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Everything posted by Onyxclaw

  1. Re: Throws and Sweeps The smart swordsman would have a shield for that
  2. Re: Quick, Easy Mental CoM Question I always get the terms mixed for limitations or diasadvantages. I'm used to thinking of disadvantages as things that effect your character, rather than your chracter's powers. That mainly stems from the termonology I use in the game I'm designig right now. It would be about 10 points for a "physical limitation" in one of my games to be able to be mind controlled by both machine and biological effecting powers, since it would more than double the number of people that could use those powers against you. (hence you would count as 3 classes of minds, alien/human(species)/machine) I've alway defined a hacker as a person who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations and is generally an expert with computers/systems/etc, that this person enjoys braking codes and outsmarting individuals and thier systems. Since all of my "hackers" built the equipment that they use for mindcontrolling other machine and the special efect is that is broadcasts signls that code to overide normal processing and grant the user contol, I would deam them hackers. Of course each of them could do the same with thier computer skills but it would take more time and finesse.
  3. Re: GM Assistance I never liked that add roy, I know why you want it but...in my opinion you can impair with a lightsaber. It might just stick through thier leg and get pulled out instead of slashing, or it might just graze a 3" deep gash but not sever the arm. Cinamatically it's cool to have it almost always cut the arms off but....I think it's over kill
  4. Re: Your character's theme song would be? heh, how bout mood music? Zekari (my electric Dragon) would have jaws music when she's hungry/tracking Anything with tons of crashes during arial combat (like that traditional classical music with a face pace and rain effects) In general? A steady stream of rap/R+B. She is a gangster after all! *the dragon does her gang sign and shows off her bandana*
  5. Re: Quick, Easy Mental CoM Question not necisarily. Most of the "hacker" characters I have made/seen use cybernetic implants that allow them to "mind control" other machines at a distance, adversely they also leave a passageway into thier own minds allowing them to be hacked by similar abilities when thier shielding is down. I have given these characters limitations to a similar effect as what keen is asking for here. All of these of couse fall back on genre, the world and the GM. Traditional hackers, maybe not. But super ones? Definately a possibility. If Keen allows hackers to use mindcontrol then this limitation is valid. If he doesn't, like you, then it isn't. It's completely up to him.
  6. Re: Quick, Easy Mental CoM Question eh, to each his own. I wouldn't mind lowering the the serverity from fully impairing, but I happen to like the class of minds system. It does need tweaking thats for sure, but it makes no sense to me for a human being to mind control something that he can't understand in the least due to many differnt reasons. I don't like lumping all things into the "human/sentient" catagory. And I would never let someone take alien and human as a disadvantage (because my interpretation of "human" as the character's species automatically makes them alien to anyone outside thier species) but machine and organic is a very different story. And I would find that a signifigant disadvantage for a robot (since even a mental user with only snetient abilities could effect it) or a biologic who could be taknen control of by hackers. That is a significant disadvantage. And it should be worth about 10 points, in my opinion. But again, that's my call. And if others don't wish to use it that's fine too. So long as the game is fun it doesn't matter a bit to me.
  7. Re: Quick, Easy Mental CoM Question I think it would depend on the prevalence of mental powers, if there are none...then not much of anything. I say it's fully impairing...but the commonality would be the problem with giving you an outright answer. It would be pretty easy to make using Fred's guidlines, but since they are at home, and I am at work, I'd have to get back to you on that.
  8. Re: Throws and Sweeps it's so'k, just felt like helping him clarify. which if you also look is exactly what roy suggested although he only brought up the movethrough. But yes, you are right. The most efective way to break through here would be with those tactics. mmm tasty reach
  9. Re: Throws and Sweeps if you'll look again, he said: If you: have a halberd They: have a sword The halberd has the reach on the sword and therefore has the advantage unless the sword user can get in close. If the halberd keeps tripping the oponent and moving back then attacking, then the sword user must stay out of range to avoid being repeatedly tripped and taken advantage of. I think that was what he was trying to say. At no time was there mention of both combined, and it is a good tactic. Reach is usually an advantage, the smart sword user will try to get within the halberd's attack range or around it, but will stop moving forward. So long as you have the reach, tripping is usually a good move. It's also very effective with whips.
  10. Re: to map combat or not to map combat.
  11. Re: Using Class of Minds - sharing experiences, how-tos
  12. Re: to map combat or not to map combat. Thnx Zod, it was the best I could come up with for the training rooms...especially since the ship is so big.
  13. Re: Timing of Hit Location/ Armor Application yeah, and it's sometimes most unfortunate tht it works that way. As herolover's signiture says... I'm CON stuned again!
  14. Re: Using Class of Minds - sharing experiences, how-tos yeah that's about it. hmm, I think I like the ECV better, it's a lot cleaner.
