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Everything posted by Tiree

  1. Re: Floorplans for a Military base? Basically a base is like a town. It will have pretty much the same things you would see in a small town. Paved Roads, Gas Station, Bank, and Store. Depending on the needs, and how large of a base you are looking for. The larger bases will have pool and bowling halls along with a Burger King or some fast food shop, not to mention a movie theater. But small bases like Ft Bliss will just have a bar and a PX. But the most common thing they will have are the following: PX (even if it is ran out of a trailer), Medical Facility (minimal care minimum 9-5 hours), Barracks (Hall style or dorm style), Motor Pool (A place to make minor maintenance), Armory (to store some weapons), Mess Hall (to feed the troops - even if it is only handing out MRE's or K-Rats), and a Flag Pole! (you got to fly old glory!)
  2. Re: WWYCD: Any last words? Azrael would gladly welcome his death. Since that is what is driving him to become a super hero. But he has a driving imperative to live, so he would be forced to work to find a cure. But his greed, is even more deeply engrained into him. So he would let the other team members find a cure, while he directed his mega-corporation in his Secret ID. Depending on whether his soul moves on is another story. Technically he should survive - after he died (got to love resurrection with linked life support)
  3. Re: WWYCD trapped in a quarantined, plague-infested city? Azrael would not let the girl go through the surgery. He himself would undertake it. Now to understand the way his powers work - every time he dies, he ressurects with full immunity to any pathogen that kills him (Life Support linked to ressurection). Now this is a natural ability, he has been lying to his team saying, that he has nanites in his blood (This is his only super ability after all)
  4. Re: Need Expert Stat Help: Batgirl III 250pts? OIF / OIHID - these are really the options you have for a focus/limitation for the costume. OIF is -1/2 while OIHID is -1/4. What you have chosen is IIF - it is an inobvious armored costume - thus people will not really see it as a costume. If that is what you are going for, then you picked the right one. Otherwise I might go with OIF for the extra point savings, and then later buy it to OIHID. But you really need to figure out what kind of point caps there really are or should be reasonably encountered. The 5th Ed (not sure about revised) of the Hero System gives you great guidelines to build a character. In a 250 point game I can't really see anyone going over speed 5, unless they were a speedster. I have had quite a quick and efficient character at speed 3! I would also really think about getting that MultiPower/Gadget Pool. Buy the Pool at OIF and the slots OAF with Lockout, and you pretty much have some good extra abilities.
  5. Re: Good old Phasing
  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
  7. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I definately like your stance on your work Storn. I personally like Line Art, but you really need color for a Super Heroic feel of the characters you bring forth. Now do my real question: Is there a more frontal/standard image of this character out there published or unpublished?
  8. Re: Difficulty reaching Super-Hero status I would definately think about building your powers into a Multi-Power. This will save you quite a bit of points. So you can have a Multipower (Diesel Armor Suit Weapons) 1) Diesel Fumes (I think this needs to be reworked - the EB NND you may need to purchase personal immunity, no range, area of affect 2" radius) 2) Oil Slick (I think this should have a vulnerability of fire) I would really re-think the flamethrower idea. Instead of having it removed - have it retooled. Maybe it holds some high pressured goo or flame retardant now?
  9. Re: Difficulty reaching Super-Hero status Depending on the nature of this suit: I would definately put on board a machinegun/tommygun style weapon system. It doesn't necessarily have to fire using RKA's, but it could use dummy/stun rounds. I would even utilize some crossbow like devices or Air Powered guns and grappling launchers. But then again - try and picture your golden age suit of Armor and the tech level assosciated with it. If you see it as a 1800's steam powered locomotive machine it will be a power house, or just a character enhancer?
  10. Re: Funny Hero Thread I actually designed a character a long time ago in 4E, her name was "Waffle Woman". She was based on a picture of some college girl who thought it was funny to dress up as a super hero, and go down to the local Waffle House. She badgered the customers, took pictures, and filled out an application. It was quite hilarious and the manager actually called her back for an interview. She was not looking to get hired IIRC. But it was still funny to read. My version of Waffle Woman used an unending supply of Waffles that when hurled could take out a car (she made them herself every morning, and thought they were quite tasty - nobody else liked her cooking...). She had Maple Syrup of Justice - a very sticky entangle. Fruit Topping of Truth, strawberries preferred (usually forced fed till you puked). And a Whip Cream Can used for a flash attack. Edit: OMG the website is still up (and still funny as ever): http://www.wafflewoman.com/waffle.htm
  11. Re: Gadgets from Ultraviolet I am thinking OIHID is probably the right limitation to choose for the weapon/concealment. I would build this as a MP with 0 END on the weapon slots with a limitation Real Weapon so I would have to change clips or drop the gun etc... Even though this is probably a SFX saying she is able to quickly change clips while fighting and wouldn't really require it.
