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Everything posted by Tiree

  1. Re: All heroes are NOT created equal Markdoc = I think you have hit something there. I don't believe it really is the point total that is the problem. Otherwise people would of had problems in other games when rolling up stats and getting some crappy rolls. What the problem really comes down to me, is people feeling like second stringers to someone else. Either a GM playing favoritism, players trying to take control of the game, or what have you. This is really the most un-fun thing to either GM or play with.
  2. Re: Let's talk about Combat Luck If the Bug can do a sneak attack - then their combat luck is ineffective. Combat Luck is - luck based: So it is GM's call on when it can be used. A big key is how you define Combat Luck. I see Combat Luck as dodging, weaving, blocking, swatting, and in constant awareness of things around the character. But how often does a bug slip through like a mosquito - first time pretty easy, second time nigh impossible.
  3. Re: Multi-form suggestions? There was a character exactly like this in X-Men: 2099 - if you have a copy or can pick it up, it might help. But if you have any super science metal like adamantium - I would put that in there too.
  4. Re: Danger sense as "hears theme music"? I can even see someone with a Video-Game Motif. Where danger is afoot, the music queue's - a Joystick, and two buttons appear and tells you what you must do - but timing is everything. - What was it, Dragon Lair that did that?
  5. Re: The limits of regeneration I have a character with standard regeneration with life support linked to it. In other words, he is normal but once the form of damage that the LS protects he immediately becomes immune to the effects for the duration of the effect. So if the character goes underwater, the regeneration kicks in, then the LS kicks in with the no need to breathe - until he gets out of the water. I don't know if I did that right, but that is the effect I wanted the character to have. I also did this for chemical and biological agents: this really torqued a GM when he tried to kill my character with poison.
  6. Re: Immunity: Magnetism I definately like the simplicity of the desolidification makes it quite elegant. The attacker would need to have the SFX of affects Desolid to affect the character. Consider yourself repped!
  7. Re: Quadriplegia and cybernetics? I would call it a disadvantage also. Because all it really is a special effect of having cybernetic limbs. As for the limbs being able to come off, I would put in the limitation that you can only change slots with the proper tools. So yes you can do it in the field, but you need the tools. It also allows bad guys to remove them - if they have the tools.
  8. Re: No Recovery in in Conbat Well look at the world of Firefly - you have Malcolm Reynolds: He has been shot several times, and has had a sword run through him TWICE! A good RP'er will show his character having issues while having a sword stuck through him. But common sense and GM inteverention should also give the player some negatives if needed (Based on the kind of Game the GM wants)
  9. Re: Regeneration vs the Environment I would try building a character concept as to what you see sometimes in the movies. You might want to build some additional life support based on evironmental factors. Maybe linking the additional life support to the regeneration - ressurection. That way maybe the character will die normally (say a Nerve Agent), the character would recover through regeneration and die again. Unless the character had life support against Nerve Agent, at that point the Nerve Agent ceases to affect the character. Is that what your kind of looking for?
  10. Re: Bypassing Armor that has Activation rolls I didn't know about that either - btw thanks for the REP from another thread.
  11. Re: Bypassing Armor that has Activation rolls I also like the beat by X reduce activation roll by X. But as an alternate, the player who is firing, could make a call that they want to reduce their TN by X so the Activation Roll could take a negative. So in the same situation with the shooter has to beat a 12 for a headshot. They take an additional 5 penalty so now the defender has to roll a 9 or less. This way you don't have players like me making called shots everytime they play since it may cause a negative to the Activation Roll. By adding the attacker must choose the penalty they also seem to have more control.
  12. Re: Question: Movement 'Trick' I think it is covered under the position shift advantage of Teleportation.
  13. Re: Why not OCV levels? You can buy +1 OCV CSL on a focus for 5 pts. So you can buy that Magical Sword +2 OCV (Finely crafted Dwarven Steel - them elves only produce +1) for 10pts with the disad of being a focus. But that is a sanctioned rule...
  14. Re: Gadgeteering query I would force the character to use the Independant Limitation whenever the character wants to 'lend' a weapon to another player. This way the player lending would have a possibility of losing points.
  15. Re: Dodging perceived threats It also fits with the "Luck Based -1/2" from Combat Luck. I still think you should mimic Combat Luck with the disads, it pulls out the need to roll unless absolutely necessary. It also lets the GM to let you lose it as needed to progress the story.
  16. Re: Explaining the Unusual Sense Group I think Zed-F covers it pretty well. I see the Unusual Sense group (as long as it is not tied to the Visual Sense Group) as a feeling, an itch in the back of the brain saying "something is there". I keep on thinking of a character with spacial awareness by use of mathematics. He goes into a room, and suddenly the lights go out. Everybody starts to move and furniture is tossed. Yet he is able to navigate through the room unharmed based on his mathematical ability of probability calculation.
  17. Re: Talk about toxic Gas! Youch - ingenious thought I must say. I definately would go with Blue on this. But he would be very - toxic. His sweat would have enough VX in it to kill people. Depending on the situation, I would probably even have the character take on a disadvantage due to having VX imbedded into fat cells.
  18. Re: Dodging perceived threats I would tack on the limitations from Combat Luck. It stops working if you are not able to perceive the threat. If I understand it correctly.
  19. Re: Sci-fi swear words? I'll get you that steam, but I need some Brake Light Fluid and some Spark Plugs for that HMMWV.
  20. Re: Sci-fi swear words? True, one of my favorites from the military is SNAFU and FUBAR - oddly enough both were businesses in the same shopping center when I was growing up... Situation Normal All F'd Up F'd Up Beyond All Recognition Now go get me some batteries for the Chem Light
  21. Re: Base with Disguise, but not Concealment No, never been there. But I keep on thinking about a little delicatessan that has italian roots, that could easily be a front I am sure there are a dozen variations to get the disguise just right.
  22. Re: Base with Disguise, but not Concealment The way I see disguise, is a front to a building. Picture a base hidden away in the urban city as an abandoned Firehouse. Now you have a base that is hard to recognize, because it doesn't screem Criminal Enterprise. In our Champions Universe, the team my character is involved with actually uses an old Police Station. It is their public base, but my character has a secret base in a different section of the city as an old firehouse. Just picture your evil criminal enterprise ran from a Mom and Pop's corner Deli!
  23. Re: Force Field powers help? Useable as an Attack is probably the option you are looking for. Being able to trap the villain within the Force Field, and allowing attacks in, but not out.
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