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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Reed and Sue are good, and so is the "Flamed-On" Human Torch. The Thing could have done a better job with the eyes. The Mole Man leaves a great deal to be desired, as does the gender-flipped Silver Surfer--I'm guessing they couldn't sfford a silver body suit. The rest are just okay.
  2. That should drive you to even greater acts of villainy to prove you're not as lame as everyone thinks. Also, you should get a costume that's all black leather, with lots of metal spiky bits. Something like this, I think-- There's no reason I can see why a man couldn't pull off that look.
  3. I am--Psion One. The Demon Of Europe. Yeahhhh.
  4. I thought this was appropriate, give some of the themes the movie tried to address-- A World Without Superman
  5. Kim Jong Un Brings Back Teenage Pleasure Squad On the one hand, this is begging to be the premise for a porn movie. On the other hand these girls are biscally his slaves, so--ick.
  6. Foxbat would take it a step further, with a big sign saying, "Free Ice Cream To Superheroes!" Their ice cream, of course, would be laced with knockout drops--and if they take the bait, he steals their gadgets and leaves a note-- NO ONE ESCAPES THE MASTER PLAN! NO ONE!!! Of course, the heroes may see the clowns and balloons and think--"Black Harlequin!" and go to high alert and pre-emptive property damage to be on the safe side. For myself, I picked Arachne, Signal Ghost and Vixen. I figure they'd be more likely to stay on mission and not risk success to grab a few more pieces of precious gems and metals. At least I hope so.
  7. Tell the Nobel Committee to stop searching--we have our Prize winner.
  8. The beak needs to be bigger, but otherwise--Nailed It.
  9. Well, they do glow in the dark. . .sort of. . .
  10. Hope McCoy and our other Arizona HEROes are okay
  11. Anyone see last night's (4-26) episode? Coulson had a nifty little surprise, and I'm thinking it may be a hint as to what to expect in Civil War. The way I figure it-- Maybe?
  12. I'm sure the guards would not have a problem with sedating an Isolation prisoner. There is very likely a system in place to pump sleep gas into their cells for just such a purpose. Good Job, ChaosDrgn. Looking forward to more.
  14. Found this artwork online and thought I'd pass it along--an action figure hero team from the Seventies, before Star Wars changed everything. I would have loved to have had some of the Steve Austin figures, but I was in high school when they came out, and according to my parents, "too old for toys." That didn't stop me from going through the Sears and Penney's catalogs every Christmas, and browsing the toy sections of hardware and department stores every chance I got, saying to myself, "If only. . ." (Just curious--who do you think would win in a fight between Steve Austin and Mike Power? I'm inclined to go with Austin, despite Power's helicopter blades.) I always liked the GI Joe line's interpretation of Bulletman, aka The Human Bullet. I think he would be a great addition to the Amazing Heroes line--I think this particular character is in the public domain, even if the original Bulletman belongs to DC. Just have him go by his other name, you should be good to go. ("With a speed worthy of his namesake, and steel-jacketed arms giving him super-smashing strength, The Human Bullet streaks through the air to smash the forces of evil!") The blog where I found the art is below--you have to scroll down a bit to get to the post, but it's worth a read. Enjoy. Roberson's Interminable Ramblings--July 21
  15. With all the celebrity deaths we've seen this year, this should be welcome news-- Queen Elizabeth II Turns 90
  16. That may be--but BvS's version of Luthor reminded me of someone else. Think about it. The flaming red hair. The manic personality. He designs weapons for sale to anyone. The flaming red hair. The hatred of superhumans. The creation of weapons to destroy them. The flaming red hair. Remind you of anyone yet? Because he reminds me of this guy-- Am I wrong? I don't think so. I wonder if this has occurred to Holly Hunter. Ya think?
  17. You're welcome. I was kinda thinking that Dr. Jekyll's formula was the basis for crystal methamphetamine. Feel free to use that notion if you're so inclined.
  18. The Article At Jim Adler And Associates Saw this linked to on Facebook and thought I'd pass it along. While it includes a number of substances I hadn't heard of, and a number I had, there were a few missing items from the list, such as-- Dr. Jekyll's formula, for turning a person completely evil The Invisible Man's formula for invisibility The Scarecrow's fear toxins The Joker Venom, which kills its victim and twists the face into a huge, ugly smile The Terrigen compound, for unlocking superpowers in those with the right genetic code Velocity-9, a highly addictive compound that grants its users superspeed An argument could be made that the first four are proprietary in nature and not for sale, and that is why they were omitted. Or they were simply overlooked. I'm sure there were others they missed. There it is for anyone who's interested.
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