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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. "It finally happened, Jim--all the redshirts you got killed have come back for revenge!"
  2. "If the Good side comes up--I'll support Bernie Sanders. If the Evil side comes up--it's Trump all the way"
  3. I'm not sure if the is what you're looking for, but I read the thread title and thought of Vincent Schiavelli's character Dr. Kaufman from the movie Tomorrow Never Dies-- DR: KAUFMAN: "I am a professor of forensic medicine. Believe me, Mr. Bond, I could shoot you from Stuttgart und still create ze proper effect." So I would go with what pinecone said, but add the Requires Skill Roll Limitation--the Skill in this case being Forensic Science or Forensic Medicine. Hope that helps.
  4. Doesn't need to be Nazis--long before Der Fuhrer was a cold, heartless gleam in the eye of his father there was the Ku Klux Klan, an organization whose idea of "Americanism" has no place for anyone who isn't Caucasian or "Christian." I could easily imagine some version of them as a paramilitary super-agency determined to overthrow the status quo and inflict their will upon the nation. Hope that helps.
  5. , with the fate of the universe at stake. Brilliant stuff.
  6. Unless the two of you are dead ringers for Catherine Zeta-Jones and Kate Upton, I would reconsider the naked jello wrestling thing.
  7. I figure it's a pickup game--they chose sides with whom they had. As for pitching--Howzabout this guy? If he ain't Golden Age, then who is, Doc?
  8. So how would you pitch to Batman? I'm thinking an inside curve, myself. . .
  9. That would be this guy--wouldn't it?
  10. I will go with "apocalypses"--no need to overthink the matter.
  11. I know that was the original intention of Deep Cover, but I still think it could serve the purpose that I described--just in case there are any GMs who are that particular about the "Believability" anything less than a full-face mask concealing a secret ID.
  12. My only quibble with the 11-16 episode was that Lori Petty should have been Livewire. Otherwise I loved it--the character interactions, the fight scenes, everything. Another victory for Supergirl!
  13. I maintain that the Deep Cover Perk is a great way to simulate a hero who encounters the same individuals in both Hero and civilian IDs while keeping the Hero ID secret. For Supergirl that's a short list--basically Cat Grant and the extras in the Catco office; every other regular on the show is in on the secret as far as I can tell. Still, I think there is no better way for a character to hide behind a pair of glasses.
  14. Okay, I found another source for the picture. Try it now.
  15. Shows up fine for me. Wish I could help you.
  16. Article On The Flash Movie At Movieweb So apparently the DC Movie-verse and the TV-verse will be separate from one another. C'est Intéressant. Now I'm kind of disappointed that Brandon Routh was cast as Ray Palmer. I always wanted him to get another shot as Superman, and now there's the possibility of a non-Cavil Superman, a non-Gadot Wonder Woman, and a non-Affleck Batman. I hope the TV-verse follows through with that possibility. Not too crazy about this Ezra Miller fellow--to my mind he looks a little too emo for Barry Allen. But I'm not all that familiar with the guy--perhaps someone who knows his work better can comment more effectively on his talent. There it is for anyone who's interested.
  17. But those guys came to love Christmas, remember? Perhaps we could ask their advice as to how to enjoy the season again.
  18. Futurama Fan Art--not all the pieces are as creepy as this-- "Yaaayyy! I'm a scary beast!"
  19. Saw this on Facebook and thought I'd pass it along. I'd love to see something like this for The Incredibles.
  20. Saw the premiere, Loved the premiere. Loved the actress playing Supergirl. Loved the fight scenes. Loved the scene where Kara said goodbye to her parents on Krypton. Don't really care for the fact that Kara's sister works for an anti-alien bigot, but I suppose we have to have some sort of conflict beyond the fight scenes. One question, perhaps this was answered in the comics--if Kara's mission was to watch over her baby cousin, wouldn't it have made more sense to put then both in the same spacecraft? Why launch them separately? And an observation--I wonder if any of the cast and crew are science fiction geeks? Because I'm thinking there's always the chance that Ms. Flockhart's husband might stop by the set to visit his wife--and I know that if I were to run into Ms. Flockhart's husband I would very likely be dumbstruck and ecstatic at the same time. But that's just me.
  21. There should be different types of gasses for the gas gun other than just knockout gas or tear gas, or whatever you had in mind. A few suggestions-- Euphoria Gas (Makes you feel so very, very good you can't do anything but lie on the floor--an END Drain) Hallucinogen Gas (I'm thinking Mental Illusions Based on CON, with the No Conscious Control Limitation as described on page 252 of 6th Edition Book 1) Paralysis Gas (DEX and SPD Drain together) Immobilization Gas (Creates an electrostatic force field around the target that prevents movement--a gaseous Entangle, if you will) Hope that helps.
  22. There have to be boomerangs--Batman uses them, and at least two villains have them as their signature weapons. They have endless possibilities for customization, and they're relatively lightweight so they can be easily carried. Directed energy weapons--lasers, heat rays, freeze rays, stun rays, paralysis rays, you name it. In a hero's hands they're most likely to be non-lethal variants, and if they do possess lethal potential--such as disintegrator rays--they are never used against living targets.
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