Inc.?
  19. I would recommend borrowing a page from the muzzle rise rules from Dark Champions and the HSEG. I think HTH weapon speed would most likely affect followup attacks during the same Phase via Multiple Attack (previously known as Sweep) and Naked Autofire builds. HM
  20. Hyper-Man


    Possible defenses to a NND approach could include being insulated or grounded (like a Faraday suite). As an alternative to NND I recommend reading the Stunning option for Change Environment introduced in APG1. The following notes are from such a build that includes an initial -6 to the CON roll. HM
  21. You should check out this old thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93658-harn-hero-2016/ HM
  22. Several updates made based on Chapter 2. This is now available in the downloads section (link in 1st post). I have added a Text export to the first post but it still needs extensive manual editing for readability. HM
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