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Everything posted by starblaze

  1. Re: How do you use The Champions in your campaign? So do I.
  2. Re: Which older modules are worth running? Where did you find the scan? Can you PM me?
  3. Re: Post your Luche Libre characters! Hello, hello, Bueller, Bueller. Well that makes two of us.
  4. Re: Hero system complexity Most D20 games felt like work to me when I ran them. Hero can require some more prep time than some D20, but it is a work that I actually like doing because it is more fun
  5. Re: Hero system complexity This post reminds me of the 4th edition Champions cover.
  6. Hi, I will be running Luche Libre hero after vacation in a couple of weeks. I was wondering if anyone could post some characters from their games so that I could use them in my campaign. I would also like to know how their adventures went when they ran their Luche Libre games. Much appreciated.
  7. Re: Fantasy Hero 6E - initial impressions Stardust had that concept as well. Remember the witch that kept losing her beauty and youth as she cast spells?
  8. Re: My son's first character He actually had a really good plan. I mean it didn't work as exactly intended, but plan never do, but still good plan.
  9. Re: My son's first character Looks cool, can I join your game?
  10. Re: My son's first character I want to see this character. This is what I love about Hero, just making characters are fun!
  11. Re: '70s TV Supers Reminds me of Last Action Hero.
  12. Re: 350 Point Project Wow, been awhile since I have seen a Heromaker character sheet.
  13. Re: Special Report: The End of Superheroes! This reminds me of Superman Returns when Lex Luthor goes free because Superman wasn't around to testify at his trial.
  14. Re: Special Report: The End of Superheroes!
  15. starblaze

    Should I?

    Re: Should I? And if anything they created Batman, or at least a need for him. Good episode.
  16. Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves Looks like another Syfy channel classic movie
  17. Re: Best ways to put together a Dark Champions team?
  18. Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads Sweet!
  19. Re: Inspiration: The Jobs Of Yesteryear: Obsolete Occupations This reminds me of an episode of Lois and Clark where the power goes out in metropolis. Perry White contacts on old retired employee who used to work the mimeograph machine back in the day. Because they still had the machine they were able to print the Daily Planet even though they had no power.
  20. Re: A Robert E. Howard moment..... I personally think the Howard suffered from clinical depression. Unfortunately, this kind of problem was not easily diagnosed back in the 30's. If you see the movie The Whole Wide World it touches on the fact that REH had some problems.
  21. Re: Batman meets Doc Savage I still would rather have a bottle in front of me.
  22. Re: Celebrity "Pulp" Death Match! What was so bad about the Shadow movie? I rather liked it.
  23. Re: Greatest Western Movies of all Time I just had to chime in. 3:10 to Yuma was an awesome movie. Hell, my wife liked it and she usually doesn't like westerns.
  24. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet Just as a nit, I would have preferred that the characteristic cost had been put in the sheet so that people wouldn't have to reference them. Outside of that it looks good.
  25. Ok, I realize that this may be very early to ask this but I have already got the sixth edition generator and I am considering buying the new edition soon. I just wanted to know just how good the new sixth edition is. How good does it look to players out there. Do you think it's worth the money or not?
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