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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. I wouldn't mind seeing Summer Glau in a guest spot as Barbara Gordon. Call her Batgirl, call her Batwoman--and yes, I know they're two different characters--but she's good enough an actress and an on-screen fight artist to play the role.
  2. Interesting. I wonder if Lena will have the telepathy powers she had in the comics. Of course, it still appears as though they're pinching off of Superman's supporting cast. Is there no room in this series for Dick Malverne? Or Selena? It would seem to me that a revamped version of this sorceress could give our Kara a really hard time for more than a few episodes--perhaps even an entire season. I am thinking that the additions to the supporting cast are consistent with the show formula. Like Arrow and The Flash, Supergirl has one hero assisted by a contingent of brave and able supporters, a formula that enjoyed tremendous success with Buffy The Vampire Slayer and is spinoff Angel. The formula varied with Supergirl to an extent in that she had to deal more with the people who didn't know her secret identity--which was Cat, Maxwell Lord, and Lucy Lane (at least until three-quarters of the way into the season). It seems like some of the new characters, like Snapper Carr, may fall more into this category, which would make them as much potential adversaries as allies. Hope that helps.
  3. Or as Batman said in his very first appearance--"A fitting end for his kind." One of the ways I like to waste time be a comic fan in good standing is to come up with suggestions for the Amazing Heroes Action Figures line, both heroes and villains. One of the things I discovered was how many pf the Golden Age villains did not recur--they would make one or two appearances and then be killed off at the end of the story, either by the hero or by their own schemes backfiring. There were some exceptions--the Batman villains, for a few, and The Red Skull, all of which turn up in today's comics. And then there's The Claw, billed as the World's Worst Villain--certainly he was one of the ugliest. He had, by my count, a total of forty-six appearances--which has to be some sort of a record for the time. Fortunately for the world, he was always successfully opposed by a number of brave and able heroes, most notably the Golden Age version of Daredevil. Hope that helps.
  4. Hey--it was the only link I could find on the subject that wasn't a porn industry site--which I figured would get deleted. Gimme a break. The adult industry was keeping records of performers' ages before 2257 was passed. The regulations were designed to make it more difficult for adult producers to stay in business by making it more likely that a recordkeeping error would produce an prosecutable offense. I asked an adult producer about 2257--this is what she wrote back-- Hope that helps.
  5. 3rd Circuit Vacates Ruling Holding 2257 Constitutional If you're an adult entertainment fan--this is important news.
  6. This is the Sky King that I remember. Yes, I'm old.
  7. Philippines President-Elect Encourages Citizens To Shoot Drug Dealers All you Punisher wannabees--your time has come.
  8. Beat Me To It. No word on casting yet--my own choice would be Brandon Routh, Unfortunately I don't get to make that call.
  9. The Mind Stone's abilities would definitely include telekinesis and "mind-blasting" either as physical force or a force that blasts the mind, like an NND or a EGO or INT Drain. The Soul Stone would be the most powerful of the Stones, and the most dangerous--for it would reveal the true self of the individual subjected to its power, and amplify it a thousand times over. To quote Dr. Erskine, "Good becomes great--bad becomes worse." And the subject, whether good or bad, would have the power to do great good--or great evil, not just according to personality but to desire. Someone who wishes to be stronger than anyone else would be just that. Someone who wished for more control over his life might have mind control abilities, or to make whatever he wanted materialize before him. Someone who wished for justice--or vengeance--might have a broader range of abilities. Now the way I figure it, anyone seeking the Soul Stone for his own use would very likely not be aware of the full measure of its power, and would subsequently underestimate it, leading to him trying to create an army of superbeings and finding he has no control over them--even if he uses the Mind Stone. The best course of action for anyone possessing the Soul Stone is to lock it away where it cannot be found. Hope that helps.
  10. As I said on another message board, I do think he'd make a better scientist than Denise Richards did.
  11. Here's another idea in a more lighthearted vein--the Ultimate Sisterhood Alliance. They could charge into battle shouting "USA! USA! USA!" and confuse the blazes out of the super-patriots in the hero group. ("Wait a minute--shose side are they on?") Hope that helps.
  12. I would be very surprised if alcohol was not involved--although being drunk would not excuse the actions of these "meat extremists."
  13. The Article At Variety Casting Johnson in the role should guarantee a generous measure of attention to the movie--he is, after all, this century's Schwarzenegger, in terms of charisma and box-office popularity. And this movie will need that sort of attention, considering we're talking about a character few people will have heard of today unless they're serious pulp-novel fans. Still, it is good to see a superhero movie that isn't based on a Marvel or DC character. We could use some more of those as far as I'm concerned. There it is for anyone who's interested.
  14. The WITCH acronym could also stand for Women's International Tribunal to Crush Hierarchy. There was mentioned in 4th Edition, albeit very briefly, a terrorist organization called WITCH, in both Classic Enemies and Champions Universe. They were described as all-female and very anti-male. I imagined them as being quite unlike VIPER or DEMON--no uniforms or high-tech weapons, more underground, with a core team of supervillainesses providing the leadership. They were determined to eradicate men entirely from the human race--not just overthrow or enslave, but eradicate. As to tiger's group, I don't get the impression they're that radical. I was thinking they could be called SLAM--the Society of Latter-day AMazons. Alternately, they could be called the Society of Latter-day Valkyries--although that one doesn't acronym out too well. Of course, if this all-female team exists in the Champions Universe, there's a very strong possibility they will find themselves challenged by Bulldozer and AIM--the Alliance of Indomitable Men. Hope that helps.
  15. Can you believe it? The Iron Maiden was one of the hottest women ever committed to the comics page, and this was the only cosplayer I could find of her-- Every other cosplayer was a female version of Iron Man--except for a few who wore an outfit based on the metal band Iron Maiden's "mascot." Eddie is his name, I think.
  16. His name is Stephen. He is a Revenge Specialist. Seriously--that's what it says on his business card. Is life getting you down? Are people out to get you? Do you want to get them first? Don't get mad--GET STEPHEN.
  17. Whaddya Think? Could they be the stars of next year's Disney HERO event?
  18. I was thinking Blue Glory, myself. Her father's favorite song was "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" and one of his favorite phrases was "Glory, Glory Hallelujah!" When Bridget stopped her first crime, she could almost hear her father saying the words--and when the cops showed up she said to them before dashing off, "The name's Blue Glory--remember that! 'Cause you're sure gonna hear it again!" Hope that helps.
  19. That's rich, coming from a guy who utters the phrase "Power Cosmic" every third sentence.
  20. Me neither. And I was never a fan of Ally McBeal.
  21. Saw it on Facebook and thought I'd pass it along.
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