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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Howdy! C'mon over for a beer.
  2. I admit that I'm not missing grading papers. OTOH, I'm not enjoying handling my wife's estate and other fallout of her passing, either.
  3. Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp
  4. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois
  5. Hmmmmm. I expect to participate. Wonder if a concept will occur to me in the next 30 hours or so.
  6. Hm. It seems you can start a business ostensibly for "Biohazard cleanup" but not simply for "Biohazard". How limiting. EDIT: Similarly, you can have "Cosmetologist" but not "Cosmologist". and "Debris Cleanup" but not "Debris Creation". Not simply "Demolition". You can have "Dog Food", but that probably is manufacturing or selling that, not being it. You can have "Emu Raising" but not "Emo Raising". "Escort Service" and "Exotic Dancer" are explicitly permitted. Woo! "Explosives User (Blaster)" is allowed! "Liquidation" probably does not mean turning your enemies into a slurry. "Mad Bomber" and "Mad Scientist" are not on the allowed list. "Magician" is allowed, but "Mercenary" is not. "Motor Vehicle Wrecker" is allowed. "Necromancer" is nowhere to be found. "Neighborhood Watch" is there but not "Neighborhood Witch". Nothing starting with "Nuclear" is on the allowed list. "Peep Show" is allowed, as is "Pest Inspector". I wonder what the overlap is among those. "Physicist" is not on the allowed list, but "Astronomer" is. Fascinating. You cannot have "Arsonist", but I suppose "Pyrotechnics Operator" (which is allowed) is an appropriate stand-in for that. "Shatterer of Worlds" is not allowed. I wonder what "Social Worker, Uncertified" is supposed to be. Huh. Had no idea there was enough demand for them to list "Tank Renovating". "Telegram Stripper" is on the allowed list. No "Torturemaster". No "Wizard", but maybe they throw those in with "Magician".
  7. It is among the results taken as very troubling indications of serious problems with AI picture generation that when the facility was asked for an image of a "fighting wombat" it produced a clearly recognizable Death Tribble instead. Still got the cubical feces, though.
  8. Late this day (Leap Day) in 1992, my wife proposed to me. My response was to get up, go to my dresser drawer, and hand it to her: I had already bought the ring. (In what women have always derided as a Dumb Guy Thing, I was waiting to ensure that I'd have funding -- i.e., a job -- for the next academic year.)
  9. Still impressive typing speed. I can't do that.
  10. People with mobility issues who buy houses with spiral staircases.
  11. It's called 7-11 so they can give free Slurpees out on my birthday. Duh.
  12. Colorado launches firearm data dashboard Considering the obfuscation efforts by the firearms industry and its political lackeys, this first is a huge step in the right direction, but it seems not to include firearm deaths due to police (a few years ago, one year police accounted for a quarter of the homicides in the city of Seattle, so this is a serious exclusion). Law enforcement agencies nationwide have fought such reporting requirements (let alone data publication) forever.
  13. The last charismatic Republican president with dementia is still the darling of conservatives, and that was Reagan.
  14. The mute button is your ally.
  15. I knew there were reasons I liked crocodiles.
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