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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. The Specialists This might prove useful, if you weren't aware of it already.
  2. I'm glad they had the two heroes hit it off so well. I especially like the look they came up with for Silver Banshee--very faithful to the comic version from what I could tell. (Although I do wish Supergirl would get her own villains, instead of borrowing from Superman's rogues gallery all the time.) Still, looks like a great episode. I look forward to it.
  3. I believe he's referring to Skye, aka Daisy, who started out as a Hollywood hacker and became endowed with super-vibratory powers. For what it's worth, I still like the series, and I'm wondering how the Civil War movie is going to affect it, and whether they'll deal with that in part at the end of this season, or wait for the next season.
  4. I did like the flashbacks in the most recent episode--it explained a great deal about Kara's early history on Earth, and why she chose to hide her powers and wear glasses. And as someone who remembers when Lucy Lane was a flight attendant, I found it nifty to see her back in uniform, albeit a very different sort of one.
  5. Does he have to be spider-themed? I had the idea of a character with a raccoon motif called The Rascal. He has super strength, can cling to walls like a raccoon clings to trees, and can see in the dark. Instead of webbing he has smoke, flashbang and capturefoam bombs that he can either throw by hand or fire by slingshot--I haven't decided which. Hope that helps.
  6. The Tragedy Of Darryl Hunt After being incarcerated for nearly two decades, Hunt spent the rest of his life helping others who were wrongly accused. Unfortunately the stress brought on by his cancer, coupled with the torments of his incarceration, brought him to an early end.
  7. Quite frankly, I like the look on the right better. Why do people have such a problem with the trunks, anyway?
  8. I don't have that much of a problem with it, myself. It's not unlike the saying in sports--"You're only as good as your last game," It doesn't matter if you won the championship the past three seasons running--open the next season with a three-game losing streak and the fans--many of whom don't have one-tenth the athletic talent and not one-hundredth the discipline to develop that talent--start calling for your head. It's not fair, and its not right--but it happens. With superheroes, the stakes are much greater than personal, civic or national pride. There are lives on the line, and if they fail, the city--if not the world--burns. That's what comes with possessing great power and using it for the greater good--people expect you to get it right all the time. And if you don't? Well, we saw what happened last night, didn't we? Supergirl has a hard time ahead of her. Apologies won't be enough; explanations won't be enough. She'll have to keep on doing good deeds, and keep on winning. Every time. Eventually, she'll be accepted again--after all, people finally accepted Spider-Man, even though J. Jonah Jameson kept portraying him as a menace. (At least that's how it went in the first three movies--I haev not been following the comics lately.) That would have been the way to go--except he was already on the scene, and there were too many witnesses. He should have done that at DEO headquarters--preferably away from the prying eyes of that one senator.
  9. The Golden Age Image thread is right here. I posted to it not more than two days ago.
  10. I remember for Fourth Edition there was a hero called Captain Australia--two heroes, actually. The first was a male who was crippled in action, and the second was the female who took his place. Both were quite powerful, as I recall. Most of us here are quite likely familiar with this site--The International Superheroes Catalogue. If you're looking for inspiration to create authentic supers from lands other than the United States, there's the place to start, to my mind. Hope that helps.
  11. So--did anyone see last night's (3-8) episode? I don't know about anyone else, but I was impressed. Also--
  12. I vote for Option 2, with my second vote for Option 5 with a all-new supervillain group.
  13. Ben Affleck Dressed As Batman For His Kid's Birthday
  14. I vote for a reboot of Deathstroke, myself. One of the ways new players can learn to design characters is to check out how other characters are designed, so they can see what can and cannot be done with the game, and get their own ideas for builds and powersets. Plus, on a sentimental level, I was fond of the Villains & Vigilantes introductory adventure Crisis At Crusader Citadel. I think something like that would work really well for Champions.
  15. I am reminded of a quote attributed to Issac Asimov, which paraphrases another famous quote by Georges Clemenceau--"Science is too important a matter to be left to the scientists." So how did he get along with the "less intelligent" members of the hero team?
  16. I thought Beamline was always a villain--once he got his powers he began a campaign to turn America into a scientific oligarchy. That's how I remember him from Enemies III and Classic Enemies.
  17. Now, now. . .don't you know it's dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker? Not to mention rude. . .
  18. With less than two hours to go, the total pledge, according to the KickStarter page, is $40,197. The Strike Force book will be hardcover. Congratulations to all involved.
  19. This is your chihuahua's brain on drugs. Any questions?
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