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    bigdamnhero reacted to zslane in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Dr. Doom, Galactus, Magneto, Ultron, the Sentinals, Doc Oc, the Kree, Dormammu, ..., I could go on. For me the Marvel villains are far more interesting than the DC villains.
  2. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to Kraken in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    Hi, all:
    I've actually had a HERO Games account for 10+ years but haven't posted to this latest incarnation of the boards.
    How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)?
      It's the name of my most played Champions character (mostly as an NPC while I GMed) and the last I ever played as a PC.   What was the first tabletop RPG you played?   Dungeons and Dragons basic set (the one which included "In Search of the Unknown")   What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed?   same   What are you currently playing/GMing?   Nothing (for a long time)   When did you start playing HERO?   I ran into someone who played Champions at a relative's block party (summer of 83, I think) and was invited into his group, a great bunch of players with whom I played (mostly Champions, some AD&D) for the next 7 or so years.
  3. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to DasBroot in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Big Hero 6 on Netflix.
    Not bad at all.  Very cool look and power visuals for the villain (who almost pulled off sympathetic until his apathy towards the fallout of the fire and culmination of his master plan).  
  4. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Hermit in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I think there's also the issue that we like to see rich characters because they're glamorous and can afford cool toys and can travel to cool places where they can look cool and glamorous. Plus, in the words of PS238's The Revenant: "Access to large amounts of cash is the greatest superpower of all."
    But we don't necessarily like rich kids, because we associate that with being spoiled and having everything handed to you. So having someone who was born rich, but raised poor, struggled etc, and then had a big company handed to them lets you have it both ways.
  5. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Stagliano in Looking for any genre game in Metro Denver   
    Thanks, but I can't take much of the credit - Gamers Giving is a terrific group and manages to do a lot of good while having a lot of fun. We did one a few months ago for a good friend whose 11-year old daughter has cancer, and managed to raise something like $10 grand to help them with medical bills and other expenses.
  6. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to Christopher R Taylor in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    The thing is, if they did give the characters a heroic and reasonable background, story arc, and personality, they would be completely different movies.
  7. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    DC's Character Problem. I think this guy hits the nail on the head. I could overlook most of their other problems if I gave a shit about any of the characters.
  8. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Joe Walsh in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    DC's Character Problem. I think this guy hits the nail on the head. I could overlook most of their other problems if I gave a shit about any of the characters.
  9. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to DasBroot in Supergirl   
    I do.  In fact - if it's not a sandwich (sandwiches include hamburgers and hot dogs in my reality) or doesn't come on a stick I prefer to use a utensil (whenever possible - I'm not going to hyperventilate at a party if I can't find a fork for my potato chips).
    I just prefer to not touch food - no matter how many times I've washed my hands (and I carry baby wipes in my backpack to wash my hands just in case I am offered food).
    It's not hypochondria - I have no problems changing my kids diapers or grabbing hold of a sweaty or even lightly bloodied Olympic bar to deadlift. People are weird. 
  10. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Lord Liaden in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Now there's a devil's bargain if ever I heard one...
  11. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from massey in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Now there's a devil's bargain if ever I heard one...
  12. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Twilight in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Gigli was 14 years ago, and Affleck didn't direct. He did direct Argo, for which he received Golden Globe, BAFTA, and Directors Guild Awards for Best Director, not to mention a Best Picture Oscar. Most of his directorial work has been pretty well received.
  13. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Joe Walsh in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Gigli was 14 years ago, and Affleck didn't direct. He did direct Argo, for which he received Golden Globe, BAFTA, and Directors Guild Awards for Best Director, not to mention a Best Picture Oscar. Most of his directorial work has been pretty well received.
  14. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to wcw43921 in Supergirl   
    I was thinking he'd be an interesting choice for Darkseid, if they wanted to bring in the whole Apokolips/New Genesis story into the DCTV universe.  A possible obstacle to that is that Sorbo likes to play characters who crack a smile now and again--and Darkseid doesn't smile.  Ever.
    He could also play an evil atheist--but that's just me.
    Teri Hatcher, I think, would be a really good choice for Selena the sorceress.  It's about time that Supergirl had an arch-enemy she could call her own, rather than poaching off of Superman's rogue's gallery.
  15. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Iuz the Evil in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    There's apparently a petition to get Zach Snyder to direct the Batfleck movie. I don't know who these people are but they must be stopped.
  16. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to Pattern Ghost in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Actually, Arya Stark is wearing Ashildr's face.
  17. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from death tribble in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Star Wars game, arriving at Ryloth, where unbeknownst to us our previous exploits have made us minor celebrities.

    System Control: "Welcome to Ryloth! Good to have you back! Please land on Platform 3, where an honor guard is waiting to meet you. The Governor is looking forward to meeting with you later!"
