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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Nonononono. This is how it goes-- Oh, Ca-na-da, We Love Ya Much, Oh, Ca-na-da, We Do Love Youuuu, Aaaaaa, Bunnnnch!
  2. I wasn't aware of that. When did that take place?
  3. Valedictorian Gives Mental Health Speech From Memory
  4. "Superman Believes In People."
  5. I came up with my own idea for a flying surfboard when I was little. It would have had wings, an upside-down outboard motor with a big propeller, landing gear, and a control wheel. I was so certain it would work. . .
  6. And there was the Marvel FASERIP's device of referring to task resolution as a FEAT--a Function of Extraordinary Ability and Talent. I thought it was kind of clever, myself. 'Nuff Said.
  7. Ladies And Gentlemen--The Early Stephen King.
  8. I'm not sure if this guy is supposed to be a mutant, or wearing a skull mask. But if you're looking for something to unsettle your Star HERO players. . . . . .Here ya go.
  9. Well--that's why you call the Goosebusters. Obviously.
  10. Who Ya Gonna Call? GOOSEBUSTERS! I Ain't Afraid Of No Goose!
  11. That reminds me of an Andy Capp comic from many years ago. A coal truck overturned in the street and all the housewives in the neighborhood were rushing out scoop up some free coal. I imagine the same thing would have happened if these dice had been spilled in front of a crowd of gamers--only more frenzied. "YAA-HOO! "I'm cuckoo for dice! Cuckoo for dice! Cuckoo for dice! Cuckoo for dice! Cuckoo for dice! Cuckoo for dice! Cuckoo for dice! Cuckoo for dice!" Yeah--something like that.
  12. Not at all. The Reagans docu-series on Showtime illustrates a good number of parallels between Reagan and Trump. Both ran on platforms appealing to right-wing voters. Both ran on platforms vowing to "Make America Great Again"--Reagan had that slogan long before Trump took it for his own. Both of them had epidemics of new diseases with which to deal--AIDS for Reagan, COVID-19 for Trump. Both chose to deal with those diseases by basically ignoring them. The biggest difference between the Reagans and the Trumps is, perhaps, in the First Ladies. Nancy Reagan wielded a tremendous measure of influence with Ronald, especially after he was shot by John Hinckley. Melania Trump, to my knowledge, wields little to no influence at all over Trump; she's basically just there to look pretty, and she doesn't even do that well. The Reagans should be available online or on your On Demand service--check it out if you haven't already.
  13. Guess who did the voiceover for this trailer? Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Trailer - YouTube
  14. I imagine that like all elitists, they think they will be the ones in charge, and they will get to do whatever they want and injure/kill whomever they want without consequence. That would seem to be why they are so fond of their guns.
  15. Sinead O'Connor--The Night She Tore Up That Picture
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