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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. Duke, I agree with you on most of this but you are slightly in error about one aspect of Shape Shift. Perception penalties do not figure into Shape Shift in any way. If you buy the power to turn into a horse across all Sense Groups (might want to add some Density Increase in case someone tries to pick you up), there's no roll that can be made besides Telepathy that can say you are not a horse. There is a chance of being detected if you are trying to copy a specific horse (an opposed Disguise roll) but even that would only reveal that you are not that specific horse. It wouldn't let anyone know you are Metamorph Man, just that you're not the horse in question. Shape Shift is absolute in the general case, but detectable in the specific.
  2. Daredevil is Blind and all his other sense have been superhumanly boosted.
  3. Sketchers is pretty good on having variety of extra wide shoes, but order from Amazon and not their website. Prices are generally lower and the Amazon dealers keep their inventory tracking updated whereas I've had 3 orders from Sketchers direct cancelled because the actual warehouse was out of stock contrary to the website.
  4. The captain Australia detailed there is the sister of the original but has the same powerset according to the write up. A brick with high SPD and DEX as I recall.
  5. Hmmn, 2024 looks like it's going to go right over San Antonio or Austin, and I do have friends and family in both ...
  6. How many dice of Luck apply? I'd start with -1-1/2 at one die and go down from there.
  7. More likely a Terminator movie. But how to fit in the Bollywood dances?
  8. It's true on the illegal football tackles but they can also give us guidelines. For instance, the most dangerous tackles, facemask, horse collar and clothesline, are all illegal but also all lack the You fall element. I think we need two maneuvers: tackle and sacrifice tackle to cover it all. Or we just need to expand our personal feelings on SFX to include these as variants of Trip and Grab and Throw.
  9. So, starting from Martial Moves, would this be appropriate. Passing Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 2d6 +v/10; Target Falls; FMove That's a 5-pt maneuver already in Hero Designer. Now, we just would need to decide what penalties would apply to the untrained version.
  10. Yes, Target falls is the key element of a football tackle. Again, tackle can have other contexts that emphasize the Grab as a primary element.
  11. A quick perusal of football highlights tells me that a tackle does not have to have the grab element. But we make just be using different definitions of the word while thinking of two very different acts.
  12. Flying Tackle has no need to be redone though. It's right there in Hero Designer. Flying Tackle: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 2d6 +v/10 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove
  13. 1- Yes. 2- At the end of segment 9. 3- Yes, though with the minuses for multiple opponents, I doubt it'll be effective. I'd use a Martial Dodge instead.
  14. I'd go with Resistant Defense with a Linked LS(A Limited Self-Contained Breathing). You might also consider making a Custom Adder for Resistant Protection similar to the Affects liquids for TK.
  15. This is Hero. It's all relative. To define Ralph properly you'd need a baseline for that entire universe in powers and how it's physics work. Give me that and I'll get back to you.
  16. Only three countries represented by villainesses though? Seems like there should be more.
  17. The limit of two pick off moves will have a much greater effect on base running. The shift rule just stops the extreme shifts because the shortstop or second baseman can be one or two steps on their designated sides while the other is deep in the hole.
  18. I disagree with you on doormats thing. Alabama and Georgia are currently on top, but both remain beatable. I'd group the league in 4 tiers. 1- Alabama and Georgia. They're on top until someone knocks them off and have earned favorite status. 2- LSU, Oklahoma, Florida, Texas A&M, Texas, and Auburn. All of these teams have beaten one or both of the top dogs recently and have the potential to do it again. I'm giving Texas and Oklahoma credit here because of talent but Texas may belong in the next tier based on performance. But they were beating Alabama until their QB got hurt this year. 3-Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Kentucky and South Carolina. All of these teams are capable of contending once every 4 or 5 years and none of them can be taken lightly. Tennessee may be back to tier 2 status, but we need to give them a year to see. 4- Vanderbilt. They're a founding member of the SEC, I guess, but one of these things is not like the others.
  19. That's why I said 2x terminal velocity. That stops you in one and only requires you to be conscious in that last segment.
  20. I don't have anything to add to the damage and CV advice above. It's pretty thoroughly covered. But you do need to also decide how super you want your supers to be. Are the police and petty criminals a threat? Are conventional military forces? If you want them to be, then you may need to stay lower than the 12 DC guideline given here. You can run a perfectly fine Supers campaign with DC's in the 8-10 range and lower CV and Def. That 400 starting points total will go further towards fleshing out characters with skills and side powers also.
  21. Now that @unclevald has mentioned it, Combat Acceleration on enough Flight to cover 2x (because of falling) Terminal Velocity is the best answer I can think of. It doesn't involve any die rolls and so is immune to extreme results and it stops the user in that one Segment before they strike the ground.
  22. None of the above. Terminal velocity Flight, position shift with No Conscious Control and Only to avoid falling damage. Not appearing to slow down and sticking the landing is the SFX.
  23. I'm sorry, I wasn't clear with my reasons. My main quibble with Deady Blow came with the character creation experience of a Dark Champions that i was asked to GM over a summer using 5th Edition rules. The players had seen the old 4th Edition rules and material and wanted a change. Let's just say their expectations were a tad different than mine. I wanted ESWAT with 6-8 DC's and they tacked on 2-3 levels of Deadly Blow, 4-6 Level vs Hit Locations and 4-6 Combat Levels. My reaction upon seeing the initial sheets was ... poor. It took two sessions, but I finally got the message through to them that doing 5d6 AP KA's at 10 CV with their handguns and combat knives was just a little excessive. I finally had to show them this by running their Dark Champions PC's vs their regular Champions PC's. That was a brutal fight with the Champions PC's prevailing due to higher SPD. But two were killed outright and another had to be hospitalized. All was good after that, and we went on to have several other short campaigns that were pretty nice.
  24. I didn't see the face mask but I'll take your word for it. The grounding was legit though. And this was a poorly officiated game all around. Barnwell analyzes the game here. Making sense of Bengals-Chiefs, 49ers-Eagles in NFL playoffs (espn.com)
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