    Artie: [cuts the circuit] "Get us out of here! No one's EVER this happy to see us! It MUST be a trap!!" [turns to the astrogator] "Jump! Jump now! Don't care where!"
    Astrogator: "The last time we jumped blind we wound up stranded thousands of light years beyond the rim..."
    Artie: "Yes, sounds lovely, let's go there!"
  18. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from death tribble in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    From last night's quasi-historical FH game
    Fun with historical names at the Court of Vladimir I, Grand Prince of Kiev and Lord of the Rus:
    GM: "The Prince's favorites among his sons are Boris and Gleb, which are actual names that the GM is not making up."
    Player: "We would never accuse you of making up a name like Gleb."
    A bit later...
    GM: You are introduced to Vladimir's daughters, Predslava, Premislava and Mstislava, which the GM is also totally not making up.
    Player: "Still better than Gleb."
    Later still...
    GM: "...and news from far-off Ireland, where Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig has gained the upper hand in his war against Mael Sechnaill..."
    Players: "Whose names you are not making up; we get it."
    A Barbarian at Court...
    Thyri: "I'm bored with all the talking. Can I drift over to the side and find a wall to lean against?"
    GM: "Sure. The King's son [who they had met last night] drifts over to flirt with you some more."
    Thyri: "I tell him "If you touch me I will fucking cuckold you right here.""
    GM: [contemplates the massive derail that's about to ensue] "...Are you sure you want to say that to the Prince in the middle of his father's Court?"
    Thyri: [considers] "I say it with my eyes."
    GM: "OK, that works, he still gets the message and no one gets executed."
    The Priest took a new Detect Evil ability that is Smell-based.
    Father Edmondo: "The Scent Of Evil is all over this place. [beat] No, I'm not being metaphorical!"
    And it's always funny when the players forget their own backstory...
    Princess Anna: [to Edmondo] "Julian! Is that you? It's been 15 years, but I'd recognize you anywhere!"
    Edmondo: [blank stare]
    Geralt: [helpfully] "Go with it?"
    Edmondo: [obviously drawing a blank] "Um...Hi?"
    GM: [passes over the laptop] "I refer you to the first paragraph of the character background you submitted..."
    Edmondo: [reads for a second] "Oh! Right! Yes, it is me! Julian!...But, uh, I go by Edmondo nowadays...It's a priest thing?"
  19. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Star Wars game, arriving at Ryloth, where unbeknownst to us our previous exploits have made us minor celebrities.

    System Control: "Welcome to Ryloth! Good to have you back! Please land on Platform 3, where an honor guard is waiting to meet you. The Governor is looking forward to meeting with you later!"
    Artie: [cuts the circuit] "Get us out of here! No one's EVER this happy to see us! It MUST be a trap!!" [turns to the astrogator] "Jump! Jump now! Don't care where!"
    Astrogator: "The last time we jumped blind we wound up stranded thousands of light years beyond the rim..."
    Artie: "Yes, sounds lovely, let's go there!"
  20. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to doccowie in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    Hi, all,
    I've been here a bit but not introduced myself - apologies for rudeness.
    My handle, Doccowie? My name's Andrew Cowie, I have a lot of friends called Andrew, they tend to call me Doc to differentiate.
    First tabletop RPG? Holmes Basic D&D. A friend's American aunt bought it for him and he brought it back to London. Same one I GMd. So, that's, er 39 years ago...
    What am I currently playing/DMing? Mostly 5E - I've been playing with the same group for 20+ years, and they ain't shifting from D&D.
    Why am I here? Well, I see D&D as going out for pizza with my mates, it's great fun, and we love it - but that doesn't stop me experimenting with a gourmet rule system. When they change their minds - I'll be ready!
  21. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Drhoz in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    I remembered one other. Me describing a new NPC:
    GM: "He's obviously someone you don't want to fuck with. [beat] Well, you guys might want to. Normal people don't."
  22. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Drhoz in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    From last night's quasi-historical FH game
    Fun with historical names at the Court of Vladimir I, Grand Prince of Kiev and Lord of the Rus:
    GM: "The Prince's favorites among his sons are Boris and Gleb, which are actual names that the GM is not making up."
    Player: "We would never accuse you of making up a name like Gleb."
    A bit later...
    GM: You are introduced to Vladimir's daughters, Predslava, Premislava and Mstislava, which the GM is also totally not making up.
    Player: "Still better than Gleb."
    Later still...
    GM: "...and news from far-off Ireland, where Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig has gained the upper hand in his war against Mael Sechnaill..."
    Players: "Whose names you are not making up; we get it."
    A Barbarian at Court...
    Thyri: "I'm bored with all the talking. Can I drift over to the side and find a wall to lean against?"
    GM: "Sure. The King's son [who they had met last night] drifts over to flirt with you some more."
