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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. And the right-wingers' gloating begins in 5. . .4. . .3. . .2. . .
  2. If memory serves, there was a line in the movie about how other spacecraft were being built elsewhere in the world. Had there been a sequel, we would likely have seen those other spacecraft, and seen how the crew from the first movie dealt with them, whether they were from China or Africa or elsewhere. And we would have seen everyone deal with the spacecraft crew that brought guns. That said, you're right--an American crew should have had more than just Caucasians.
  3. Include a group of Russians or Japanese--or better yet, all three--and your family would really be impressed.
  4. I don't see the sheet moving--but for a moment I thought I saw an apostrophe. So is this A Ghost Story--or A Ghost's Story?
  5. Today, at least, justice was served
  6. Well, in Bewitched all the witches had names ending in "A"--Samantha, Endora, Serena, Clara, etc. So any name ending with that letter might work well for you. Here's a few suggestions-- Marquessa Enchantra Elenia Clarissa Alyssa (after Alyssa Milano, who played one of the Charmed sisters) Fatara (a play on the word "Fate") Helena Fiona Marcella Carmilla Of course, actions and attitude are more telling than any name. A character is more likely to identify herself as a witch if she goes around saying things like "Blessed Be!" and "Goddess Be Praised!" A dead giveaway would be if she flew around on a broomstick, or wore black all the time--especially with one of those big pointed hats. Hope that helps.
  7. wcw43921

    Pulp Images

    Copper shoulda gone for the Tommygunners first. . .
  8. Did you notice it? Did you notice? The word "prophesies" was mis-spelled! Why, for someone to do that, they'd have to be. . .have to be. . .
  9. I am not particularly a fan of Valentine's Day, if for no other reason than all those stupid jewelry commercials. Jewelry might have had a purpose back in medieval times, when people needed an easier way to carry around wealth than a purse full of heavy coins, but nowadays it just strikes me as one of the most stupid and impractical things upon which a person can spend money. And the underlying message of these commercials seems always to be the same--"Buy a woman's love with diamonds!" Really? Isn't love supposed to be unconditional, or something like that? Hope no one minds my venting. If you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, feel free. Just keep in mind that every kiss does not begin with Kay--unless that's the woman's name.
  10. France: Free birth control For All Women Under 25
  11. Of all the "generic" superhero music I've heard--usually in commercials and such--this is by far the best. Perhaps you can find a place for it in your superhero RPGs--
  12. You should find them in Alien Enemies (4th Edition), if memory serves. They were a group of four anti-extraterrestrial extremists who went after aliens with plasma throwers. They were much like the Ghostbusters, only xenophobic and not at all funny.
  13. John Madden Dead At 85. Lord Rest Him Well.
  14. It's a paraphrasing of the line from Marvel's The Avengers-- BARTON: "This is just like Budapest!" NATASHA: "You and I remember Budapest very differently!"
  15. It would not surprise me to learn that The Joker has trained himself in a number of fighting techniques, because of how experienced Batman is as a fighter. Of course, he's nowhere in Batman's league as a fighter, so he makes up for it by cheating. "CHEATING?! It's 'changing the conditions of the test!' Aren't you a Star Trek fan, Batsy?" Generally, people who have underestimated The Joker have come to regret it--especially after the poison works its way through their body and the smile starts to spread across their face.
  16. Well, The Joker is supposed to have some substantial fighting skills. In his first appearance he went hand-to-hand with Batman and managed to push him off a bridge into a river. As Batman swam up onto shore he remarked that he finally met someone who could give him a good fight. His appearances in the Diniverse Animated Series have always culminated in some really good fight scenes, especially when he breaks out the razor-edged Joker cards that he throws like shurikens. Now I'm not doubting your fighting skills, but I am saying it would take a trained and experienced fighter to take on The Joker hand-to-hand--especially since I doubt he would fight at all fairly.
  17. I'll pick up the gauntlet. From left to right-- Crimson Colossus--The red suit Gerald Krugman wears draws upon cosmic energy to allow him to increase his height up to and including 500 feet tall, with strength proportionate to his size. How Krugman came to possess the suit, and who originally created it has yet to be revealed. Slenderman--The heroic version of that entity, he has come to track down and destroy the evil version that resides in our reality. The heroic version is much more human than our evil version, but just as capable of appearing or disappearing wherever he wants to go. Dynamic Man--Speedster with the strength of twenty men, Harold Harmon is one of the most experienced of heroes, having served the cause of justice for most of his life. He has had four junior partners during the course of his long and storied career, one of whom went on to be the heroic Star Wing--and another, unfortunately, became the villainous Rage-Maker. Solarman--Attempting to recreate the process that created the World War II super-soldier Höllenfeuer (Hellfire), DARPA scientist Andrew Cale managed to endow himself with powers beyond the original. Capable of supersonic flight, generating blasts of tremendous heat, and making himself an immaterial being, Solarman uses his newfound powers to oppose and defeat the enemies of the United States and help those who need it most, wherever they may be.
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