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Everything posted by Onyxclaw

  1. Re: Keeping them distant the other thng is that polearms *are* effective at short range, they have a spike on the other end for just such reasons. I've seen a polearm fighter take down a sword and shield user at close range by catching him in the chest with that spike... Of course being a fencer and fighting in the SCA isn't exactly the same as what you're trying to simulate..but just so's you know
  2. Re: Keeping them distant it's hard to dance around a spearman
  3. Re: Keeping them distant hmm, that sounds like a feasable option. I had tried to make something simular for shild/pike walling, but I used force wall. For the tower shields it was the denfense of the shield, and the length of the wall was determined by the number of users. For long weapons I had a force wall effect with the limitation only to stop movement toward user (so bullets and other weapons could pass through but the oponent's body it self couldn't), restricted shape, cannot englobe, range limitations, no endurance, etc. with a trigger, where trying to break the force wall and failing in one attempt (so, tryign to move past the end) triggered the damage of the weapon. It worked ok. Though your grab might work well too.
  4. Re: to map combat or not to map combat. we have used a magnetic white board once or twice with a grid on it, and small round colored magnets for pieces, it worked ok
  5. Re: to map combat or not to map combat. ok, having dealt with large areas before..... I use a huge chalboard and draw my large landscape on it (like an eisle chalk board or since we have them one of the classroom ones), then I use those musical note line making thingys to make a grid on said huge chalkboard, each of these squares is the size of the hex map that I have. As characters progress across the map they may move one square in the chalk board over for every time they cross the hex map, when they move off that square I will redraw what is in the new one. I've also done this with butcher's paper before, and it seems to work out alright for mapping cities and large areas, you can also make a smaller area by making the size of things on the chalkboard/butcher paper larger and incresing the size of the are that one hex map represents. Keeping the two different scales helps to make movement simple with characters still knowing where they are in the larger picture. I don't map all battles, only ones where spacial relationship matters or in which the PCs are intimately involved. If there's no question that they will mop the floor with the NPC easily I'll let them rollplay what happens and use the dice to determine what it is. Two pieces standing next to each other of 5 seconds isn't worth drawing the surroundings honestly. Also, arial combat I tend to map only generally, and I use dice to represent altitude. It's kinda of time consuming I suppose, but it works well.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Ahrg, more sad then upset but....damn I had perfect plans to leave work early today and go down to lynchburg to see my boyfriend...but the poor guy, he's sick. He had to stay home from work because he was throwing up. He called me late yesterday and well...I haven't seen him in months (literally) and this was the only time I could see him before school starts back up (end of August) I know it's not that long from now and well I'll be ok, but but. ..I just feel really helpless being so far away when he doesn't feel good. With any luck *I'm crossing my fingers now* it'll be a 24 hour thing and tonight he'll call and be alright.
  7. Re: The Last Word Wierd Al - Albuquerque... ^^
  8. Re: The Last Word mmm where the pillows are oh so fluffy and you can drink your soup out of the ashtrays if you wanna, it's alright they're clean!
  9. Re: War of the Worlds no kidding. You could drive a tripod through the holes.
  10. Re: The Last Word what is he supposed to be Kermit now?
  11. Re: your thoughts on size hmm, or I can just give my character stats to simulate how big he is and chock the rest up to SFX. A little reach here, a little knockback resistance there, and a lovely character sheet saying how big he is and how much he weighs. I'm all about the fudging. I like the idea, but I have so many large characters that implementing it will seriously hurt my brain. I'll try to make at least one character using your suggestion to see if it works alright. Maybe I'll post him too.
  12. Re: The Last Word *tommy gun blazing* Nyeah See, You sucker is gonna pay, Nyeah!
  13. Re: The Last Word I'll second that
  14. Re: your thoughts on size well, since this not a party based game (see "Gaming without a Party") I'm not too worried about massive characters teamworking him. Most of the time they will be alone or with other NPCS. He does have penalty skill levels to teamwork to prevent such things though, as well as all of the levels of defensive manuvers. Also, since he is a Shadow Dragon, if he had to he *could* become incoporeal for a short time to avoid the attacks, though of course it would be discribed much more dramatic than that. But I want to avoid the players from feeling cheesed if they relly want to hit him, so this will only happen once in a blue moon. He has a Massive Con, so stunning him will be difficult. Also, as an arcane and "shadow" spell caster he should be ok with thing like this, lost of tricks up his sleeve In human form his dex wont be penalized for his massive size, that combined with a large number of CSLs and OSLs will help keep him from getting hit. I haven't finished him yet, but when I do I'd appreciate it if you guys wouldn't mind looking him over. He's turned out to be quite a challenge...
  15. Re: your thoughts on size thnx for the tip, actually I had given him 50% DR to PD/ED resistant due to his heavy scales/size/and dense muscle tissue. I also halved the knockback resistant he should recieve for size since he's a flying critter and thus has light bones/muscle structure even though he is rather big. He still has about 40 hardened resistant PD/ED in addition to his natural PD/ED for his stats, wich are also quite hefty. But then he's a 2500 point Elder Dragon, So I figure that I can get away with that. Honestly the reason I'm bothering to stat him out is that he has a "human" form (which is built as a multiform with all of his abilities -any based on his natural shape. So no size bonuses or penalties, no flight, no claws, etc) and unfortunatley I can see my PCs making a mistake once or twice in thier character's short lives. Also, they will be dealing with this [the human] form on a regular basis. I also just want to, he's a precious character to me that I've never tried to stat out but have had around for years. (the other thing that should be noted is that the PCs are 500 point characters, so he's not quite as overpowerd as might be gleened from the previous statements)
  16. Re: your thoughts on size well, he has a multiform (one other form determined by the person he's bonded to), but I don't think that really counts for changing size. I haven't decided how I want to handle the size, I was just wondering wich catagory he fell into, and now I have my answer. He's gigantic. Thnx for the help though, I had never really looked at growth and now I understand how it works ^-^
  17. Re: your thoughts on size ewwwww, but I'll give it a shot
  18. Re: your thoughts on size there are templates for size, I was just going to use those, since it's always on... these are on pages 574-576 of Fred it says that: gigantic is up to 16 times human size, taking up 8.1-16" gargantuan is up to 32 times human size taking up 16.1-32" colassal is up to 64 times human size...well you get the picture.
  19. ok, so I'm building a large draconic character as a Major NPC in an upcoming game, in dragon/ketera form he is 24 feet tall (7.31m) and 36 feet long (10.9m) including tail. He's not huge in build since he's a flying critter. He also has massive wings. now...my question for you is, does this creature qualify as a gigantic, gargantuan, or colossaul creature? I'm having a really hard time deciding and for some reason my brain just doesn't feel like figuring it out. Thnx for the help
  20. Re: Creative uses for Change Environment Heh, hey zod, I think I know you Neeways totally awsome!
  21. Re: Long winded request for assistance well based on what was posted I would think the 60 AP refers to the power, not to everything else that could be used with it. But the clarification would be nice, thanks! I hope you had a nice time away.
  22. Re: The Second Semi-Annual Great Champions Challenge Figure Contest! wow, these are nice. Almost makes me want to get some figures just to paint them...I have minis but they're all warhammer. =P
  23. Re: Irene, <- Cloths Make the Woman I think the concept is that these are all "enhancement gadgets" not really clothing. Which explains the increses a bit better.
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