    Thyri: "I tell him "If you touch me I will fucking cuckold you right here.""
    GM: [contemplates the massive derail that's about to ensue] "...Are you sure you want to say that to the Prince in the middle of his father's Court?"
    Thyri: [considers] "I say it with my eyes."
    GM: "OK, that works, he still gets the message and no one gets executed."
    The Priest took a new Detect Evil ability that is Smell-based.
    Father Edmondo: "The Scent Of Evil is all over this place. [beat] No, I'm not being metaphorical!"
    And it's always funny when the players forget their own backstory...
    Princess Anna: [to Edmondo] "Julian! Is that you? It's been 15 years, but I'd recognize you anywhere!"
    Edmondo: [blank stare]
    Geralt: [helpfully] "Go with it?"
    Edmondo: [obviously drawing a blank] "Um...Hi?"
    GM: [passes over the laptop] "I refer you to the first paragraph of the character background you submitted..."
    Edmondo: [reads for a second] "Oh! Right! Yes, it is me! Julian!...But, uh, I go by Edmondo nowadays...It's a priest thing?"
  23. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Christopher in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    That's the guy. Tho he comes across slightly less saintly in person. This is after Vladimir has converted to Christianity, gotten rid of his multiple wives and ~500 concubines and all that. But the PCs have made friends with one of those ex-wives Rogneda, who has plenty of good reasons to hate Vladimir; plus one of Vladimir's sons Sviatopolk, whose mother was treated in much the same way. But Vladimir was a seriously vile dude before he converted to Christianity,* and one of the questions they're wrestling with is how much his later good deeds makes up for those earlier sins. It's an interesting dilemma, tho perhaps a bit meta because the players are seeing it differently than their 11th Century characters probably would.
    * One contemporary chronicler called him "fornicator immensus et crudelis."
    IKR? I'm pretty sure she actually meant "castrate." But it was one of those "Forget it, she's on a roll" moments. Besides, her character only has 1 point in Russian, so it worked in character either way. (It was also the player's birthday and she'd had a couplefew drinks before coming over; her PC is this over-the-top barbarian anyway, so it didn't exactly impede her getting into character, but...)
  24. Like
    bigdamnhero reacted to sinanju in Supergirl   
    "It's Stargate!" (Loved the call-out)
    And, yeah, she kinda did. Also, it's been established that using her eyebeams can deplete her store of energy. Given that she only had a brief recharge...probably not the best choice.
    Also...I'd think that her powers would fade gradually--like over days--under a red sun. Not just Click! like flipping a switch. But whatever. It was still a fun episode.
    Also also, I liked Alex and Maggie. Relationship Angst! But only briefly. And I liked Maggie's reaction. Which was, essentially, "Okay I understand why you acted that way, and I forgive you. But do it again and we're through."
  25. Like
    bigdamnhero got a reaction from Christopher in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    From last night's quasi-historical FH game
    Fun with historical names at the Court of Vladimir I, Grand Prince of Kiev and Lord of the Rus:
    GM: "The Prince's favorites among his sons are Boris and Gleb, which are actual names that the GM is not making up."
    Player: "We would never accuse you of making up a name like Gleb."
    A bit later...
    GM: You are introduced to Vladimir's daughters, Predslava, Premislava and Mstislava, which the GM is also totally not making up.
    Player: "Still better than Gleb."
    Later still...
    GM: "...and news from far-off Ireland, where Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig has gained the upper hand in his war against Mael Sechnaill..."
    Players: "Whose names you are not making up; we get it."
    A Barbarian at Court...
    Thyri: "I'm bored with all the talking. Can I drift over to the side and find a wall to lean against?"
    GM: "Sure. The King's son [who they had met last night] drifts over to flirt with you some more."
    Thyri: "I tell him "If you touch me I will fucking cuckold you right here.""
    GM: [contemplates the massive derail that's about to ensue] "...Are you sure you want to say that to the Prince in the middle of his father's Court?"
    Thyri: [considers] "I say it with my eyes."
    GM: "OK, that works, he still gets the message and no one gets executed."
    The Priest took a new Detect Evil ability that is Smell-based.
    Father Edmondo: "The Scent Of Evil is all over this place. [beat] No, I'm not being metaphorical!"
    And it's always funny when the players forget their own backstory...
    Princess Anna: [to Edmondo] "Julian! Is that you? It's been 15 years, but I'd recognize you anywhere!"
    Edmondo: [blank stare]
    Geralt: [helpfully] "Go with it?"
    Edmondo: [obviously drawing a blank] "Um...Hi?"
    GM: [passes over the laptop] "I refer you to the first paragraph of the character background you submitted..."
    Edmondo: [reads for a second] "Oh! Right! Yes, it is me! Julian!...But, uh, I go by Edmondo nowadays...It's a priest thing?"
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