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Everything posted by Egyptoid

  1. Re: The “Unofficial†Ultimate Mentalist Project (Fan Version “What Do *You* Want To S If a character was for example a sentient crystalline being, and he does everything with his mind, make this easy in Hero. Humans walk, talk, fight, swim, and build things. These beings float, telepathize, pummel, fly, and telekinese. In old Hero you'd have to sell back all the normal junk and buy the equivalent powers. (sell your hands to buy your TK, etc) somehow this could be shown smoother.
  2. Re: Concepts you wish your players would play
  3. Re: Older HERO rules in 5E games you could theoretically build everything in 5E rules, and apply limitations so that it works just like 4th ed. I mean you can build anything with Hero system, even old versions of the Hero System. Now its yet another compiler compiler.
  4. Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes I forgot I had this major NPC in my old champs game. the PC team magician was from the zatanna school: massive VPP type magic of any kind, and did the stage magic thing on TV to generate cash. okay his father the NPC was also a powerful magician. but he was a pure theurgist, and worked as an inquisitor and exorcist for the catholic church. (paladin/cleric, if you will) and in game that character really would have preferred if his son had used hs powers more wisely, but at the last did admit that his son did heroic things, despite all the chicanery.
  5. Re: Concepts you wish your players would play AMEN BROTHER, PREACH IT. I swear I need to start docking XPs on the whiners. = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = But as far as the concepts, I did force my players to build an archetype. I made a list, ie Brick, Telepath, Mage, Blaster, Patriot, Gadgeteer, etc. and then built to that ideal.
  6. Re: Complicate the Person Above there's a trail of bodies that leads to the governor's mansion. L.Marcus has geo-caches at all those places. Probably its just a Co-Inky-Dink.
  7. Re: The “Unofficial†Ultimate Mentalist Project (Fan Version “What Do *You* Want To S this is geeky, but how about a definitive listing, of what would it be like What if the BOECV advantage were applied to ______ power? and go through EACH power, the pros and cons, SFX suggested...
  8. Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes
  9. Re: Used to Cost Endurance (-1/4) so the obvious extension is this: Building a new character: You try to put a O-End power in your EC. GM sez "hey-yoop!" You ask GM "do I have any hunteds yet?" when GM sez "yes" then you say "If I've been around long enough to have a hunted, then I've been around long enough to buy this down to O-End" so go about your business and put all the O-End powers you like in your Elem. Controls.
  10. Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes Are we as players or GMs mature enough for this? Is it done merely to mock? If its done to "teach" that can be bad enough. In my campaigns there's always an angel living somewhere in town. honest-to-goodness sent-from heaven to live-among-mortals person. not usually flamboyant like Zauriel. here's the old 3rd ed. write up. Serra Angel (the spells listed refer to FH equivalent powers) Elsewhere I have a heroine called Bambolea. how she works and what it all means is up to you as a GM. Does the afterlife mean anything in your campaign ? What does faith mean in your game world ? What is the most powerful thing truly, in your campaign ?
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings last night at the cafe I'm sipping on frappucinno and surfing the net. Lady sits next to me. her sweater falls on the floor. she doesnt see this. after a minute, i'm done with my drink so I get up to toss the cup, and i pick up her sweater for her, put it on the table next to her, and I say "you dropped this". She mumbles a thank you, but the first thing she did was reach to her side to check her purse. Man I felt sorry for her.
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above the last time Hermit came down out of the hills, he went to visit Hermit Senior's gravesite at Chickamauga Battlefield. What mysterious secrets lay buried there ?
  13. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) GREAT LAKES HERO not the GLA: just fishing
  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above DT just got a new Hunted when people found out the Hero Compilation exists only in his mind.
  15. Re: Complicate the Person Above The trouble with Cancer is that he's in the sky, and can see everything with his Telescopic Vision, so he witnesses all crimes committed outdoors. But he keeps quiet.
  16. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) might this be just "pushing" your PRE ? it does seem to cost END ============================================ HALL MONITOR HERO
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Bad Guy flings out a Huge Ego Blast & throws down the Team brick. Team Energy Pro. Nearby: "Uh Oh, time to pay rent on the character sheet"
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Rock My Soul, Down in the Bosom of Abraham - Elvis Presley coming soon! thanks for the reminder Concord
  19. Egyptoid


    Re: Isis did someone cry for help? i am the Egyptoid for a reason. * pulls out papyrus credentials *
  20. Re: Crazy campaign ideas (Silly or serious) Golden Age X-Statix
  21. Egyptoid

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? I would buy this 2 copies of this book in 5 seconds. one copy for the game pile, one for the bedstand reading pile.
  22. Re: Steve Long; Please Build Me a Power: H_I_B_B Thanks, Steve. that's right on target. One might have argued for more dice or armor piercing, because you can shut down a lot with HIBB, but 8 dice gets you all the normals all the time. ...Some victims get a "stunned" effect sometimes.... I see this one every single week. I have a list of people i used to have as friends. (names changed) Has anyone seen ___ lately? Lisa? oh she's on WoW. Jeff? oh he's into SW:G. Kim? she hooked into CoH. Biff? well he logged onto EQ and never logs off. on and on it goes. And then when you do run into them at Farm Fresh in the frozen pizza section, you can't understand what they're talking about because their game environment has altered their speech, littering it with acronyms and spoken abbreviations. Oh wait. I just had a 5 page post. Did I leave my HIBB running? oops.
  23. Re: Love Child of the Marvel Universe Heroes try to help Hurricane Tana. She's in for a long hospital stay and rehab. Finally it clicks with the hero with Healing powers to heal her. and where is her buddy Meteroid? Detective work reveals the serpentine influence running throughout every adventure so far. Who hired Iron Monger? Hera tasks PJ to deliver a message to her other son: ARES, whereabouts unknown. Big Bro interrogates Serp.Culter and gets lead to Wash.DC. Magician taps the air-waves and get gossip graphic: Seven gauntleted hands reaching for slices of an apple. gauntlet gauntlet gauntlet gauntlet gauntlet gauntlet gauntlet Deduction leads to evidence of a world wide conspiracy apparently to garner divine essence and do something evil with it. Blockhouse uses Google to find bad guys. (INCOMING!) Players tick off GM: 1. wimped out, didnt want combat. 2. complained about lateness of game, yet crosstalked it earlier.ugh. 3. oh well it balances out with the lap top issues.
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