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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. Which is more complicated than Killing Attack, HTH. One is a Power, the other is a Power with a Limitation. And it doesn't even accomplish his main goal of eliminating the free points of STR. Anything of 6 DC or more saves 10 or more points because of the Limitation. Oh! Let's fix that by making No Range only worth -1/4. But then do we leave Range at +1/2 or is it only worth +1/4? And how do we then price Telekinesis? Perfect points balance is a desirable goal but let's keep the very good until we answer all the questions. And I can give you a perfect fix for that free STR issue. Make any HKA require a 10 STR Minimum.
  2. Yet that same sword build in Supers is incredibly simple. Plus, why would we want to ditch HKA? The problems caused by adding STR are caused by removing the doubling rule. With doubling rules, it's balanced with RKA on an DC per Active Points basis. Using your change will give every HKA the same discount/reduced pricing that's so troubling with HA. Yes, there's that free 10 points of STR, but that's available to everyone. I can't see your pursuit of perfect as worth it against my very good status quo. Give me something better and just as simple and I'll be open to it.
  3. It wasn't qualifying that did them in, it was the interaction between car and tire on that particular track. For some reason, Red Bull was degrading their tires faster than the podium teams so they couldn't push as hard as they could. Red Bull's cars just weren't better than everyone else at this track like they have been everywhere else the last 2 seasons. They had trouble at Singapore last year also. This race convinced me that Verstappen is a product of superior technology. He's an excellent driver but he's dominating more because of his car than his skill this year.
  4. It's off topic, but you wouldn't use Penetrating or Armor Piercing for this type of effect. You'd use Damage Over Time with the target only gets Defense once bump. It's off topic, but you wouldn't use Penetrating or Armor Piercing for this type of effect. You'd use Damage Over Time with the target only gets Defense once bump.
  5. An agent attacking a normal? I expect 2 hits. I'm not sending out Imperial Storm troopers. My villainous agencies follow the Evil Overlord list here. Any combat agent that can't consistently hit a man-sized target at 30 feet shall be used for target practice. And I only need Penetration to be effective at low end of the powers scale. The mission statement for the blaster design team was for a low cost(thus the lower point total) weapon that could be used to capture hostages and still be effective against super opposition with a large numerical advantage. My agents also carry some 3d6 NND gas grenades, 3d6 Flashbangs and some 1 hex area Entangles but nonstandard attacks are more expensive in universe. They can be very effective if they have a large numerical advantage, but their 3 SPD lets the generally 5-6 SPD supers prevail.
  6. HA at 5 points is only an issue if you are seeking perfect points balance. The difference between Density Increase and Martial Arts DC's versus HA and STR is 1 point per DC. We whine about it at times, but we've always accepted that some concepts are slightly more expensive than others. KA is not the only power that comes bundled with STR. HA does also. Doubling and proration solve all the problems except the free 10 STR.
  7. If an agent hits an unarmored normal 3 times, then they'll do 14 STUN vs their defenses x3. Any value of PD or ED less than 7 or 8 will take more than that 8d6 Blast on average. I use these in 12 DC campaigns though. They can still affect heroes built for that level and I don't have to have agents running around shooting attacks equivalent to the heroes.
  8. Penetrating costs more because it is more effective at causing BODY damage. It also is a better option for the weapons of agents. Consider this: Blast 4d6, Auto fire (3 shots; +1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (40 Active Points); 4 clips of 16 Charges (+1/4) That's the standard blaster I use for most agents. They'll take out an unarmored normal with the Auto fire and will do some damage to all but the toughest supers. Getting swarmed by them is a problem but not an insurmountable one.
  9. Another reason that we hated CLOWN: They're cowards. They play their tricks on heroes not villains or even corrupt politicians. Why? Because if they antagonized those people, they'd have to face some brutal and possibly lethal retribution. Most heroes will probably go easy on them, they only pick on those who won't fight back seriously.
  10. Don't worry about points worry about capabilities and campaign feel. How many agents does it take to challenge an average hero? If it's 1 or 2 then they are too good, if it's more than 6 or 7 then they may be too weak. This should vary some by organization.
