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Everything posted by Tiree

  1. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory BACON - Bay Area Criminal Operation Negotiator. FUBAR - Federal Unit Basic Armed Response. SNAFU - Sponsored North American Fighting Unit that's my contribution
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. If for anything - I appreciate this quote the most. I never liked the idea of groin guns. Rifts already has too many of that already! But I have to admit it is a pretty cool concept. Looking at the picture long enough you can see some cool stuff. Cannonballs, Shells, Laundry... very cool. The only thing that makes it odd for me, but it's part of the coolness: Is how everything inside is perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. On the US Marine Corpse - I keep wondering if he should have his Dog Tags... Would they have been pulled off by a comrade, have one tucked away in the laces of his shoe? But other than that I love the imagery... And the fact he'd John Wayne'd the helmet!
  4. Re: Your character gets 50 points for a base When the current campaign I am in first started, it was going to be a Pulp game. So the base was going to be a Zeppelin! Now the game has progressed, Azrael has two bases which he paid for (and amazingly not the team!!!) The first base is an office space located on Market Street in San Francisco (ie main drag) and during the day it is the Front for the teams super hero office. Basically a lounge a receptionist, and a phone on a recorder. It is completely un-staffed, but open from 9-5. After 5pm the place gets rented out as a telemarketer call center! (it pays the bills!) But his super secret lair is his downtown 3 level apartment on the top floor of the skyscraper he owns. It has an express elevator to the garage where his super car is. The base has armored windows, force fields, force walls, a powerful computer system, hologram system (mainly used while he is asleep - he was attacked while he slept once), a panic room, and a EMP Generator that could take out the surrounding block.
  5. Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4 I like heavy metal angel
  6. Re: Wild Force - HELP! I would say: Look at how the GM has built the standard force powers, and go from there. Basically in all the different flavors of Star Wars the force is across the board, the same and who wields the force just has a different take on it. Add or Remove adders and lims to the way the force powers are done and go from there. As a Warrior / Tribal Shaman you may go with Stat Enhancers (through Aid or just bought stats with Endurance Cost - OHID or whatever) You can go with the standard stuff of Telekinesis, Flight / Leaping, and Affect Mind. Not to mention throwing a lightning bolt here and there for good measure.
  7. Re: Quick question on Star Wars: Thermal detonator I'll have to dig out that old Adventure Journal where a Bounty Hunter used Thermal Detonators as props. She would take out the core to scare people, or possibly not. But if IIRC it basically just eliminated everything in its sphere. I see it as kind of like how the Terminator comes back in time... in a giant sphere that disintegrates everything. If that is the case, I would go with Plot Device or twice the damage of a lightsaber in the game with area of effect (depending on how you do lightsabers). Or 4d6RKA Area of Affect, AVLD Force Fields Does Body
  8. http://swda.art-of-void.de/index.html The Star Wars Design Alliance like the Star Wars Deckplan Alliance that Frank V Bonura had started also provides deckplans to Star Wars designs and some home made ships. The ships are designed in Meters, and it could easily be set up with a Hex Grid overlay at 20 pixels per meter. They have a pretty decent forum to take on discussions and provide help to others, not to mention pat on the backs to boost their ego's. But some of the members are even taking on some heavy duty projects like the CR-90 and a Marauder Corvette. Hope it helps someone in a Star Hero/Star Wars campaign!
  9. Re: I Need A Gadget I agree with Ghost Angel on the Shades! But I always liked the Force Lance from Andromeda. It has some ranged attacks, can be used for Hand to Hand. Add in some missile deflection or some other gear. And the best of all it's an OAF Multipower. Heck you can even add in the Grappling Hook!
  10. Re: Richest Man in the World Disease Right now I am playing a character with a 15 points in wealth (it was the character concept - akin to Howard Hughes). The GM flat out said - don't abuse it. I myself took it to heart enough so, that the other players keep on asking "can you buy this?" or "Let's borrow his personal jet". Of course my character has a "Greedy" disadvantage and regularly requires people to pay him for expenses. But I mainly use the wealth perk to explain how and why the character has access to equipment, vehicles and bases. It has also been a plot hook based on another 5 point disadvantage of a rivalry that spawned a whole campaign!
  11. Re: Power source or origin by era Wouldn't Nanotechnology fit under a subsect of "Cyborg" - and with the same concept of Genetic Engineering and/or Bio-replacements.
  12. Re: The Interogation Skill as a "Lab" My favorite is from this quote, "Well, Muzz, I guess it's just you, and... and me... and your balls... and this drawer."
  13. Re: Regen again I believe you need to have a full die in order for "Regeneration" to work. I would put it in the same category as Penetrating. In order for Penetrating to work, you need to have a full 1d6.
  14. Re: CSLs overpriced? My first thought about CSL's vs Stats is if you have the disadvantage: Normal Characteristic Maxima. It would start costing a character quite a bit more over 20 Dex than it would be with CSL's.
  15. Re: nbc heroes tv series Hiro Nakamura What version of Java is needed to view those characters in IE? Right now it loads up, and then the data disappears.
  16. Re: Followers in 5ER I believe points are points. You have a 350 point character who uses 50 points to buy followers. Your character is still a 350 point character but chose to spend 50 of the points not directly on the character, but the character will get something in return (namely followers). Now if my math is correct at 50 points you can get 1 250 point follower, or various amounts of lesser ones.
  17. Re: Building a Cybernetic "brainjack" I was thinking you could do the skill softs as, "Overall Skill Levels" with the limitation that in order to change the Overall Skill Level, you need to swap the chip (kind of like chaging a clip in a firearm). This should effectively only provide bonuses to skills already known. I would also purchase additional SPD "only while connected" this is probably a -0 limitation or at best -1/2 depending on if it is wireless jack or not. Instead of Restrainable as a Lim, you might want to go with OIHID - same cost...
  18. Re: Hair Tricks? You might even get Desolodification out of this - so you can stretch the hair under the door to unlock it... that sort of thing.
  19. Re: No idea how to model this... I would buy it as a Folllower or a Summon as an alternate way to go.
  20. Re: Thought I understood MP, maybe I don't? Maybe I am mistaken about the Gadget/Utility Belt MP setup. But I always put a limitation of OIF on the MP, and OAF on the slots if it was a gun, baterang or whathaveyou...
  21. Re: Questions for the Canadian HEROBoard members Don't forget your loonies and toonies (1 and 2 dollar coins)
  22. Re: Questions for the Canadian HEROBoard members From my three month visit to Canada - The biggest change I found for me were just the minor stuff - Gasoline - Petrol About - Aboot Restroom - Washroom I was in an area that was a bit depressed. So people did have a hankering against people with money. Since I was not in Quebec, you could tell they had a distain for that province, BUT it was lesser than their disdain for the US.
  23. Re: How do I build: Foci enhanced powers How about just building the Focus with Aid with the various limitations you want to add to it. This should be legal, and very straight forward.
  24. Re: Not In Hero ID? My super rich industrialist/corporate raider does carry 10,000 dollars on him at all times. Plus in his super id he has corporate sponsers (his industrialist self being one of them) with a corporate credit card I forgot the character is uber stingy with money and will let other characters pay for things. Like the taxi cab ride, where everyone scrounges around in their pockets for 15 dollars - "sorry guys I don't have anything that will work" (he carris 100's...). Plus he'll use the other characters vehicles to get where they need to go. Stretch-boy's nearly non-functioning pinto has been used on many occassions.
  25. Re: Mystery Men write-ups?
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