  12. Re: A very strange build for critiquing. I personally would buy the sword as an Automaton/Follower to the PC Player (wielder). I did this a while back trying to figure out the system myself. I based my magical sword off of the Anime Silent Mobius
  13. Re: Your personal comic book origins I remember reading my first comic book when I was about 8, and I hated it. It was a Superman comic, and I think it was set in the vietnam era. It was pretty much a rag, falling apart when I got it. Many years later, I picked up an X-Men Comic right after the Inferno series, and it just got me hooked, I needed to know what happened, but I still didn't buy any comics as a true fan. I ended up going to a comic book convention look for video tapes of Robotech. I had enough money to buy them (If I didn't spend the money for the covercharge getting into the convention). So it wasn't a complete bust, I picked up the Dark Pheonix Saga in a Graphic Novel. Again I was hooked (I think it was the White Queen....) So I collected backwards and forwards until the Legacy Virus world shift that Marvel did. Then I stopped. But during that time I picked up quite a bit of different comics, and really enjoyed Image - amazingly enough for the fresh start of the stories.
  14. Re: Pcs and the presidency It shouldn't be a problem if he wants to be a Vice President. Just think about it - Most VP's do nothing, and have little power. The President sends them off to get them out of their hair.
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I don't think anyone is complaining
  16. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Again thanks for holding off on putting my request for others to see Storn. They had a blast with how you depicted him. He was built for d20 - but we have been trying to do a Hero Conversion for some time. But it is quite hard to get the right feel with an artificial cap on how many points to spend. Interesting Note: He is not a Jedi, just found the lightsaber.
  17. Re: Costume fixation (Get your mind out of the gutter) I guess I like the Dark Costumes - Black and Grey's. I mean how are you going to skulk the night without it? I also like the utilitarian style of clothes, where you have the utility belt or combat gear and restraints. The stuff that reminds me that they are soldiers, and they are going to get into a fight. For pulpish stuff, I like the trenchcoats and eye masks. Normal clothing used in a non-standard way. One of my favorites characters I played had a Tux and a black mask... As for characters: US Agent, Dark Pheonix (she just looked hot in red!), and the White Queen in her lengerie!
  18. Re: Wireless connection laptop? Well - how would you design something like a blackberry? I see it as part of the wealth advantage 0pt. You can afford a cell phone you can afford a crackberry. If all you want to do is send e-mail a crackberry is perfect!
  19. Re: Costs END Only to Activate Am I not mistaken, but Doesn't "Costs Endurance Only to Activate" has to be put on a power that has No Endurance? So if you have a power that is an attack or a power that normally has endurance, and you purchase this, the Active Points will go through the roof. Because now you have to purchase a 1/2 advantage. So if you have an Active Point Cap in your game, it really is a disadvantage, isn't it? I tend to play in a 250pt Super Hero campaign with a 75pt Active Point cap, it can be a problem. On top of that, if you have a power that is naturally costs no endurance, and now it does, you may have lost some other features, not only now paying endurance.
  20. Re: Costs END Only to Activate I think that is because if you bought a FF with CEOTA you would first need to make the FF 0 End, before you buy CEOTA. And even then, it is still not persistent.
  21. Re: Advantagous sfx No, but if a player built this character correctly, wouldn't they buy desolid? At that point, they would get out of the grab? I have to admit, I am not that up on Shapeshift, and that might be my limitation.
  22. Re: Advantagous sfx Wow, very tough thread. I agree that sloppy character build should not be handwaved, no hindered either. Say I have a Human Torch style character, but I didn't add the limitation - does not work in Vacuum and Water. Well, what does this tell me, it will work in a Vacuum and Water! Now you have to go: How does this work? Well it means that the character is creating its own Oxygen. That's cool, and now you have a small problem - Life Support! Now you need to buy the character life support, does not need to breathe. But lets say the character didn't? Now you have the option - the player now thinks of this, but how does he act upon it. GM Handwave? Or does the GM say no, you can't use it due to the fact your character hasn't perfected how to breathe his own Oxygen. The Special Effect should help you with the build of the character. You can classify an NND where the fire character sucks out all the oxygen in a room. SFX is an Enhancer to how to build a character, not a get me out of Jail free card. As for stretching, the player needs to buy Desolid to go through tiny holes. Even though his SFX is stretching and what not, he just may not be that good yet! But as a GM and it made sense, I might let the player do a Power Use roll with penalty based on Active Point of the power, and if he used it 3 times then they must buy the power, even if that means EP Debt.
  23. Re: Costs END Only to Activate For Armor CEOTA is very useful, but also a Bane. It makes this 0 END Persistent power, cost endurance and non-persistent. So when you have a character who has built up an Armor Defense gets knocked out, their armor drops. I currently have a character who is like that, and that is my worst fear - have this character stunned, armor drops and Secret ID exposed.
  24. Re: Batman, the Disgustingly Powerful Ninja To me the question is, do you build Batman as a Super or do you build him as a Heroic Level? If you build him as Heroic Level, then you don't pay for any of his gear.
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