  15. Re: Using Class of Minds - sharing experiences, how-tos nope, I think that's it for Lord Zod's game. I'm going to expand thm in the new one, only because I think that the difference between the mental energy of one race ALL of the other sentient ones is not the same. It wont be overly complicated, There will be a free floating Mental defense house rule that you don't necisarily need to buy to have effect you. For example, you will recive mental defense if you are simply a human being and a Trliad tries to influence your emotions with it's mind. Because the Triliad has a plant class mind even though it is sentient, and how it manifests emotions is not similar to the way a human does. How differnt is up to the GM (me) You will not recieve mental defense if a crossbreed between the triliad (god forbid this happen) a humna being tries to do the same. If it becomes too cumbersome then I'll rethink it. A lot of the first months of the game will be retweaking =P
  16. Re: Using Class of Minds - sharing experiences, how-tos I use human/machine/alien/animal mind classes. I also have "specific inanimate/sessile mindless object" class wich takes acare of things like "talk to stone" or "talk to trees." On ocassion I will alow a character who can "commune" with inanimate objects such as cofeee cups and random pieces of equipment to take the broader inanimate object class, but that depends on the concept (ie. does he only think they talk back...or do they) and especially if the comunication is image based. Though usually I'll make them buy clairsencience for past events that ocurred around the object, through touching objects instead. The way I use the human class, is that I mainly use it as "character's species" All minds other than your own species are instantly alien to you, unless you buy the class: alien mind. The difficulty of mind controling or taking information from an alien mind is determined based on it's willingness and how different the species is from you mentally. Some races are given mental defense only against alien minds (anyone who is not of thier species) due to extreme differences. For the most part I like to limit mental defense to "against attacks from alien minds farther from 2 steps away" unless the character's concept calls from mental defense against thier own species or ones closer (such as a mentalist or someone with exstensive mental training and control) I will not allow joe shmoe to take mental defense against his own specie's mind. You can also model this mental defense as "does not work against X" Where X is the character's species. Some of steps I usually consider are as follows: Is the sentient alien plant like? Does it come from a urban or rural envirnoment or community? Is it primitive and more animal like, even though it's not an animal? Does the alien communicate using language? Pictures? Colors? Does the alien see the way the attacker does? Can the attacker even interprate what images they would recieve? How does this relate to the person using the mind control? If they are completely similar then there is less of a penalty. If they entirely differnt than the penalty is incresed. If the difference is in more than 2 places than mental defenses bought against alien minds start to apply. It seems to work out ok, but we'll see after I start running the campaign.
  17. Re: GM Assistance yeah it is comforting, and one reason why I don't usually let anyone start with it.
  18. Re: GM Assistance well, the reasoning for the NND/AVLD is that lightsabers cut through anything...even things with very very high defenses and armour piercing wont always do the trick? Anyway, the NND version is from star hero, so I'm not insisting on it, just giving reference. It's on page 148
  19. Re: GM Assistance heh, yeah I know what you mean. I've always felt they were a bit too powerful since most things regaurdless of toughness/size/ability would be hacked to bits. I am actually allowing them in very small numbers in the game I have for the fall...but no one can start with it, they have to find one and buy it. And the book suggests retailing them at 184,200 credits or more
  20. Re: The Last Word hehe, you guys is silly
  21. Re: GM Assistance umm, star hero has a "lightsaber" in it as a weapon example. it is as follows: Energy Sword RKA 3d6 NND (defense is ED force field/force wall or being blocked by another energy blade +1), Does BODY (+1), Reduced endurance (0 END +1/2), [157 AP] OAF -1, No Range -1/2 [cost 63] PLUS RKA 2d6, NND (defense is ED force field/force wall or being blocked by another energy blade +1), Does BODY (+1), Continous +1, Damage Shield +1/2, Reduced endurance (0 END +1/2), [150 AP] OAF -1, linked -1/4, only effects material objects that strike blade -1/2 [cost 54] Total Cost = 117 you could add a few more limitations if you wanted to, like does not cause bleeding or strength does not add... but that is the model that is in Star Hero. Roy also has a version of the "lightsaber" that you might like better. I did have a copy but right this moment I'm not sure where it is.
  22. Re: your thoughts on size good plan roy some of them will eat you
  23. Re: Keeping them distant in multiple combat yes, but I tell you what...period one on one fighting...if you're oponent is on the ground crying and the marshal is yelling hold you're probubly close. One on one you'll pull anything that might work...But I would agree that pike's/polearms/spears ar VERY dangerous in combination and more so set with tower shield walls. And that it is this that they were designed for anyway...that and taking out charges ^^ I myself tend to stick with archery and fencing, which is much simpler in my opinion. And yes I understand the whole "fighting like we aren;t armoured" thingy...but Most of the time a heavies challenge ends in dented armour, people thrown to the ground, and some broken bones. And we don't use steel weapons. I definately agree with the intimidating aspect of the pike wall. Perhapse characters who wish to charge a well fortified pike wall will have to make an ego roll at a penalty?
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