  11. What's acceptable from players is not excusable from the authors of the ruleset.
  12. They looked at it this offseason and decided to leave it in.
  13. Champions characters have another not so obvious advantage. The typical fantasy character is built to take damage from KA's and focus more on Resistant Defenses relative to their total. KA's are better at doing BODY so a higher percentage of the character's total is Resistant. You want to minimize the BODY damage and on average, KA's do less STUN past lower defenses. It doesn't show vs your typical monsters, but Normal attacks are in general more effective against PC's than their equivalent DC's in Killing attacks. We had a player join the campaign about two sessions in who was a martial arts nut and he made a monk that did 8d6 Normal with a quarterstaff. He was weaker against big monsters, but just dominated any NPC that used standard armor and weapons because he consistently did more STUN. One of the plots eventually had the party attacked by his old order and it was the closest fight of the campaign because people were getting knocked unconscious in two hits from 12's and 13's on the Hit Location chart and stunned by one hit there.
  14. That may be true of Superman being held back by the writers to make a story interesting but Superman in the hands of a PC is an entirely different animal. Unless you can match that speed and toughness your best-case scenario is that you wake up in jail. He patrols from 10,000 feet up as he can see and hear everything below just fine, approaches at faster than the speed of sound and then hits you with a Move-By using his 50+ inches of base flying and his 100+ STR with Noncombat surprise. When he really needs to go all-out, the writers remember that he is a Flash level speedster. He only gets hit with missile weapons when he doesn't take the trouble to use his full powers.
  15. The next move I'd make would be to invite the MWC as a whole to merge into the Pac-12. That would keep those schools from having to pay any buyouts and give them a 14-team league as good as the other small conferences. The MWC would get the benefit of the Rose Bowl, an automatic NCAA basketball tourney bid held by the Pac-12 and a partial share of those residuals. And any undefeated conference champ would merit strong consideration for the 12-team playoff, so more money to split.
  16. That clause in the Pac-12 rules that says that giving intention to leave comes with a surrender of voting rights does give them some legal standing. I'm for OSU and WSU to this extent. If there's a clause in the lease that says that moving out early forfeits your share of the security deposit, you should have been prepared for that loss.
  17. You have to make a distinction between enemies with human motivation and values but different morals and those with irreconcilably alien thoughts and needs. You can coexist with creatures such as orcs and various types of beast-men. That doesn't mean it'll be all sweetness and light. There'll be wars and atrocities caused by cultural and religious differences and resource scarcity just with like other human nations. You can't live with things like Illithids or Xenomorphs who can only see you as cattle or reproductive hosts or both. You can either kill them or become fodder. The GM has to determine this when creating those races. There can be exceptions but be very clear that they are atypical individuals. Being a serial killer or a philosophical researcher can happen in any group and both ways.
  18. They can be as individuals or even a pair or trio. It depends on their target and especially their tone. The problem comes when you have them target PC's who are actually heroic and haven't done anything wrong besides fail. If you've seen Shazam: Fury of the Gods, you could use that movie as an example. Good use of CLOWN- Mocking the Marvel family for bad strategy. Playing catch with the McGuffin in the middle of a fight does not exhibit the Wisdom of Solomon. Bad use of CLOWN- Blaming the Marvels for the property damage on the bridge and calling them menaces. They could have done much better, but at least they were trying, and they did save everyone's life.
  19. For a real-world analogy, CLOWN is like this new wave of eco-protestors that we are seeing except they are protesting the PC's. You know like, the idiots who sit down in streets, deface art and interrupt entertainment and sporting events. They may actually have a real message but they're so obnoxious you'd rather beat them down to drive them off than listen to them.
  20. I can see a market for the candy. I'm not part of it but I can see it. But that may be the most heinous crime committed against meat that I've ever seen.
  21. Hmm, thrown a few big screen TV's and some Wi-Fi and this could catch on everywhere.
  22. You can use grab. If you're really worried buy some of your defenses with Protects Carried Object.
  23. Defender was even worse than that. He took NCM and Steve Long came up with the "Defender exploit" so that Characteristics bought in Frameworks weren't subject to NCM doubling.
  24. Number 2 and number 5 are the most common IME with number 2 ahead by a large margin.
  25. Approximately 20 years give or take a few months, it's building to its conclusion.
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